/*-*- c++ -*-******************************************************** * wxFTCanvas: a canvas for editing formatted text * * * * (C) 1998 by Karsten Ballüder (Ballueder@usa.net) * * * * $Id$ * *******************************************************************/ /* - each Object knows its size and how to draw itself - the list is responsible for calculating positions - the draw coordinates for each object are the top left corner - coordinates only get calculated when things get redrawn - during redraw each line gets iterated over twice, first just calculating baselines and positions, second to actually draw it - the cursor position is the position before an object, i.e. if the buffer starts with a text-object, cursor 0,0 is just before the first character */ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "wxllist.h" #endif #include "wxllist.h" #include "iostream" #define BASELINESTRETCH 12 #define VAR(x) cerr << #x"=" << x << endl; #define DBG_POINT(p) cerr << #p << ": " << p.x << ',' << p.y << endl #define TRACE(f) cerr << #f":" << endl; #ifdef WXLAYOUT_DEBUG static const char *_t[] = { "invalid", "text", "cmd", "icon", "linebreak"}; void wxLayoutObjectBase::Debug(void) { CoordType bl = 0; cerr << _t[GetType()] << ": size=" << GetSize(&bl).x << "," << GetSize(&bl).y << " bl=" << bl; } #endif //-------------------------- wxLayoutObjectText wxLayoutObjectText::wxLayoutObjectText(const String &txt) { m_Text = txt; m_Width = 0; m_Height = 0; } wxPoint wxLayoutObjectText::GetSize(CoordType *baseLine) const { if(baseLine) *baseLine = m_BaseLine; return wxPoint(m_Width, m_Height); } void wxLayoutObjectText::Draw(wxDC &dc, wxPoint position, CoordType baseLine, bool draw) { long descent = 0l; dc.GetTextExtent(Str(m_Text),&m_Width, &m_Height, &descent); //FIXME: wxGTK does not set descent to a descent value yet. if(descent == 0) descent = (2*m_Height)/10; // crude fix m_BaseLine = m_Height - descent; position.y += baseLine-m_BaseLine; if(draw) dc.DrawText(Str(m_Text),position.x,position.y); # ifdef WXLAYOUT_DEBUG // dc.DrawRectangle(position.x, position.y, m_Width, m_Height); # endif } #ifdef WXLAYOUT_DEBUG void wxLayoutObjectText::Debug(void) { wxLayoutObjectBase::Debug(); cerr << " `" << m_Text << '\''; } #endif //-------------------------- wxLayoutObjectIcon wxLayoutObjectIcon::wxLayoutObjectIcon(wxIcon *icon) { m_Icon = icon; } void wxLayoutObjectIcon::Draw(wxDC &dc, wxPoint position, CoordType baseLine, bool draw) { position.y += baseLine - m_Icon->GetHeight(); if(draw) dc.DrawIcon(m_Icon,position.x,position.y); } wxPoint wxLayoutObjectIcon::GetSize(CoordType *baseLine) const { wxASSERT(baseLine); *baseLine = m_Icon->GetHeight(); return wxPoint(m_Icon->GetWidth(), m_Icon->GetHeight()); } //-------------------------- wxLayoutObjectCmd wxLayoutObjectCmd::wxLayoutObjectCmd(int size, int family, int style, int weight, bool underline, wxColour const *fg, wxColour const *bg) { m_font = new wxFont(size,family,style,weight,underline); m_ColourFG = fg; m_ColourBG = bg; } wxLayoutObjectCmd::~wxLayoutObjectCmd() { delete m_font; } wxLayoutStyleInfo * wxLayoutObjectCmd::GetStyle(void) const { wxLayoutStyleInfo *si = new wxLayoutStyleInfo(); si->size = m_font->GetPointSize(); si->family = m_font->GetFamily(); si->style = m_font->GetStyle(); si->underline = m_font->GetUnderlined(); si->weight = m_font->GetWeight(); si->fg_red = m_ColourFG->Red(); si->fg_green = m_ColourFG->Green(); si->fg_blue = m_ColourFG->Blue(); si->bg_red = m_ColourBG->Red(); si->bg_green = m_ColourBG->Green(); si->bg_blue = m_ColourBG->Blue(); return si; } void wxLayoutObjectCmd::Draw(wxDC &dc, wxPoint position, CoordType lineHeight, bool draw) { wxASSERT(m_font); // this get called even when draw==false, so that recalculation // uses right font sizes dc.SetFont(m_font); if(m_ColourFG) dc.SetTextForeground(*m_ColourFG); if(m_ColourBG) dc.SetTextBackground(*m_ColourBG); } //-------------------------- wxwxLayoutList wxLayoutList::wxLayoutList() { m_DefaultSetting = NULL; Clear(); } wxLayoutList::~wxLayoutList() { if(m_DefaultSetting) delete m_DefaultSetting; } void wxLayoutList::LineBreak(void) { Insert(new wxLayoutObjectLineBreak); m_CursorPosition.x = 0; m_CursorPosition.y++; } void wxLayoutList::SetFont(int family, int size, int style, int weight, int underline, wxColour const *fg, wxColour const *bg) { if(family != -1) m_FontFamily = family; if(size != -1) m_FontPtSize = size; if(style != -1) m_FontStyle = style; if(weight != -1) m_FontWeight = weight; if(underline != -1) m_FontUnderline = underline; if(fg != NULL) m_ColourFG = fg; if(bg != NULL) m_ColourBG = bg; Insert( new wxLayoutObjectCmd(m_FontPtSize,m_FontFamily,m_FontStyle,m_FontWeight,m_FontUnderline, m_ColourFG, m_ColourBG)); } void wxLayoutList::SetFont(int family, int size, int style, int weight, int underline, char const *fg, char const *bg) { wxColour const * cfg = NULL, * cbg = NULL; if( fg ) cfg = wxTheColourDatabase->FindColour(fg); if( bg ) cbg = wxTheColourDatabase->FindColour(bg); SetFont(family,size,style,weight,underline,cfg,cbg); } /// for access by wxLayoutWindow: void wxLayoutList::GetSize(CoordType *max_x, CoordType *max_y, CoordType *lineHeight) { wxASSERT(max_x); wxASSERT(max_y); wxASSERT(lineHeight); *max_x = m_MaxX; *max_y = m_MaxY; *lineHeight = m_LineHeight; } wxLayoutObjectBase * wxLayoutList::Draw(wxDC &dc, bool findObject, wxPoint const &findCoords) { wxLayoutObjectList::iterator i; // in case we need to look for an object wxLayoutObjectBase *foundObject = NULL; // first object in current line wxLayoutObjectList::iterator headOfLine; // do we need to recalculate current line? bool recalculate = false; // do we calculate or draw? Either true or false. bool draw = false; // drawing parameters: wxPoint position = wxPoint(0,0); wxPoint position_HeadOfLine; CoordType baseLine = m_FontPtSize; CoordType baseLineSkip = (BASELINESTRETCH * baseLine)/10; // we trace the objects' cursor positions so we can draw the cursor wxPoint cursor = wxPoint(0,0); // the cursor position inside the object CoordType cursorOffset = 0; // object under cursor wxLayoutObjectList::iterator cursorObject = FindCurrentObject(&cursorOffset); // queried from each object: wxPoint size = wxPoint(0,0); CoordType objBaseLine = baseLine; wxLayoutObjectType type; // used temporarily wxLayoutObjectText *tobj = NULL; VAR(findObject); VAR(findCoords.x); VAR(findCoords.y); // if the cursorobject is a cmd, we need to find the first // printable object: while(cursorObject != end() && (*cursorObject)->GetType() == WXLO_TYPE_CMD) cursorObject++; headOfLine = begin(); position_HeadOfLine = position; // setting up the default: dc.SetTextForeground( *wxBLACK ); dc.SetFont( *wxNORMAL_FONT ); if(m_DefaultSetting) m_DefaultSetting->Draw(dc,wxPoint(0,0),0,true); // we calculate everything for drawing a line, then