@echo off rem Builds a zip containing debugging versions of wxWindows and wxPython rem that could be unziped over a wxPython installation. setlocal iff "%1" == "15" then set PCBUILD=c:\projects\Python-1.5.2\PCBuild elseiff "%1" == "20" then set PCBUILD=c:\projects\Python-2.0\PCBuild else echo Specivy Python version!!! goto end endiff iff "%2" == "" then echo Specify wxPython version!!! goto end endiff mkdir wxPython-dbg copy README.dbg.txt wxPython-dbg copy %WXWIN%\lib\wx*d.dll wxPython-dbg copy %WXWIN%\wxPython\wxPython\*_d.pyd wxPython-dbg copy %PCBUILD%\python_d.exe wxPython-dbg copy %PCBUILD%\python%1_d.dll wxPython-dbg zip -r wxPython-dbg-%2-Py%1.zip wxPython-dbg del /sx wxPython-dbg :end