\section{\class{wxThreadHelperThread}}\label{wxThreadHelperThread} The wxThreadHelperThread class is used internally by the \helpref{wxThreadHelper}{wxthreadhelper} mix-in class. This class simply calls \helpref{wxThreadHelper::Entry}{wxthreadhelperentry} in its owner class when the thread runs. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxThread}{wxthread} \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxThread}{wxthread}, \helpref{wxThreadHelper}{wxthreadhelper} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxThreadHelperThread::wxThreadHelperThread}\label{wxthreadhelperthreadctor} \func{}{wxThreadHelperThread}{\void} This constructor simply initializes member variables. \membersection{wxThreadHelperThread::m\_owner} \member{wxThreadHelperThread\& }{m\_owner} the \helpref{wxThreadHelper}{wxthreadhelper} object which holds the code to run inside the thread. \membersection{wxThreadHelperThread::Entry}\label{wxthreadhelperthreadentry} \func{virtual ExitCode}{Entry}{\void} This is the entry point of the thread. This function eventually calls \helpref{wxThreadHelper::Entry}{wxthreadhelperentry}. The actual worker thread code should be implemented in \helpref{wxThreadHelper::Entry}{wxthreadhelperentry}, not here, so all shared data and synchronization objects can be shared easily between the main thread and the worker thread. The returned value is the thread exit code which is the value returned by \helpref{Wait()}{wxthreadwait}. This function is called by wxWidgets itself and should never be called directly. \membersection{wxThreadHelperThread::CallEntry}\label{wxthreadhelperthreadcallentry} \func{virtual ExitCode}{CallEntry}{\void} This is a convenience method that actually calls \helpref{wxThreadHelper::Entry}{wxthreadhelperentry}. This function eventually calls \helpref{wxThreadHelper::Entry}{wxthreadhelperentry}. The actual worker thread code should be implemented in \helpref{wxThreadHelper::Entry}{wxthreadhelperentry}, not here, so all shared data and synchronization objects can be shared easily between the main thread and the worker thread. It must be declared after \helpref{wxThreadHelper}{wxthreadhelper} so it can access \helpref{wxThreadHelper::Entry}{wxthreadhelperentry} and avoid circular dependencies. Thus, it uses the inline keyword to allow its definition outside of the class definition. To avoid any conflicts between the virtual and inline keywords, it is a non-virtual method. The returned value is the thread exit code which is the value returned by \helpref{Wait()}{wxthreadwait}. This function is called by wxWidgets itself and should never be called directly.