import sys, os, string from distutils.msvccompiler import MSVCCompiler from distutils.bcppcompiler import BCPPCompiler from distutils.errors import \ DistutilsExecError, DistutilsPlatformError, \ CompileError, LibError, LinkError from distutils.ccompiler import \ CCompiler, gen_preprocess_options, gen_lib_options #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class MyMSVCCompiler(MSVCCompiler): ##------------------------------------------------------------ ## Override the entire compile method just to add flags to the ## RC command. There should be an easier way to do this from ## distutils directly or in a derived class... ##------------------------------------------------------------ def compile (self, sources, output_dir=None, macros=None, include_dirs=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None): (output_dir, macros, include_dirs) = \ self._fix_compile_args (output_dir, macros, include_dirs) (objects, skip_sources) = self._prep_compile (sources, output_dir) if extra_postargs is None: extra_postargs = [] pp_opts = gen_preprocess_options (macros, include_dirs) compile_opts = extra_preargs or [] compile_opts.append ('/c') if debug: compile_opts.extend (self.compile_options_debug) else: compile_opts.extend (self.compile_options) for i in range (len (sources)): src = sources[i] ; obj = objects[i] ext = (os.path.splitext (src))[1] if skip_sources[src]: self.announce ("skipping %s (%s up-to-date)" % (src, obj)) else: self.mkpath (os.path.dirname (obj)) if ext in self._c_extensions: input_opt = "/Tc" + os.path.abspath(src) ### RPD elif ext in self._cpp_extensions: input_opt = "/Tp" + os.path.abspath(src) ### RPD elif ext in self._rc_extensions: # compile .RC to .RES file input_opt = src output_opt = "/fo" + obj try: self.spawn ([self.rc] + pp_opts + ### RPD changed this line [output_opt] + [input_opt]) except DistutilsExecError, msg: raise CompileError, msg continue elif ext in self._mc_extensions: # Compile .MC to .RC file to .RES file. # * '-h dir' specifies the directory for the # generated include file # * '-r dir' specifies the target directory of the # generated RC file and the binary message resource # it includes # # For now (since there are no options to change this), # we use the source-directory for the include file and # the build directory for the RC file and message # resources. This works at least for win32all. h_dir = os.path.dirname (src) rc_dir = os.path.dirname (obj) try: # first compile .MC to .RC and .H file self.spawn ([] + ['-h', h_dir, '-r', rc_dir] + [src]) base, _ = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (src)) rc_file = os.path.join (rc_dir, base + '.rc') # then compile .RC to .RES file self.spawn ([self.rc] + ["/fo" + obj] + [rc_file]) except DistutilsExecError, msg: raise CompileError, msg continue else: # how to handle this file? raise CompileError ( "Don't know how to compile %s to %s" % \ (src, obj)) output_opt = "/Fo" + obj try: self.spawn ([] + compile_opts + pp_opts + [input_opt, output_opt] + extra_postargs) except DistutilsExecError, msg: raise CompileError, msg return objects # compile () from distutils.file_util import write_file class MyBCPPCompiler(BCPPCompiler): ##------------------------------------------------------------ ## Override the entire compile method just to add flags to the ## RC command. There should be an easier way to do this from ## distutils directly or in a derived class... ##------------------------------------------------------------ def compile (self, sources, output_dir=None, macros=None, include_dirs=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None): (output_dir, macros, include_dirs) = \ self._fix_compile_args (output_dir, macros, include_dirs) (objects, skip_sources) = self._prep_compile (sources, output_dir) if extra_postargs is None: extra_postargs = [] pp_opts = gen_preprocess_options (macros, include_dirs) compile_opts = extra_preargs or [] compile_opts.append ('-c') if debug: compile_opts.extend (self.compile_options_debug) else: compile_opts.extend (self.compile_options) for i in range (len (sources)): src = sources[i] ; obj = objects[i] ext = (os.path.splitext (src))[1] if skip_sources[src]: self.announce ("skipping %s (%s up-to-date)" % (src, obj)) else: src = os.path.normpath(src) obj = os.path.normpath(obj) self.mkpath(os.path.dirname(obj)) if ext == '.res': # This is already a binary file -- skip it. continue # the 'for' loop if ext == '.rc': # This needs to be compiled to a .res file -- do it now. try: self.spawn (["brcc32"] + pp_opts + ["-fo"] + [obj] + [src]) ### RPD changed this lines only except DistutilsExecError, msg: raise CompileError, msg continue # the 'for' loop # The next two are both for the real compiler. if ext in self._c_extensions: input_opt = "" elif ext in self._cpp_extensions: input_opt = "-P" else: # Unknown file type -- no extra options. The compiler # will probably fail, but let it just in case this is a # file the compiler recognizes even if we don't. input_opt = "" output_opt = "-o" + obj # Compiler command line syntax is: "bcc32 [options] file(s)". # Note that the source file names must appear at the end of # the command line. try: self.spawn ([] + compile_opts + pp_opts + [input_opt, output_opt] + extra_postargs + [src]) except DistutilsExecError, msg: raise CompileError, msg return objects # compile () #################################################################### # Now we need to replace cw32mt library used by default by distutils # with cw32mti library as in wxWindows DLL make file # Othervise we obtain Windows "Core dump" ;-). # # Evgeny A Cherkashin # #################################################################### def link (self, target_desc, objects, output_filename, output_dir=None, libraries=None, library_dirs=None, runtime_library_dirs=None, export_symbols=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None, build_temp=None): # XXX this ignores 'build_temp'! should follow the lead of # (objects, output_dir) = self._fix_object_args (objects, output_dir) (libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) = \ self._fix_lib_args (libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) if runtime_library_dirs: self.warn ("I don't know what to do with 'runtime_library_dirs': " + str (runtime_library_dirs)) if output_dir is not None: output_filename = os.path.join (output_dir, output_filename) if self._need_link (objects, output_filename): # Figure out linker args based on type of target. if target_desc == CCompiler.EXECUTABLE: startup_obj = 'c0w32' if debug: ld_args = self.ldflags_exe_debug[:] else: ld_args = self.ldflags_exe[:] else: startup_obj = 'c0d32' if debug: ld_args = self.ldflags_shared_debug[:] else: ld_args = self.ldflags_shared[:] # Create a temporary exports file for use by the linker if export_symbols is None: def_file = '' else: head, tail = os.path.split (output_filename) modname, ext = os.path.splitext (tail) temp_dir = os.path.dirname(objects[0]) # preserve tree structure def_file = os.path.join (temp_dir, '%s.def' % modname) contents = ['EXPORTS'] for sym in (export_symbols or []): contents.append(' %s=_%s' % (sym, sym)) self.execute(write_file, (def_file, contents), "writing %s" % def_file) # Borland C++ has problems with '/' in paths objects2 = map(os.path.normpath, objects) # split objects in .obj and .res files # Borland C++ needs them at different positions in the command line objects = [startup_obj] resources = [] for file in objects2: (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.normcase(file)) if ext == '.res': resources.append(file) else: objects.append(file) for l in library_dirs: ld_args.append("/L%s" % os.path.normpath(l)) ld_args.append("/L.") # we sometimes use relative paths # list of object files ld_args.extend(objects) # XXX the command-line syntax for Borland C++ is a bit wonky; # certain filenames are jammed together in one big string, but # comma-delimited. This doesn't mesh too well with the # Unix-centric attitude (with a DOS/Windows quoting hack) of # 'spawn()', so constructing the argument list is a bit # awkward. Note that doing the obvious thing and jamming all # the filenames and commas into one argument would be wrong, # because 'spawn()' would quote any filenames with spaces in # them. Arghghh!. Apparently it works fine as coded... # name of dll/exe file ld_args.extend([',',output_filename]) # no map file and start libraries ld_args.append(',,') for lib in libraries: # see if we find it and if there is a bcpp specific lib # (xxx_bcpp.lib) libfile = self.find_library_file(library_dirs, lib, debug) if