rewind to the // begin of line and actually draw it i = begin(); for(;;) { recalculate = false; if(i == end()) break; type = (*i)->GetType(); // to initialise sizes of objects, we need to call Draw (*i)->Draw(dc, position, baseLine, draw); // update coordinates for next object: size = (*i)->GetSize(&objBaseLine); if(findObject && draw) // we need to look for an object { if(findCoords.y >= position.y && findCoords.y <= position.y+size.y && findCoords.x >= position.x && findCoords.x <= position.x+size.x) { foundObject = *i; findObject = false; // speeds things up } } // draw the cursor if(m_Editable && draw && i == cursorObject) { if(type == WXLO_TYPE_TEXT) // special treatment { long descent = 0l; long width, height; tobj = (wxLayoutObjectText *)*i; String str = tobj->GetText(); VAR(m_CursorPosition.x); VAR(cursor.x); str = str.substr(0, cursorOffset); VAR(str); dc.GetTextExtent(Str(str), &width,&height, &descent); VAR(height); VAR(width); VAR(descent); dc.DrawLine(position.x+width, position.y+(baseLineSkip-height), position.x+width, position.y+baseLineSkip); } else { if(type == WXLO_TYPE_LINEBREAK) dc.DrawLine(0, position.y+baseLineSkip, 0, position.y+2*baseLineSkip); else { if(size.x == 0) { if(size.y == 0) dc.DrawLine(position.x, position.y, position.x, position.y+baseLineSkip); else dc.DrawLine(position.x, position.y, position.x, position.y+size.y); } else dc.DrawRectangle(position.x, position.y, size.x, size.y); } } } // calculate next object's position: position.x += size.x; // do we need to increase the line's height? if(size.y > baseLineSkip) { baseLineSkip = size.y; recalculate = true; } if(objBaseLine > baseLine) { baseLine = objBaseLine; recalculate = true; } // now check whether we have finished handling this line: if(type == WXLO_TYPE_LINEBREAK || i == tail()) { if(recalculate) // do this line again { position.x = position_HeadOfLine.x; i = headOfLine; continue; } if(! draw) // finished calculating sizes { // do this line again, this time drawing it position = position_HeadOfLine; draw = true; i = headOfLine; continue; } else // we have drawn a line, so continue calculating next one draw = false; } if(position.x+size.x > m_MaxX) m_MaxX = position.x+size.x; // is it a linebreak? if(type == WXLO_TYPE_LINEBREAK || i == tail()) { position.x = 0; position.y += baseLineSkip; baseLine = m_FontPtSize; objBaseLine = baseLine; // not all objects set it baseLineSkip = (BASELINESTRETCH * baseLine)/10; headOfLine = i; headOfLine++; position_HeadOfLine = position; } i++; } m_MaxY = position.y; return foundObject; } #ifdef WXLAYOUT_DEBUG void wxLayoutList::Debug(void) { CoordType offs; wxLayoutObjectList::iterator i; cerr << "------------------------debug start-------------------------" << endl; for(i = begin(); i != end(); i++) { (*i)->Debug(); cerr << endl; } cerr << "-----------------------debug end----------------------------" << endl; // show current object: cerr << "Cursor: " << m_CursorPosition.x << ',' << m_CursorPosition.y; i = FindCurrentObject(&offs); cerr << " line length: " << GetLineLength(i) << " "; if(i == end()) { cerr << "<>" << endl; return; // FIXME we should set cursor position to maximum allowed // value then } if((*i)->GetType() == WXLO_TYPE_TEXT) { cerr << " \"" << ((wxLayoutObjectText *)(*i))->GetText() << "\", offs: " << offs << endl; } else cerr << ' ' << _t[(*i)->GetType()] << endl; } #endif /******************** editing stuff ********************/ wxLayoutObjectList::iterator wxLayoutList::FindObjectCursor(wxPoint const &cpos, CoordType *offset) { wxPoint cursor = wxPoint(0,0); // runs along the objects CoordType width; wxLayoutObjectList::iterator i; #ifdef WXLAYOUT_DEBUG cerr << "Looking for object at " << cpos.x << ',' << cpos.y << endl; #endif for(i = begin(); i != end() && cursor.y <= cpos.y; i++) { width = 0; if((*i)->GetType() == WXLO_TYPE_LINEBREAK) { if(cpos.y == cursor.y) { --i; if(offset) *offset = (*i)->CountPositions(); return i; } cursor.x = 0; cursor.y ++; } else cursor.x += (width = (*i)->CountPositions()); if(cursor.y == cpos.y && (cursor.x > cpos.x || ((*i)->GetType() != WXLO_TYPE_CMD && cursor.x == cpos.x)) ) // found it ? { if(offset) *offset = cpos.x-(cursor.x-width); // 0==cursor before // the object #ifdef WXLAYOUT_DEBUG cerr << " found object at " << cursor.x-width << ',' << cursor.y << ", type:" << _t[(*i)->GetType()] <CountPositions(); // at the end of it } return obj; } void wxLayoutList::MoveCursor(int dx, int dy) { CoordType offs, lineLength; wxLayoutObjectList::iterator i; if(dy > 0 && m_CursorPosition.y < m_MaxLine) m_CursorPosition.y += dy; else if(dy < 0 && m_CursorPosition.y > 0) m_CursorPosition.y += dy; // dy is negative if(m_CursorPosition.y < 0) m_CursorPosition.y = 0; else if (m_CursorPosition.y > m_MaxLine) m_CursorPosition.y = m_MaxLine; while(dx > 0) { i = FindCurrentObject(&offs); lineLength = GetLineLength(i); if(m_CursorPosition.x < lineLength) { m_CursorPosition.x ++; dx--; continue; } else { if(m_CursorPosition.y < m_MaxLine) { m_CursorPosition.y++; m_CursorPosition.x = 0; dx--; } else break; // cannot move there } } while(dx < 0) { if(m_CursorPosition.x > 0) { m_CursorPosition.x --; dx++; } else { if(m_CursorPosition.y > 0) { m_CursorPosition.y --; m_CursorPosition.x = 0; i = FindCurrentObject(&offs); lineLength = GetLineLength(i); m_CursorPosition.x = lineLength; dx++; continue; } else break; // cannot move left any more } } // final adjustment: i = FindCurrentObject(&offs); lineLength = GetLineLength(i); if(m_CursorPosition.x > lineLength) m_CursorPosition.x = lineLength; #ifdef WXLAYOUT_DEBUG i = FindCurrentObject(&offs); cerr << "Cursor: " << m_CursorPosition.x << ',' << m_CursorPosition.y; if(i == end()) { cerr << "<>" << endl; return; // FIXME we should set cursor position to maximum allowed // value then } if((*i)->GetType() == WXLO_TYPE_TEXT) { cerr << " \"" << ((wxLayoutObjectText *)(*i))->GetText() << "\", offs: " << offs << endl; } else cerr << ' ' << _t[(*i)->GetType()] << endl; #endif } void wxLayoutList::Delete(CoordType count) { TRACE(Delete); if(!m_Editable) return; VAR(count); CoordType offs, len; wxLayoutObjectList::iterator i; do { i = FindCurrentObject(&offs); if(i == end()) return; #ifdef WXLAYOUT_DEBUG cerr << "trying to delete: " << _t[(*i)->GetType()] << endl; #endif if((*i)->GetType() == WXLO_TYPE_LINEBREAK) m_MaxLine--; if((*i)->GetType() == WXLO_TYPE_TEXT) { wxLayoutObjectText *tobj = (wxLayoutObjectText *)*i; len = tobj->CountPositions(); // If we find the end of a text object, this means that we // have to delete from the object following it. if(offs == len) { i++; if((*i)->GetType() == WXLO_TYPE_TEXT) { offs = 0; // delete from begin of next string tobj = (wxLayoutObjectText *)*i; len = tobj->CountPositions(); } else { erase(i); return; } } if(len <= count) // delete this object { count -= len; erase(i); } else { len = count; VAR(offs); VAR(len); tobj->GetText().erase(offs,len); return; // we are done } } else // delete the object { len = (*i)->CountPositions(); erase(i); // after this, i is the iterator for the following object if(count > len) count -= len; else count = 0; } } while(count && i != end()); } void wxLayoutList::Insert(wxLayoutObjectBase *obj) { wxASSERT(obj); CoordType offs; wxLayoutObjectList::iterator i = FindCurrentObject(&offs); TRACE(Insert(obj)); if(i == end()) push_back(obj); else { // do we have to split a text object? if((*i)->GetType() == WXLO_TYPE_TEXT && offs != 0 && offs != (*i)->CountPositions()) { wxLayoutObjectText *tobj = (wxLayoutObjectText *) *i; #ifdef WXLAYOUT_DEBUG cerr << "text: '" << tobj->GetText() << "'" << endl; VAR(offs); #endif String left = tobj->GetText().substr(0,offs); // get part before cursor VAR(left); tobj->GetText() = tobj->GetText().substr(offs,(*i)->CountPositions()-offs); // keeps the right half VAR(tobj->GetText()); insert(i,obj); insert(i,new wxLayoutObjectText(left)); // inserts before } else { wxLayoutObjectList::iterator j = i; // we want to apend after this object j++; if(j != end()) insert(j, obj); else push_back(obj); } } m_CursorPosition.x += obj->CountPositions(); if(obj->GetType() == WXLO_TYPE_LINEBREAK) m_MaxLine++; } void wxLayoutList::Insert(String const &text) { wxLayoutObjectText *tobj = NULL; TRACE(Insert(text)); if(! m_Editable) return; CoordType offs; wxLayoutObjectList::iterator i = FindCurrentObject(&offs); if(i != end() && (*i)->GetType() == WXLO_TYPE_TEXT) { // insert into an existing text object: TRACE(inserting into existing object); tobj = (wxLayoutObjectText *)*i ; wxASSERT(tobj); tobj->GetText().insert(offs,text); } else // check whether the previous object is text: { wxLayoutObjectList::iterator j = i; j--; TRACE(checking previous object); if(0 && j != end() && (*j)->GetType() == WXLO_TYPE_TEXT) { tobj = (wxLayoutObjectText *)*i; wxASSERT(tobj); tobj->GetText()+=text; } else // insert a new text object { TRACE(creating new object); Insert(new wxLayoutObjectText(text)); //FIXME not too optimal, slow return; // position gets incremented in Insert(obj) } } m_CursorPosition.x += strlen(text.c_str()); } CoordType wxLayoutList::GetLineLength(wxLayoutObjectList::iterator i) { if(i == end()) return 0; CoordType len = 0; // search backwards for beginning of line: while(i != begin() && (*i)->GetType() != WXLO_TYPE_LINEBREAK) i--; if((*i)->GetType() == WXLO_TYPE_LINEBREAK) i++; // now we can start counting: while(i != end() && (*i)->GetType() != WXLO_TYPE_LINEBREAK) { len += (*i)->CountPositions(); i++; } return len; } void wxLayoutList::Clear(int family, int size, int style, int weight, int underline, char const *fg, char const *bg) { wxLayoutObjectList::iterator i = begin(); while(i != end()) // == while valid erase(i); // set defaults m_FontPtSize = size; m_FontUnderline = false; m_FontFamily = family; m_FontStyle = style; m_FontWeight = weight; m_ColourFG = wxTheColourDatabase->FindColour(fg); m_ColourBG = wxTheColourDatabase->FindColour(bg); m_Position = wxPoint(0,0); m_CursorPosition = wxPoint(0,0); m_MaxLine = 0; m_LineHeight = (BASELINESTRETCH*m_FontPtSize)/10; m_MaxX = 0; m_MaxY = 0; if(m_DefaultSetting) delete m_DefaultSetting; m_DefaultSetting = new wxLayoutObjectCmd(m_FontPtSize,m_FontFamily,m_FontStyle, m_FontWeight,m_FontUnderline, m_ColourFG, m_ColourBG); }