Arrigo Marchiori d16787e1af Fix tests build with wxNO_IMPLICIT_WXSTRING_ENCODING
Add wxASCII_STR to the tests sources too.
2020-07-17 17:52:16 +02:00

640 lines
18 KiB

// Name: test.cpp
// Purpose: Test program for wxWidgets
// Author: Mike Wetherell
// Copyright: (c) 2004 Mike Wetherell
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// headers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h"
// and "catch.hpp"
#include "testprec.h"
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
// Suppress some warnings in catch_impl.hpp.
// This file needs to get the CATCH definitions in addition to the usual
// assertion macros declarations from catch.hpp included by testprec.h.
// Including an internal file like this is ugly, but there doesn't seem to be
// any better way, see https://github.com/philsquared/Catch/issues/1061
#include "internal/catch_impl.hpp"
// This probably could be done by predefining CLARA_CONFIG_MAIN, but at the
// point where we are, just define this global variable manually.
namespace Catch { namespace Clara { UnpositionalTag _; } }
// Also define our own global variables.
namespace wxPrivate
std::string wxTheCurrentTestClass, wxTheCurrentTestMethod;
// for all others, include the necessary headers
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"
#include "wx/apptrait.h"
#include "wx/cmdline.h"
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
#include "wx/msw/msvcrt.h"
#ifdef __WXOSX__
#include "wx/osx/private.h"
#if wxUSE_GUI
#include "testableframe.h"
#ifdef __WXGTK__
#include <glib.h>
#endif // __WXGTK__
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
#include "wx/socket.h"
#include "wx/evtloop.h"
using namespace std;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// helper classes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// exception class for MSVC debug CRT assertion failures
#ifdef wxUSE_VC_CRTDBG
struct CrtAssertFailure
CrtAssertFailure(const char *message) : m_msg(message) { }
const wxString m_msg;
return "CRT assert failure: " + e.m_msg.ToStdString(wxConvUTF8);
#endif // wxUSE_VC_CRTDBG
// Information about the last not yet handled assertion.
static wxString s_lastAssertMessage;
static wxString FormatAssertMessage(const wxString& file,
int line,
const wxString& func,
const wxString& cond,
const wxString& msg)
wxString str;
str << wxASCII_STR("wxWidgets assert: ") << cond
<< wxASCII_STR(" failed at ") << file << wxASCII_STR(":") << line
<< wxASCII_STR(" in ") << func << wxASCII_STR(" with message '")
<< msg << wxASCII_STR("'");
return str;
static void TestAssertHandler(const wxString& file,
int line,
const wxString& func,
const wxString& cond,
const wxString& msg)
// Determine whether we can safely throw an exception to just make the test
// fail or whether we need to abort (in this case "msg" will contain the
// explanation why did we decide to do it).
wxString abortReason;
const wxString
assertMessage = FormatAssertMessage(file, line, func, cond, msg);
if ( !wxIsMainThread() )
// Exceptions thrown from worker threads are not caught currently and
// so we'd just die without any useful information -- abort instead.
abortReason << assertMessage << wxASCII_STR("in a worker thread.");
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L || wxCHECK_VISUALC_VERSION(14)
else if ( uncaught_exceptions() )
else if ( uncaught_exception() )
// Throwing while already handling an exception would result in
// terminate() being called and we wouldn't get any useful information
// about why the test failed then.
if ( s_lastAssertMessage.empty() )
abortReason << assertMessage
<< wxASCII_STR("while handling an exception");
else // In this case the exception is due to a previous assert.
abortReason << s_lastAssertMessage
<< wxASCII_STR("\n and another ") << assertMessage
<< wxASCII_STR(" while handling it.");
else // Can "safely" throw from here.
// Remember this in case another assert happens while handling this
// exception: we want to show the original assert as it's usually more
// useful to determine the real root of the problem.
s_lastAssertMessage = assertMessage;
throw TestAssertFailure(file, line, func, cond, msg);
wxFputs(abortReason, stderr);
return e.m_msg.ToStdString(wxConvUTF8);
#endif // wxDEBUG_LEVEL
#if wxUSE_GUI
typedef wxApp TestAppBase;
typedef wxGUIAppTraits TestAppTraitsBase;
typedef wxAppConsole TestAppBase;
typedef wxConsoleAppTraits TestAppTraitsBase;
// The application class
class TestApp : public TestAppBase
// standard overrides
virtual bool OnInit() wxOVERRIDE;
virtual int OnExit() wxOVERRIDE;
#ifdef __WIN32__
virtual wxAppTraits *CreateTraits() wxOVERRIDE
// Define a new class just to customize CanUseStderr() behaviour.
class TestAppTraits : public TestAppTraitsBase
// We want to always use stderr, tests are also run unattended and
// in this case we really don't want to show any message boxes, as
// wxMessageOutputBest, used e.g. from the default implementation
// of wxApp::OnUnhandledException(), would do by default.
