\section{\class{wxPrintData}}\label{wxprintdata} This class holds a variety of information related to print dialogs. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxPrintDialog}{wxprintdialog}, \helpref{wxPrintDialog Overview}{wxprintdialogoverview} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxPrintData::wxPrintData} \func{}{wxPrintData}{\void} Constructor. \membersection{wxPrintData::\destruct{wxPrintData}} \func{}{\destruct{wxPrintData}}{\void} Destructor. \membersection{wxPrintData::EnableHelp}\label{wxprintdataenablehelp} \func{void}{EnableHelp}{\param{bool }{flag}} Enables or disables the `Help' button. \membersection{wxPrintData::EnablePageNumbers}\label{wxprintdataenablepagenumbers} \func{void}{EnablePageNumbers}{\param{bool }{flag}} Enables or disables the `Page numbers' controls. \membersection{wxPrintData::EnablePrintToFile}\label{wxprintdataenableprinttofile} \func{void}{EnablePrintToFile}{\param{bool }{flag}} Enables or disables the `Print to file' checkbox. \membersection{wxPrintData::EnableSelection}\label{wxprintdataenableselection} \func{void}{EnableSelection}{\param{bool }{flag}} Enables or disables the `Selection' radio button. \membersection{wxPrintData::GetAllPages}\label{wxprintdatagetallpages} \func{bool}{GetAllPages}{\void} Returns TRUE if the user requested that all pages be printed. \membersection{wxPrintData::GetCollate}\label{wxprintdatagetcollate} \func{bool}{GetCollate}{\void} Returns TRUE if the user requested that the document(s) be collated. \membersection{wxPrintData::GetFromPage}\label{wxprintdatagetfrompage} \func{int}{GetFromPage}{\void} Returns the {\it from} page number, as entered by the user. \membersection{wxPrintData::GetMaxPage}\label{wxprintdatagetmaxpage} \func{int}{GetMaxPage}{\void} Returns the {\it maximum} page number. \membersection{wxPrintData::GetMinPage}\label{wxprintdatagetminpage} \func{int}{GetMinPage}{\void} Returns the {\it minimum} page number. \membersection{wxPrintData::GetNoCopies}\label{wxprintdatagetnocopies} \func{int}{GetNoCopies}{\void} Returns the number of copies requested by the user. \membersection{wxPrintData::GetOrientation}\label{wxprintdatagetorientation} \func{int}{GetOrientation}{\void} Gets the orientation. This can be wxLANDSCAPE or wxPORTRAIT. \membersection{wxPrintData::GetToPage}\label{wxprintdatagettopage} \func{int}{GetToPage}{\void} Returns the {\it to} page number, as entered by the user. \membersection{wxPrintData::SetCollate}\label{wxprintdatasetcollate} \func{void}{SetCollate}{\param{bool }{flag}} Sets the 'Collate' checkbox to TRUE or FALSE. \membersection{wxPrintData::SetFromPage}\label{wxprintdatasetfrompage} \func{void}{SetFromPage}{\param{int }{page}} Sets the {\it from} page number. \membersection{wxPrintData::SetMaxPage}\label{wxprintdatasetmaxpage} \func{void}{SetMaxPage}{\param{int }{page}} Sets the {\it maximum} page number. \membersection{wxPrintData::SetMinPage}\label{wxprintdatasetminpage} \func{void}{SetMinPage}{\param{int }{page}} Sets the {\it minimum} page number. \membersection{wxPrintData::SetOrientation}\label{wxprintdatasetorientation} \func{void}{SetOrientation}{\param{int }{orientation}} Sets the orientation. This can be wxLANDSCAPE or wxPORTRAIT. \membersection{wxPrintData::SetNoCopies}\label{wxprintdatasetnocopies} \func{void}{SetNoCopies}{\param{int }{n}} Sets the default number of copies to be printed out. \membersection{wxPrintData::SetPrintToFile}\label{wxprintdatasetprinttofile} \func{void}{SetPrintToFile}{\param{bool }{flag}} Sets the 'Print to file' checkbox to TRUE or FALSE. \membersection{wxPrintData::SetSetupDialog}\label{wxprintdatasetsetupdialog} \func{void}{SetSetupDialog}{\param{bool }{flag}} Determines whether the dialog to be shown will be the Print dialog (pass FALSE) or Print Setup dialog (pass TRUE). Note that the setup dialog is obsolete from Windows 95, though retained for backward compatibility. \membersection{wxPrintData::SetToPage}\label{wxprintdatasettopage} \func{void}{SetToPage}{\param{int }{page}} Sets the {\it to} page number. \section{\class{wxPrintDialog}}\label{wxprintdialog} This class represents the print and print setup common dialogs. You may obtain a \helpref{wxPrinterDC}{wxprinterdc} device context from a successfully dismissed print dialog. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxDialog}{wxdialog}\\ \helpref{wxWindow}{wxwindow}\\ \helpref{wxEvtHandler}{wxevthandler}\\ \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxPrintDialog Overview}{wxprintdialogoverview} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxPrintDialog::wxPrintDialog} \func{}{wxPrintDialog}{\param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{wxPrintData* }{data = NULL}} Constructor. Pass a parent window, and optionally a pointer to a block of print data, which will be copied to the print dialog's print data. \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxPrintData}{wxprintdata} \membersection{wxPrintDialog::\destruct{wxPrintDialog}} \func{}{\destruct{wxPrintDialog}}{\void} Destructor. If wxPrintDialog::GetPrintDC has {\it not} been called, the device context obtained by the dialog (if any) will be deleted. \membersection{wxPrintDialog::GetPrintData}\label{wxprintdialoggetprintdata} \func{wxPrintData\&}{GetPrintData}{\void} Returns the \helpref{print data}{wxprintdata} associated with the print dialog. \membersection{wxPrintDialog::GetPrintDC}\label{wxprintdialoggetprintdc} \func{wxDC* }{GetPrintDC}{\void} Returns the device context created by the print dialog, if any. When this function has been called, the ownership of the device context is transferred to the application, so it must then be deleted explicitly. \membersection{wxPrintDialog::ShowModal}\label{wxprintdialogshowmodal} \func{int}{ShowModal}{\void} Shows the dialog, returning wxID\_OK if the user pressed OK, and wxID\_CANCEL otherwise. After this function is called, a device context may be retrievable using \helpref{wxPrintDialog::GetPrintDC}{wxprintdialoggetprintdc}. \section{\class{wxPrinter}}\label{wxprinter} This class represents the Windows or PostScript printer, and is the vehicle through which printing may be launched by an application. Printing can also be achieved through using of lower functions and classes, but this and associated classes provide a more convenient and general method of printing. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{Printing framework overview}{printingoverview}, \helpref{wxPrinterDC}{wxprinterdc}, \helpref{wxPrintDialog}{wxprintdialog},\rtfsp \helpref{wxPrintout}{wxprintout}, \helpref{wxPrintPreview}{wxprintpreview}. \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxPrinter::wxPrinter} \func{}{wxPrinter}{\param{wxPrintData* }{data = NULL}} Constructor. Pass an optional pointer to a block of print data, which will be copied to the printer object's print data. \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxPrintData}{wxprintdata} \membersection{wxPrinter::\destruct{wxPrinter}} \func{}{\destruct{wxPrinter}}{\void} Destructor. \membersection{wxPrinter::Abort}\label{wxprinterabort} \func{bool}{Abort}{\void} Returns TRUE if the user has aborted the print job. \membersection{wxPrinter::CreateAbortWindow}\label{wxprintercreateabortwindow} \func{void}{CreateAbortWindow}{\param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{wxPrintout* }{printout}} Creates the default printing abort window, with a cancel button. \membersection{wxPrinter::GetPrintData}\label{wxprintergetprintdata} \func{wxPrintData\&}{GetPrintData}{\void} Returns the \helpref{print data}{wxprintdata} associated with the printer object. \membersection{wxPrinter::Print}\label{wxprinterprint} \func{bool}{Print}{\param{wxWindow *}{parent}, \param{wxPrintout *}{printout}, \param{bool }{prompt=TRUE}} Starts the printing process. Provide a parent window, a user-defined wxPrintout object which controls the printing of a document, and whether the print dialog should be invoked first. Print could return FALSE if there was a problem initializing the printer device context (current printer not set, for example). \membersection{wxPrinter::PrintDialog}\label{wxprinterprintdialog} \func{bool}{PrintDialog}{\param{wxWindow *}{parent}} Invokes the print dialog. \membersection{wxPrinter::ReportError}\label{wxprinterreporterror} \func{void}{ReportError}{\param{wxWindow *}{parent}, \param{wxPrintout *}{printout}, \param{const wxString\& }{message}} Default error-reporting function. \membersection{wxPrinter::Setup}\label{wxprintersetup} \func{void}{Setup}{\param{wxWindow *}{parent}} Invokes the print setup dialog. Note that the setup dialog is obsolete from Windows 95, though retained for backward compatibility. \section{\class{wxPrinterDC}}\label{wxprinterdc} A printer device context is specific to Windows, and allows access to any printer with a Windows driver. See \helpref{wxDC}{wxdc} for further information on device contexts, and \helpref{wxDC::GetSize}{wxdcgetsize} for advice on achieving the correct scaling for the page. