///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/image.h // Purpose: wxImage class // Author: Robert Roebling // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) Robert Roebling // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_IMAGE_H_ #define _WX_IMAGE_H_ #include "wx/defs.h" #if wxUSE_IMAGE #include "wx/object.h" #include "wx/string.h" #include "wx/gdicmn.h" #include "wx/hashmap.h" #if wxUSE_STREAMS # include "wx/stream.h" #endif // on some systems (Unixware 7.x) index is defined as a macro in the headers // which breaks the compilation below #undef index #define wxIMAGE_OPTION_QUALITY wxString(_T("quality")) #define wxIMAGE_OPTION_FILENAME wxString(_T("FileName")) #define wxIMAGE_OPTION_RESOLUTION wxString(_T("Resolution")) #define wxIMAGE_OPTION_RESOLUTIONX wxString(_T("ResolutionX")) #define wxIMAGE_OPTION_RESOLUTIONY wxString(_T("ResolutionY")) #define wxIMAGE_OPTION_RESOLUTIONUNIT wxString(_T("ResolutionUnit")) // constants used with wxIMAGE_OPTION_RESOLUTIONUNIT enum { wxIMAGE_RESOLUTION_INCHES = 1, wxIMAGE_RESOLUTION_CM = 2 }; // Constants for wxImage::Scale() for determining the level of quality enum { wxIMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL = 0, wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH = 1 }; // alpha channel values: fully transparent, default threshold separating // transparent pixels from opaque for a few functions dealing with alpha and // fully opaque const unsigned char wxIMAGE_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT = 0; const unsigned char wxIMAGE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD = 0x80; const unsigned char wxIMAGE_ALPHA_OPAQUE = 0xff; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // classes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLEXPORT wxImageHandler; class WXDLLEXPORT wxImage; class WXDLLEXPORT wxPalette; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxVariant support //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if wxUSE_VARIANT #include "wx/variant.h" DECLARE_VARIANT_OBJECT_EXPORTED(wxImage,WXDLLEXPORT) #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxImageHandler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLEXPORT wxImageHandler: public wxObject { public: wxImageHandler() : m_name(wxEmptyString), m_extension(wxEmptyString), m_mime(), m_type(0) { } #if wxUSE_STREAMS virtual bool LoadFile( wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose=true, int index=-1 ); virtual bool SaveFile( wxImage *image, wxOutputStream& stream, bool verbose=true ); virtual int GetImageCount( wxInputStream& stream ); bool CanRead( wxInputStream& stream ) { return CallDoCanRead(stream); } bool CanRead( const wxString& name ); #endif // wxUSE_STREAMS void SetName(const wxString& name) { m_name = name; } void SetExtension(const wxString& ext) { m_extension = ext; } void SetType(long type) { m_type = type; } void SetMimeType(const wxString& type) { m_mime = type; } const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name; } const wxString& GetExtension() const { return m_extension; } long GetType() const { return m_type; } const wxString& GetMimeType() const { return m_mime; } protected: #if wxUSE_STREAMS virtual bool DoCanRead( wxInputStream& stream ) = 0; // save the stream position, call DoCanRead() and restore the position bool CallDoCanRead(wxInputStream& stream); #endif // wxUSE_STREAMS wxString m_name; wxString m_extension; wxString m_mime; long m_type; private: DECLARE_CLASS(wxImageHandler) }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxImageHistogram //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLEXPORT wxImageHistogramEntry { public: wxImageHistogramEntry() { index = value = 0; } unsigned long index; unsigned long value; }; WX_DECLARE_EXPORTED_HASH_MAP(unsigned long, wxImageHistogramEntry, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxImageHistogramBase); class WXDLLEXPORT wxImageHistogram : public wxImageHistogramBase { public: wxImageHistogram() : wxImageHistogramBase(256) { } // get the key in the histogram for the given RGB values static unsigned long MakeKey(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) { return (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } // find first colour that is not used in the image and has higher // RGB values than RGB(startR, startG, startB) // // returns true and puts this colour in r, g, b (each of which may be NULL) // on success or returns false if there are no more free colours bool FindFirstUnusedColour(unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b, unsigned char startR = 1, unsigned char startG = 0, unsigned char startB = 0 ) const; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxImage //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLEXPORT wxImage: public wxObject { public: // red, green and blue are 8 bit unsigned integers in the range of 0..255 // We use the identifier RGBValue instead of RGB, since RGB is #defined class RGBValue { public: RGBValue(unsigned char r=0, unsigned char g=0, unsigned char b=0) : red(r), green(g), blue(b) {} unsigned char red; unsigned char green; unsigned char blue; }; // hue, saturation and value are doubles in the range 0.0..1.0 class HSVValue { public: HSVValue(double h=0.0, double s=0.0, double v=0.0) : hue(h), saturation(s), value(v) {} double hue; double saturation; double