\section{\class{wxProcess}}\label{wxprocess} The objects of this class are used in conjonction with \helpref{wxExecute}{wxexecute} function. When a wxProcess object is passed to wxExecute(), its \helpref{OnTerminate()}{wxprocessonterminate} virtual method is called when the process terminates. This allows the program to be (asynchronously) notified about the process termination and also retrieve its exit status which is unavailable from wxExecute() in the case of asynchronous execution. Please note that if the process termination notification is processed by the parent, it is responsible for deleting the wxProcess object which sent it. However, if it is not processed, the object will delete itself and so the library users should only delete those objects whose notifications have been processed (and call \helpref{Detach()}{wxprocessdetach} for others). \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxEvtHandler}{wxevthandler} \wxheading{Include files} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxProcess::wxProcess}\label{wxprocessconstr} \func{}{wxProcess}{\param{wxEvtHandler *}{ parent = NULL}, \param{int}{ id = -1}} Constructs a process object. {\it id} is only used in the case you want to use wxWindows events. It identifies this object, or another window that will receive the event. If the {\it parent} parameter is different from NULL, it will receive a wxEVT\_END\_PROCESS notification event (you should insert EVT\_END\_PROCESS macro in the event table of the parent to handle it) with the given {\it id}. \wxheading{Parameters} \docparam{parent}{The event handler parent.} \docparam{id}{id of an event.} \membersection{wxProcess::\destruct{wxProcess}} \func{}{\destruct{wxProcess}}{\void} Destroys the wxProcess object. \membersection{wxProcess::Detach}\label{wxprocessdetach} \func{void}{Detach}{\void} Normally, a wxProcess object is deleted by its parent when it receives the notification about the process termination. However, it might happen that the parent object is destroyed before the external process is terminated (e.g. a window from which this external process was launched is closed by the user) and in this case it {\bf should not delete} the wxProcess object, but {\bf should call Detach()} instead. After the wxProcess object is detached from its parent, no notification events will be sent to the parent and the object will delete itself upon reception of the process termination notification. \membersection{wxProcess::OnTerminate}\label{wxprocessonterminate} \constfunc{void}{OnTerminate}{\param{int}{ pid}, \param{int}{ status}} It is called when the process with the pid {\it pid} finishes. It raises a wxWindows event when it isn't overriden. \docparam{pid}{The pid of the process which has just terminated.} \docparam{status}{The exit code of the process.}