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxDC}{wxdc}\\ \helpref{wxObject}{wxdc} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxDC}{wxdc}, \helpref{Printing framework overview}{printingoverview} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxPrinterDC::wxPrinterDC} \func{}{wxPrinterDC}{\param{const wxString\& }{driver}, \param{const wxString\& }{device}, \param{const wxString\& }{output}, \param{const bool }{interactive = TRUE}, \param{int }{orientation = wxPORTRAIT}} Constructor. With empty strings for the first three arguments, the default printer dialog is displayed. {\it device} indicates the type of printer and {\it output} is an optional file for printing to. The {\it driver} parameter is currently unused. Use the {\it Ok} member to test whether the constructor was successful in creating a useable device context. \section{\class{wxPrintout}}\label{wxprintout} This class encapsulates the functionality of printing out an application document. A new class must be derived and members overridden to respond to calls such as OnPrintPage and HasPage. Instances of this class are passed to wxPrinter::Print or a wxPrintPreview object to initiate printing or previewing. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{Printing framework overview}{printingoverview}, \helpref{wxPrinterDC}{wxprinterdc}, \helpref{wxPrintDialog}{wxprintdialog},\rtfsp \helpref{wxPrinter}{wxprinter}, \helpref{wxPrintPreview}{wxprintpreview} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxPrintout::wxPrintout} \func{}{wxPrintout}{\param{const wxString\& }{title = "Printout"}} Constructor. Pass an optional title argument (currently unused). \membersection{wxPrintout::\destruct{wxPrintout}} \func{}{\destruct{wxPrintout}}{\void} Destructor. \membersection{wxPrintout::GetDC}\label{wxprintoutgetdc} \func{wxDC *}{GetDC}{\void} Returns the device context associated with the printout (given to the printout at start of printing or previewing). This will be a wxPrinterDC if printing under Windows, a wxPostScriptDC if printing on other platforms, and a wxMemoryDC if previewing. \membersection{wxPrintout::GetPageInfo}\label{wxprintoutgetpageinfo} \func{void}{GetPageInfo}{\param{int *}{minPage}, \param{int *}{maxPage}, \param{int *}{pageFrom}, \param{int *}{pageTo}} Called by the framework to obtain information from the application about minimum and maximum page values that the user can select, and the required page range to be printed. By default this returns 1, 32000 for the page minimum and maximum values, and 1, 1 for the required page range. If {\it minPage} is zero, the page number controls in the print dialog will be disabled. \membersection{wxPrintout::GetPageSizeMM}\label{wxprintoutgetpagesizemm} \func{void}{GetPageSizeMM}{\param{int *}{w}, \param{int *}{h}} Returns the size of the printer page in millimetres. \membersection{wxPrintout::GetPageSizePixels}\label{wxprintoutgetpagesizepixels} \func{void}{GetPageSizePixels}{\param{int *}{w}, \param{int *}{h}} Returns the size of the printer page in pixels. These may not be the same as the values returned from \helpref{wxDC::GetSize}{wxdcgetsize} if the printout is being used for previewing, since in this case, a memory device context is used, using a bitmap size reflecting the current preview zoom. The application must take this discrepancy into account if previewing is to be supported. \membersection{wxPrintout::GetPPIPrinter}\label{wxprintoutgetppiprinter} \func{void}{GetPPIPrinter}{\param{int *}{w}, \param{int *}{h}} Returns the number of pixels per logical inch of the printer device context. Dividing the printer PPI by the screen PPI can give a suitable scaling factor for drawing text onto the printer. Remember to multiply this by a scaling factor to take the preview DC size into account. \membersection{wxPrintout::GetPPIScreen}\label{wxprintoutgetppiscreen} \func{void}{GetPPIScreen}{\param{int *}{w}, \param{int *}{h}} Returns the number of pixels per logical inch of the screen device context. Dividing the printer PPI by the screen PPI