value; }; wxImage(){} wxImage( int width, int height, bool clear = true ); wxImage( int width, int height, unsigned char* data, bool static_data = false ); wxImage( int width, int height, unsigned char* data, unsigned char* alpha, bool static_data = false ); wxImage( const wxString& name, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index = -1 ); wxImage( const wxString& name, const wxString& mimetype, int index = -1 ); wxImage( const char* const* xpmData ); #if wxUSE_STREAMS wxImage( wxInputStream& stream, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index = -1 ); wxImage( wxInputStream& stream, const wxString& mimetype, int index = -1 ); #endif // wxUSE_STREAMS bool Create( int width, int height, bool clear = true ); bool Create( int width, int height, unsigned char* data, bool static_data = false ); bool Create( int width, int height, unsigned char* data, unsigned char* alpha, bool static_data = false ); bool Create( const char* const* xpmData ); #ifdef __BORLANDC__ // needed for Borland 5.5 wxImage( char** xpmData ) { Create(wx_const_cast(const char* const*, xpmData)); } bool Create( char** xpmData ) { return Create(wx_const_cast(const char* const*, xpmData)); } #endif void Destroy(); // creates an identical copy of the image (the = operator // just raises the ref count) wxImage Copy() const; // return the new image with size width*height wxImage GetSubImage( const wxRect& rect) const; // Paste the image or part of this image into an image of the given size at the pos // any newly exposed areas will be filled with the rgb colour // by default if r = g = b = -1 then fill with this image's mask colour or find and // set a suitable mask colour wxImage Size( const wxSize& size, const wxPoint& pos, int r = -1, int g = -1, int b = -1 ) const; // pastes image into this instance and takes care of // the mask colour and out of bounds problems void Paste( const wxImage &image, int x, int y ); // return the new image with size width*height wxImage Scale( int width, int height, int quality = wxIMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL ) const; // box averager and bicubic filters for up/down sampling wxImage ResampleBox(int width, int height) const; wxImage ResampleBicubic(int width, int height) const; // blur the image according to the specified pixel radius wxImage Blur(int radius); wxImage BlurHorizontal(int radius); wxImage BlurVertical(int radius); wxImage ShrinkBy( int xFactor , int yFactor ) const ; // rescales the image in place wxImage& Rescale( int width, int height, int quality = wxIMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL ) { return *this = Scale(width, height, quality); } // resizes the image in place wxImage& Resize( const wxSize& size, const wxPoint& pos, int r = -1, int g = -1, int b = -1 ) { return *this = Size(size, pos, r, g, b); } // Rotates the image about the given point, 'angle' radians. // Returns the rotated image, leaving this image intact. wxImage Rotate(double angle, const wxPoint & centre_of_rotation, bool interpolating = true, wxPoint * offset_after_rotation = (wxPoint*) NULL) const; wxImage Rotate90( bool clockwise = true ) const; wxImage Mirror( bool horizontally = true ) const; // replace one colour with another void Replace( unsigned char r1, unsigned char g1, unsigned char b1, unsigned char r2, unsigned char g2, unsigned char b2 ); // Convert to greyscale image. Uses the luminance component (Y) of the image. // The luma value (YUV) is calculated using (R * lr) + (G * lg) + (B * lb), defaults to ITU-T BT.601 wxImage ConvertToGreyscale( double lr = 0.299, double lg = 0.587, double lb = 0.114 ) const; // convert to monochrome image ( will be replaced by white, // everything else by black) wxImage ConvertToMono( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b ) const; // these routines are slow but safe void SetRGB( int x, int y, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b ); void SetRGB( const wxRect& rect, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b ); unsigned char GetRed( int x, int y ) const; unsigned char GetGreen( int x, int y ) const; unsigned char GetBlue( int x, int y ) const; void SetAlpha(int x, int y, unsigned char alpha); unsigned char GetAlpha(int x, int y) const; // find first colour that is not used in the image and has higher // RGB values than bool FindFirstUnusedColour( unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b, unsigned char startR = 1, unsigned char startG = 0, unsigned char startB = 0 ) const; // Set image's mask to the area of 'mask' that has colour bool SetMaskFromImage(const wxImage & mask, unsigned char mr, unsigned char mg, unsigned char mb); // converts image's alpha channel to mask, if it has any, does nothing // otherwise: bool ConvertAlphaToMask(unsigned char threshold = wxIMAGE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD); // This method converts an image where the original alpha // information is only available as a shades of a colour // (actually shades of grey) typically when you draw anti- // aliased text into a bitmap. The DC drawinf routines // draw grey values on the black background although they // actually mean to draw white with differnt alpha values. // This method reverses it, assuming a black (!) background // and white text (actually only the red channel is read). // The method will then fill up the whole