virtual bool CanUseStderr() wxOVERRIDE { return true; }
// Overriding CanUseStderr() is not enough, we also need to
// override this one to avoid returning false from it.
virtual bool WriteToStderr(const wxString& text) wxOVERRIDE
wxFputs(text, stderr);
// Intentionally ignore any errors, we really don't want to
// show any message boxes in any case.
return true;
return new TestAppTraits;
#endif // __WIN32__
// Also override this method to avoid showing any dialogs from here -- and
// show some details about the exception along the way.
virtual bool OnExceptionInMainLoop() wxOVERRIDE
wxFprintf(stderr, wxASCII_STR("Unhandled exception in the main loop: %s\n"),
// used by events propagation test
virtual int FilterEvent(wxEvent& event) wxOVERRIDE;
virtual bool ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event) wxOVERRIDE;
void SetFilterEventFunc(FilterEventFunc f) { m_filterEventFunc = f; }
void SetProcessEventFunc(ProcessEventFunc f) { m_processEventFunc = f; }
// In console applications we run the tests directly from the overridden
// OnRun(), but in the GUI ones we run them when we get the first call to
// our EVT_IDLE handler to ensure that we do everything from inside the
// main event loop. This is especially important under wxOSX/Cocoa where
// the main event loop is different from the others but it's also safer to
// do it like this in the other ports as we test the GUI code in the same
// context as it's used usually, in normal programs, and it might behave
// differently without the event loop.
#if wxUSE_GUI
void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event)
if ( m_runTests )
m_runTests = false;
#ifdef __WXOSX__
// we need to wait until the window is activated and fully ready
// otherwise no events can be posted
wxEventLoopBase* const loop = wxEventLoop::GetActive();
if ( loop )
#endif // __WXOSX__
m_exitcode = RunTests();
virtual int OnRun() wxOVERRIDE
if ( TestAppBase::OnRun() != 0 )
m_exitcode = EXIT_FAILURE;
return m_exitcode;
#else // !wxUSE_GUI
virtual int OnRun() wxOVERRIDE
return RunTests();
#endif // wxUSE_GUI/!wxUSE_GUI
int RunTests();
// flag telling us whether we should run tests from our EVT_IDLE handler
bool m_runTests;
// event handling hooks
FilterEventFunc m_filterEventFunc;
ProcessEventFunc m_processEventFunc;
#if wxUSE_GUI
// the program exit code
int m_exitcode;
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef wxUSE_VC_CRTDBG
static int TestCrtReportHook(int reportType, char *message, int *)
if ( reportType != _CRT_ASSERT )
return FALSE;
throw CrtAssertFailure(message);
#endif // wxUSE_VC_CRTDBG
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// tests can be ran non-interactively so make sure we don't show any assert
// dialog boxes -- neither our own nor from MSVC debug CRT -- which would
// prevent them from completing
#endif // wxDEBUG_LEVEL
#ifdef wxUSE_VC_CRTDBG
#endif // wxUSE_VC_CRTDBG
return wxEntry(argc, argv);
extern void SetFilterEventFunc(FilterEventFunc func)
extern void SetProcessEventFunc(ProcessEventFunc func)
extern bool IsNetworkAvailable()
// Somehow even though network is available on Travis CI build machines,
// attempts to open remote URIs sporadically fail, so don't run these tests
// under Travis to avoid false positives.
static int s_isTravis = -1;
if ( s_isTravis == -1 )
s_isTravis = wxGetEnv(wxASCII_STR("TRAVIS"), NULL);
if ( s_isTravis )
return false;
// NOTE: we could use wxDialUpManager here if it was in wxNet; since it's in
// wxCore we use a simple rough test:
wxIPV4address addr;
if (!addr.Hostname(wxASCII_STR("www.google.com")) || !addr.Service(wxASCII_STR("www")))
return false;
wxSocketClient sock;
sock.SetTimeout(10); // 10 secs
bool online = sock.Connect(addr);
return online;
extern bool IsAutomaticTest()
static int s_isAutomatic = -1;
if ( s_isAutomatic == -1 )
// Allow setting an environment variable to emulate buildslave user for
// testing.
wxString username;
if ( !wxGetEnv(wxASCII_STR("WX_TEST_USER"), &username) )
username = wxGetUserId();
s_isAutomatic = username == wxASCII_STR("buildbot") ||
// Also recognize Travis and AppVeyor CI environments.
if ( !s_isAutomatic )
s_isAutomatic = wxGetEnv(wxASCII_STR("TRAVIS"), NULL) ||
return s_isAutomatic == 1;
extern bool IsRunningUnderXVFB()
static int s_isRunningUnderXVFB = -1;
if ( s_isRunningUnderXVFB == -1 )
wxString value;
s_isRunningUnderXVFB = wxGetEnv(wxASCII_STR("wxUSE_XVFB"), &value) && value == wxASCII_STR("1");
return s_isRunningUnderXVFB == 1;
#ifdef __LINUX__
extern bool IsRunningInLXC()
// We're supposed to be able to detect running in LXC by checking for
// /dev/lxd existency, but this doesn't work under Travis for some reason,
// so just rely on having the environment variable defined for the
// corresponding builds in our .travis.yml.
