\section{\class{wxPalette}}\label{wxpalette} A palette is a table that maps pixel values to RGB colours. It allows the colours of a low-depth bitmap, for example, to be mapped to the available colours in a display. %TODO: topic overview for wxPalette. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxGDIObject}{wxgdiobject}\\ \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{Predefined objects} Objects: {\bf wxNullPalette} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxDC::SetPalette}{wxdcsetpalette}, \helpref{wxBitmap}{wxbitmap} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxPalette::wxPalette}\label{wxpaletteconstr} \func{}{wxPalette}{\void} Default constructor. \func{}{wxPalette}{\param{const wxPalette\&}{ palette}} Copy constructor. This uses reference counting so is a cheap operation. \func{}{wxPalette}{\param{int}{ n}, \param{const unsigned char* }{red},\\ \param{const unsigned char* }{green}, \param{const unsigned char* }{blue}} Creates a palette from arrays of size {\it n}, one for each red, blue or green component. \wxheading{Parameters} \docparam{palette}{A pointer or reference to the palette to copy.} \docparam{n}{The number of indices in the palette.} \docparam{red}{An array of red values.} \docparam{green}{An array of green values.} \docparam{blue}{An array of blue values.} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxPalette::Create}{wxpalettecreate} \membersection{wxPalette::\destruct{wxPalette}} \func{}{\destruct{wxPalette}}{\void} Destructor. \membersection{wxPalette::Create}\label{wxpalettecreate} \func{bool}{Create}{\param{int}{ n}, \param{const unsigned char* }{red},\rtfsp \param{const unsigned char* }{green}, \param{const unsigned char* }{blue}} Creates a palette from arrays of size {\it n}, one for each red, blue or green component. \wxheading{Parameters} \docparam{n}{The number of indices in the palette.} \docparam{red}{An array of red values.} \docparam{green}{An array of green values.} \docparam{blue}{An array of blue values.} \wxheading{Return value} TRUE if the creation was successful, FALSE otherwise. \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxPalette::wxPalette}{wxpaletteconstr} \membersection{wxPalette::GetPixel}\label{wxpalettegetpixel} \constfunc{int}{GetPixel}{\param{const unsigned char }{red}, \param{const unsigned char }{green},\rtfsp \param{const unsigned char }{blue}} Returns a pixel value (index into the palette) for the given RGB values. \wxheading{Parameters} \docparam{red}{Red value.} \docparam{green}{Green value.} \docparam{blue}{Blue value.} \wxheading{Return value} The nearest palette index. \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxPalette::GetRGB}{wxpalettegetrgb} \membersection{wxPalette::GetRGB}\label{wxpalettegetrgb} \constfunc{bool}{GetPixel}{\param{int}{ pixel}, \param{const unsigned char* }{red}, \param{const unsigned char* }{green},\rtfsp \param{const unsigned char* }{blue}} Returns RGB values for a given palette index. \wxheading{Parameters} \docparam{pixel}{The palette index.} \docparam{red}{Receives the red value.} \docparam{green}{Receives the green value.} \docparam{blue}{Receives the blue value.} \wxheading{Return value} TRUE if the operation was successful. \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxPalette::GetPixel}{wxpalettegetpixel} \membersection{wxPalette::Ok}\label{wxpaletteok} \constfunc{bool}{Ok}{\void} Returns TRUE if palette data is present. \membersection{wxPalette::operator $=$}\label{wxpaletteassignment} \func{wxPalette\&}{operator $=$}{\param{const wxPalette\& }{palette}} Assignment operator, using reference counting. Returns a reference to `this'. \membersection{wxPalette::operator $==$}\label{wxpaletteequals} \func{bool}{operator $==$}{\param{const wxPalette\& }{palette}} Equality operator. Two palettes are equal if they contain pointers to the same underlying palette data. It does not compare each attribute, so two independently-created palettes using the same parameters will fail the test. \membersection{wxPalette::operator $!=$}\label{wxpalettenotequals} \func{bool}{operator $!=$}{\param{const wxPalette\& }{palette}} Inequality operator. Two palettes are not equal if they contain pointers to different underlying palette data. It does not compare each attribute.