///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/msw/dialog.h // Purpose: wxDialog class // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 01/02/97 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart and Markus Holzem // Licence: wxWindows license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_DIALOG_H_ #define _WX_DIALOG_H_ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma interface "dialog.h" #endif #include "wx/panel.h" WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern const wxChar*) wxDialogNameStr; // Dialog boxes class WXDLLEXPORT wxDialog : public wxDialogBase { public: wxDialog() { Init(); } // Constructor with a modal flag, but no window id - the old convention wxDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& title, bool modal, int x = -1, int y= -1, int width = 500, int height = 500, long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, const wxString& name = wxDialogNameStr) { long modalStyle = modal ? wxDIALOG_MODAL : wxDIALOG_MODELESS ; Create(parent, -1, title, wxPoint(x, y), wxSize(width, height), style | modalStyle, name); } // Constructor with no modal flag - the new convention. wxDialog(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, const wxString& name = wxDialogNameStr) { Create(parent, id, title, pos, size, style, name); } bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, const wxString& name = wxDialogNameStr); virtual ~wxDialog(); void SetModal(bool flag); virtual bool IsModal() const; // For now, same as Show(TRUE) but returns return code virtual int ShowModal(); // may be called to terminate the dialog with the given return code virtual void EndModal(int retCode); // returns TRUE if we're in a modal loop bool IsModalShowing() const; // wxMSW only: remove the "Close" button from the dialog bool EnableCloseButton(bool enable = TRUE); // implementation only from now on // ------------------------------- // override some base class virtuals virtual bool Show(bool show); // event handlers bool OnClose(); void OnCharHook(wxKeyEvent& event); void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event); // Standard buttons void OnOK(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnApply(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event); // Responds to colour changes void OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& event); // Windows callbacks long MSWWindowProc(WXUINT message, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam); #if wxUSE_CTL3D virtual WXHBRUSH OnCtlColor(WXHDC pDC, WXHWND pWnd, WXUINT nCtlColor, WXUINT message, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam); #endif // wxUSE_CTL3D protected: // show modal dialog and enter modal loop void DoShowModal(); // common part of all ctors void Init(); private: wxWindow *m_oldFocus; // while we are showing a modal dialog we disable the other windows using // this object class wxWindowDisabler *m_windowDisabler; DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxDialog) DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; #endif // _WX_DIALOG_H_