libfile is None: ld_args.append(lib) # probably a BCPP internal library -- don't warn # self.warn('library %s not found.' % lib) else: # full name which prefers bcpp_xxx.lib over xxx.lib ld_args.append(libfile) # some default libraries ld_args.append ('import32') ld_args.append ('cw32mti') ### mt->mti (as in wx2) # def file for export symbols ld_args.extend([',',def_file]) # add resource files ld_args.append(',') ld_args.extend(resources) if extra_preargs: ld_args[:0] = extra_preargs if extra_postargs: ld_args.extend(extra_postargs) self.mkpath (os.path.dirname (output_filename)) try: self.spawn ([self.linker] + ld_args) except DistutilsExecError, msg: raise LinkError, msg else: self.announce ("skipping %s (up-to-date)" % output_filename) # link () #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Hack this module and class into the distutils... from distutils import ccompiler if hasattr(ccompiler, "default_compiler"): ccompiler.default_compiler['nt'] = 'my_msvc' elif hasattr(ccompiler, "_default_compilers"): lst = list(ccompiler._default_compilers) lst.remove( ('nt', 'msvc') ) lst.append( ('nt', 'my_msvc') ) ccompiler._default_compilers = tuple(lst) ccompiler.compiler_class['my_msvc'] = ('my_distutils', 'MyMSVCCompiler', 'My MSVC derived class') ccompiler.compiler_class['my_bcpp'] = ('my_distutils', 'MyBCPPCompiler', 'My BCPP derived class') # make it look like it is part of the package... import my_distutils sys.modules['distutils.my_distutils'] = my_distutils #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # More hacking... Distutils in Python 2.1 changed the strip_dir flag # passed to object_filenames to true, which causes problems for us since # there are a few duplicate source/object names between some of the # extensions in wxPython. This hack replaces the CCompiler._prep_compile # method with this one. from distutils.dep_util import newer_pairwise def _prep_compile (self, sources, output_dir): """Determine the list of object files corresponding to 'sources', and figure out which ones really need to be recompiled. Return a list of all object files and a dictionary telling which source files can be skipped. """ # Get the list of expected output (object) files objects = self.object_filenames (sources, strip_dir=0, output_dir=output_dir) if self.force: skip_source = {} # rebuild everything for source in sources: skip_source[source] = 0 else: # Figure out which source files we have to recompile according # to a simplistic check -- we just compare the source and # object file, no deep dependency checking involving header # files. skip_source = {} # rebuild everything for source in sources: # no wait, rebuild nothing skip_source[source] = 1 (n_sources, n_objects) = newer_pairwise (sources, objects) for source in n_sources: # no really, only rebuild what's skip_source[source] = 0 # out-of-date return (objects, skip_source) # _prep_compile () CCompiler._prep_compile = _prep_compile #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Run SWIG the way I want it done def run_swig(files, dir, gendir, package, USE_SWIG, force, swig_args, swig_deps=[]): from distutils.file_util import copy_file from distutils.dep_util import newer from distutils.spawn import spawn sources = [] for file in files: basefile = os.path.splitext(file)[0] i_file = os.path.join(dir, file) py_file = os.path.join(dir, gendir, basefile+'.py') cpp_file = os.path.join(dir, gendir, basefile+'.cpp') sources.append(cpp_file) if USE_SWIG: for dep in swig_deps: if newer(dep, py_file) or newer(dep, cpp_file): force = 1 break if force or newer(i_file, py_file) or newer(i_file, cpp_file): # we need forward slashes here even on win32 cpp_file = string.join(string.split(cpp_file, '\\'), '/') i_file = string.join(string.split(i_file, '\\'), '/') cmd = ['swig'] + swig_args + ['-I'+dir, '-c', '-o', cpp_file, i_file] spawn(cmd, verbose=1) # copy the generated python file to the package directory copy_file(py_file, package, update=not force, verbose=0) return sources #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update local copies of wxWindows contrib files def contrib_copy_tree(src, dest, verbose=0): from distutils.dir_util import mkpath, copy_tree mkpath(dest, verbose=verbose) copy_tree(src, dest, update=1, verbose=verbose)