wxString value;
return wxGetEnv("wxLXC", &value) && value == "1";
#endif // __LINUX__
#if wxUSE_GUI
bool EnableUITests()
static int s_enabled = -1;
if ( s_enabled == -1 )
// Allow explicitly configuring this via an environment variable under
// all platforms.
wxString enabled;
if ( wxGetEnv(wxASCII_STR("WX_UI_TESTS"), &enabled) )
if ( enabled == wxASCII_STR("1") )
s_enabled = 1;
else if ( enabled == wxASCII_STR("0") )
s_enabled = 0;
wxFprintf(stderr, wxASCII_STR("Unknown \"WX_UI_TESTS\" value \"%s\" ignored.\n"), enabled);
if ( s_enabled == -1 )
#if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXGTK__)
s_enabled = 1;
#else // !(__WXMSW__ || __WXGTK__)
s_enabled = 0;
#endif // (__WXMSW__ || __WXGTK__)
return s_enabled == 1;
void DeleteTestWindow(wxWindow* win)
if ( !win )
wxWindow* const capture = wxWindow::GetCapture();
if ( capture )
if ( capture == win ||
capture->GetMainWindowOfCompositeControl() == win )
delete win;
#ifdef __WXGTK__
#include "X11/Xlib.h"
extern "C"
int wxTestX11ErrorHandler(Display*, XErrorEvent*)
fprintf(stderr, "\n*** X11 error while running %s(): ",
return 0;
#endif // GDK_WINDOWING_X11
extern "C"
wxTestGLogHandler(const gchar* domain,
GLogLevelFlags level,
const gchar* message,
gpointer data)
// Check if debug messages in this domain will be logged.
if ( level == G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG )
static const char* const allowed = getenv("G_MESSAGES_DEBUG");
// By default debug messages are dropped, but if G_MESSAGES_DEBUG is
// defined, they're logged for the domains specified in it and if it
// has the special value "all", then all debug messages are shown.
// Note that the check here can result in false positives, e.g. domain
// "foo" would pass it even if G_MESSAGES_DEBUG only contains "foobar",
// but such cases don't seem to be important enough to bother
// accounting for them.
if ( !allowed ||
(strcmp(allowed, "all") != 0 && !strstr(allowed, domain)) )
fprintf(stderr, "\n*** GTK log message while running %s(): ",
g_log_default_handler(domain, level, message, data);
#endif // __WXGTK__
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TestApp
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
m_runTests = true;
m_filterEventFunc = NULL;
m_processEventFunc = NULL;
#if wxUSE_GUI
m_exitcode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// Init
bool TestApp::OnInit()
// Hack: don't call TestAppBase::OnInit() to let CATCH handle command line.
// Output some important information about the test environment.
#if wxUSE_GUI
cout << "Test program for wxWidgets GUI features\n"
cout << "Test program for wxWidgets non-GUI features\n"
<< "build: " << WX_BUILD_OPTIONS_SIGNATURE << "\n"
<< "running under " << wxGetOsDescription()
<< " as " << wxGetUserId()
<< ", locale is " << setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL)
<< std::endl;
#if wxUSE_GUI
// create a parent window to be used as parent for the GUI controls
new wxTestableFrame();
Connect(wxEVT_IDLE, wxIdleEventHandler(TestApp::OnIdle));
#ifdef __WXGTK20__
g_log_set_default_handler(wxTestGLogHandler, NULL);
#endif // __WXGTK__
#endif // GDK_WINDOWING_X11
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
return true;
// Event handling
int TestApp::FilterEvent(wxEvent& event)
if ( m_filterEventFunc )
return (*m_filterEventFunc)(event);
return TestAppBase::FilterEvent(event);
bool TestApp::ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event)
if ( m_processEventFunc )
return (*m_processEventFunc)(event);
return TestAppBase::ProcessEvent(event);
// Run
int TestApp::RunTests()
#if wxUSE_LOG
// Switch off logging to avoid interfering with the tests output unless
// WXTRACE is set, as otherwise setting it would have no effect while
// running the tests.
if ( !wxGetEnv(wxASCII_STR("WXTRACE"), NULL) )
// Cast is needed under MSW where Catch also provides an overload taking
// wchar_t, but as it simply converts arguments to char internally anyhow,
// we can just as well always use the char version.
return Catch::Session().run(argc, static_cast<char**>(argv));
int TestApp::OnExit()
#if wxUSE_GUI
delete GetTopWindow();
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
return TestAppBase::OnExit();