\section{\class{wxNodeBase}}\label{wxnode} A node structure used in linked lists (see \helpref{wxList}{wxlist}) and derived classes. You should never use wxNodeBase class directly because it works with untyped (void *) data and this is unsafe. Use wxNode-derived classes which are defined by WX\_DECLARE\_LIST and WX\_DEFIBE\_LIST macros instead as described in \helpref{wxList}{wxlist} documentation (see example there). wxNode is defined for compatibility as wxNodeBase containing "wxObject *" pointer, but usage of this class is deprecated. \wxheading{Derived from} None. \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxList}{wxlist}, \helpref{wxHashTable}{wxhashtable} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxNodeBase::GetData} \func{void *}{Data}{\void} Retrieves the client data pointer associated with the node. \membersection{wxNodeBase::GetNext} \func{wxNodeBase *}{Next}{\void} Retrieves the next node (NULL if at end of list). \membersection{wxNodeBase::Previous} \func{wxNodeBase *}{GetPrevious}{\void} Retrieves the previous node (NULL if at start of list). \membersection{wxNodeBase::SetData} \func{void}{SetData}{\param{void *}{data}} Sets the data associated with the node (usually the pointer will have been set when the node was created). \membersection{wxNodeBase::IndexOf} \func{int}{IndexOf}{\void} Returns the zero-based index of this node within the list. The return value will be NOT\_FOUND if the node has not been added to a list yet.