#! /bin/sh # Make a WISE Installer distribution list, where each file is represented by # a section like this: # # item: Install File # Source=d:\wx2\thefile.txt # Destination=%MAINDIR%\thefile.txt # Flags=0000000000000010 # end wxdir=`cygpath -u $WXWIN` tempdir=`cygpath -u $TEMP` # Generate a list of all files in the distribution. # We pass the output through sed in order to remove the preceding "./" cd $wxdir/deliver/wx find . -print | sed -e "s/\.\\///g" > $tempdir/files1.tmp # Now we iterate through the list of files, writing out the middle section of # the file. # We have to remove the first part of the path, # by truncating the start by the size of the current directory. rm -f $tempdir/files2.tmp # First add system files cat $wxdir/distrib/msw/wisesys.txt > $tempdir/files2.tmp for line in `cat $tempdir/files1.tmp` ; do # If not a directory, add to file if [ ! -d $line ] ; then # The relative path line2=`cygpath -w $line` # The absolute path line1=$WXWIN"\\deliver\\wx\\"$line2 echo "item: Install File " >> $tempdir/files2.tmp echo " Source=$line1 " >> $tempdir/files2.tmp echo " Destination=%MAINDIR%\\"$line2 >> $tempdir/files2.tmp echo " Flags=0000000000000010" >> $tempdir/files2.tmp echo "end" >> $tempdir/files2.tmp fi done # Concatenate the 3 sections cat $wxdir/distrib/msw/wisetop.txt $tempdir/files2.tmp $wxdir/distrib/msw/wisebott.txt > $wxdir/distrib/msw/wxwin2.wse rm -f $tempdir/files1.tmp