\section{\class{wxUpdateIterator}}\label{wxupdateiterator} This class is used to iterate through all damaged regions of a canvas, panel or dialog box, within an OnPaint call. To use it, construct an iterator object on the stack and loop through the regions, testing the object and incrementing the iterator at the end of the loop. See \helpref{wxScrolledWindow::OnPaint}{wxscrolledwindowonpaint} for an example of use. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxScrolledWindow::OnPaint}{wxscrolledwindowonpaint} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxUpdateIterator::wxUpdateIterator} \func{}{wxUpdateIterator}{\param{wxWindow* }{window}} Creates an iterator object. \membersection{wxUpdateIterator::GetX} \func{int}{GetX}{\void} Returns the x value for the current region. \membersection{wxUpdateIterator::GetY} \func{int}{GetY}{\void} Returns the y value for the current region. \membersection{wxUpdateIterator::GetWidth} \func{int}{GetWidth}{\void} Returns the width value for the current region. \membersection{wxUpdateIterator::GetHeight} \func{int}{GetWidth}{\void} Returns the width value for the current region. \membersection{wxUpdateIterator::operator $++$} \func{void}{operator $++$}{\void} Increments the iterator to the next region.