image with the // colour given. bool ConvertColourToAlpha( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b ); static bool CanRead( const wxString& name ); static int GetImageCount( const wxString& name, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY ); virtual bool LoadFile( const wxString& name, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index = -1 ); virtual bool LoadFile( const wxString& name, const wxString& mimetype, int index = -1 ); #if wxUSE_STREAMS static bool CanRead( wxInputStream& stream ); static int GetImageCount( wxInputStream& stream, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY ); virtual bool LoadFile( wxInputStream& stream, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index = -1 ); virtual bool LoadFile( wxInputStream& stream, const wxString& mimetype, int index = -1 ); #endif virtual bool SaveFile( const wxString& name ) const; virtual bool SaveFile( const wxString& name, int type ) const; virtual bool SaveFile( const wxString& name, const wxString& mimetype ) const; #if wxUSE_STREAMS virtual bool SaveFile( wxOutputStream& stream, int type ) const; virtual bool SaveFile( wxOutputStream& stream, const wxString& mimetype ) const; #endif bool Ok() const { return IsOk(); } bool IsOk() const; int GetWidth() const; int GetHeight() const; // these functions provide fastest access to wxImage data but should be // used carefully as no checks are done unsigned char *GetData() const; void SetData( unsigned char *data, bool static_data=false ); void SetData( unsigned char *data, int new_width, int new_height, bool static_data=false ); unsigned char *GetAlpha() const; // may return NULL! bool HasAlpha() const { return GetAlpha() != NULL; } void SetAlpha(unsigned char *alpha = NULL, bool static_data=false); void InitAlpha(); // return true if this pixel is masked or has alpha less than specified // threshold bool IsTransparent(int x, int y, unsigned char threshold = wxIMAGE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD) const; // Mask functions void SetMaskColour( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b ); // Get the current mask colour or find a suitable colour // returns true if using current mask colour bool GetOrFindMaskColour( unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b ) const; unsigned char GetMaskRed() const; unsigned char GetMaskGreen() const; unsigned char GetMaskBlue() const; void SetMask( bool mask = true ); bool HasMask() const; #if wxUSE_PALETTE // Palette functions bool HasPalette() const; const wxPalette& GetPalette() const; void SetPalette(const wxPalette& palette); #endif // wxUSE_PALETTE // Option functions (arbitrary name/value mapping) void SetOption(const wxString& name, const wxString& value); void SetOption(const wxString& name, int value); wxString GetOption(const wxString& name) const; int GetOptionInt(const wxString& name) const; bool HasOption(const wxString& name) const; unsigned long CountColours( unsigned long stopafter = (unsigned long) -1 ) const; // Computes the histogram of the image and fills a hash table, indexed // with integer keys built as 0xRRGGBB, containing wxImageHistogramEntry // objects. Each of them contains an 'index' (useful to build a palette // with the image colours) and a 'value', which is the number of pixels // in the image with that colour. // Returned value: # of entries in the histogram unsigned long ComputeHistogram( wxImageHistogram &h ) const; // Rotates the hue of each pixel of the image. angle is a double in the range // -1.0..1.0 where -1.0 is -360 degrees and 1.0 is 360 degrees void RotateHue(double angle); static wxList& GetHandlers() { return sm_handlers; } static void AddHandler( wxImageHandler *handler ); static void InsertHandler( wxImageHandler *handler ); static bool RemoveHandler( const wxString& name ); static wxImageHandler *FindHandler( const wxString& name ); static wxImageHandler *FindHandler( const wxString& extension, long imageType ); static wxImageHandler *FindHandler( long imageType ); static wxImageHandler *FindHandlerMime( const wxString& mimetype ); static wxString GetImageExtWildcard(); static void CleanUpHandlers(); static void InitStandardHandlers(); static HSVValue RGBtoHSV(const RGBValue& rgb); static RGBValue HSVtoRGB(const HSVValue& hsv); protected: static wxList sm_handlers; // return the index of the point with the given coordinates or -1 if the // image is invalid of the coordinates are out of range // // note that index must be multiplied by 3 when using it with RGB array long XYToIndex(int x, int y) const; virtual wxObjectRefData* CreateRefData() const; virtual wxObjectRefData* CloneRefData(const wxObjectRefData* data) const; private: friend class WXDLLEXPORT wxImageHandler; DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxImage) }; extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxInitAllImageHandlers(); extern WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(wxImage) wxNullImage; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxImage handlers //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "wx/imagbmp.h" #include "wx/imagpng.h" #include "wx/imaggif.h" #include "wx/imagpcx.h" #include "wx/imagjpeg.h" #include "wx/imagtga.h" #include "wx/imagtiff.h" #include "wx/imagpnm.h" #include "wx/imagxpm.h" #include "wx/imagiff.h" #endif // wxUSE_IMAGE #endif // _WX_IMAGE_H_