can give a suitable scaling factor for drawing text onto the printer. Remember to multiply this by a scaling factor to take the preview DC size into account. \membersection{wxPrintout::HasPage}\label{wxprintouthaspage} \func{bool}{HasPage}{\param{int}{ pageNum}} Should be overriden to return TRUE if the document has this page, or FALSE if not. Returning FALSE signifies the end of the document. By default, HasPage behaves as if the document has only one page. \membersection{wxPrintout::IsPreview}\label{wxprintoutispreview} \func{bool}{IsPreview}{\void} Returns TRUE if the printout is currently being used for previewing. \membersection{wxPrintout::OnBeginDocument}\label{wxprintoutonbegindocument} \func{bool}{OnBeginDocument}{\param{int}{ startPage}, \param{int}{ endPage}} Called by the framework at the start of document printing. Return FALSE from this function cancels the print job. OnBeginDocument is called once for every copy printed. The base wxPrintout::OnBeginDocument {\it must} be called (and the return value checked) from within the overriden function, since it calls wxDC::StartDoc. \membersection{wxPrintout::OnEndDocument}\label{wxprintoutonenddocument} \func{void}{OnEndDocument}{\void} Called by the framework at the end of document printing. OnEndDocument is called once for every copy printed. The base wxPrintout::OnEndDocument {\it must} be called from within the overriden function, since it calls wxDC::EndDoc. \membersection{wxPrintout::OnBeginPrinting}\label{wxprintoutonbeginprinting} \func{void}{OnBeginPrinting}{\void} Called by the framework at the start of printing. OnBeginPrinting is called once for every print job (regardless of how many copies are being printed). \membersection{wxPrintout::OnEndPrinting}\label{wxprintoutonendprinting} \func{void}{OnEndPrinting}{\void} Called by the framework at the end of printing. OnEndPrinting is called once for every print job (regardless of how many copies are being printed). \membersection{wxPrintout::OnPreparePrinting}\label{wxprintoutonprepareprinting} \func{void}{OnPreparePrinting}{\void} Called once by the framework before any other demands are made of the wxPrintout object. This gives the object an opportunity to calculate the number of pages in the document, for example. \membersection{wxPrintout::OnPrintPage}\label{wxprintoutonprintpage} \func{bool}{OnPrintPage}{\param{int}{ pageNum}} Called by the framework when a page should be printed. Returning FALSE cancels the print job. The application can use wxPrintout::GetDC to obtain a device context to draw on. \section{\class{wxPrintPreview}}\label{wxprintpreview} \overview{Printing framework overview}{printingoverview} Objects of this class manage the print preview process. The object is passed a wxPrintout object, and the wxPrintPreview object itself is passed to a wxPreviewFrame object. Previewing is started by initializing and showing the preview frame. Unlike wxPrinter::Print, flow of control returns to the application immediately after the frame is shown. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{See also} \overview{Printing framework overview}{printingoverview}, \helpref{wxPrinterDC}{wxprinterdc}, \helpref{wxPrintDialog}{wxprintdialog},\rtfsp \helpref{wxPrintout}{wxprintout}, \helpref{wxPrinter}{wxprinter},\rtfsp \helpref{wxPreviewCanvas}{wxpreviewcanvas}, \helpref{wxPreviewControlBar}{wxpreviewcontrolbar},\rtfsp \helpref{wxPreviewFrame}{wxpreviewframe}. \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxPrintPreview::wxPrintPreview} \func{}{wxPrintPreview}{\param{wxPrintout* }{printout}, \param{wxPrintout* }{printoutForPrinting}, \param{wxPrintData* }{data=NULL}} Constructor. Pass a printout object, an optional printout object to be used for actual printing, and the address of an optional block of printer data, which will be copied to the print preview object's print data. If {\it printoutForPrinting} is non-NULL, a {\bf Print...} button will be placed on the preview frame so that the user can print directly from the preview interface. Do not explicitly delete the printout objects once this destructor has been called, since they will be deleted in the wxPrintPreview constructor. The same does not apply to the {\it data} argument. Test the Ok member to check whether the wxPrintPreview object was created correctly. Ok could return FALSE if there was a problem initializing the printer device context (current printer not set, for example). \membersection{wxPrintPreview::\destruct{wxPrintPreview}} \func{}{\destruct{wxPrinter}}{\void} Destructor. Deletes both print preview objects, so do not destroy these objects in your application. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::DrawBlankPage}\label{wxprintpreviewdrawblankpage} \func{bool}{DrawBlankPage}{\param{wxWindow* }{window}} Draws a representation of the blank page into the preview window. Used internally. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::GetCanvas}\label{wxprintpreviewgetcanvas} \func{wxWindow* }{GetCanvas}{\void} Gets the preview window used for displaying the print preview image. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::GetCurrentPage}\label{wxprintpreviewgetcurrentpage} \func{int}{GetCurrentPage}{\void} Gets the page currently being previewed. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::GetFrame}\label{wxprintpreviewgetframe} \func{wxFrame *}{GetFrame}{\void} Gets the frame used for displaying the print preview canvas and control bar. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::GetMaxPage}\label{wxprintpreviewgetmaxpage} \func{int}{GetMaxPage}{\void} Returns the maximum page number. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::GetMinPage}\label{wxprintpreviewgetminpage} \func{int}{GetMinPage}{\void} Returns the minimum page number. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::GetPrintData}\label{wxprintpreviewgetprintdata} \func{wxPrintData\&}{GetPrintData}{\void} Returns a reference to the internal print data. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::GetPrintout}\label{wxprintpreviewgetprintout} \func{wxPrintout *}{GetPrintout}{\void} Gets the preview printout object associated with the wxPrintPreview object. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::GetPrintoutForPrinting}\label{wxprintpreviewgetprintoutforprinting} \func{wxPrintout *}{GetPrintoutForPrinting}{\void} Gets the printout object to be used for printing from within the preview interface, or NULL if none exists. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::Ok}\label{wxprintpreviewok} \func{bool}{Ok}{\void} Returns TRUE if the wxPrintPreview is valid, FALSE otherwise. It could return FALSE if there was a problem initializing the printer device context (current printer not set, for example). \membersection{wxPrintPreview::PaintPage}\label{wxprintpreviewpaintpage} \func{bool}{PaintPage}{\param{wxWindow* }{window}} This refreshes the preview window with the preview image. It must be called from the preview window's OnPaint member. The implementation simply blits the preview bitmap onto the canvas, creating a new preview bitmap if none exists. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::Print}\label{wxprintpreviewprint} \func{bool}{Print}{\param{bool }{prompt}} Invokes the print process using the second wxPrintout object supplied in the wxPrintPreview constructor. Will normally be called by the {\bf Print...} panel item on the preview frame's control bar. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::RenderPage}\label{wxprintpreviewrenderpage} \func{bool}{RenderPage}{\param{int }{pageNum}} Renders a page into a wxMemoryDC. Used internally by wxPrintPreview. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::SetCanvas}\label{wxprintpreviewsetcanvas} \func{void}{SetCanvas}{\param{wxWindow* }{window}} Sets the window to be used for displaying the print preview image. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::SetCurrentPage}\label{wxprintpreviewsetcurrentpage} \func{void}{SetCurrentPage}{\param{int}{ pageNum}} Sets the current page to be previewed. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::SetFrame}\label{wxprintpreviewsetframe} \func{void}{SetFrame}{\param{wxFrame *}{frame}} Sets the frame to be used for displaying the print preview canvas and control bar. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::SetPrintout}\label{wxprintpreviewsetprintout} \func{void}{SetPrintout}{\param{wxPrintout *}{printout}} Associates a printout object with the wxPrintPreview object. \membersection{wxPrintPreview::SetZoom}\label{wxprintpreviewsetzoom} \func{void}{SetZoom}{\param{int}{ percent}} Sets the percentage preview zoom, and refreshes the preview canvas accordingly.