2003-01-18 00:16:34 +00:00

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A class for manipulating rectangles.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxPoint}{wxpoint}, \helpref{wxSize}{wxsize}
Default constructor.
\func{}{wxRect}{\param{int}{ x}, \param{int}{ y}, \param{int}{ width}, \param{int}{ height}}
Creates a wxRect object from x, y, width and height values.
\func{}{wxRect}{\param{const wxPoint\&}{ topLeft}, \param{const wxPoint\&}{ bottomRight}}
Creates a wxRect object from top-left and bottom-right points.
\func{}{wxRect}{\param{const wxPoint\&}{ pos}, \param{const wxSize\&}{ size}}
Creates a wxRect object from position and size values.
x coordinate of the top-level corner of the rectangle.
y coordinate of the top-level corner of the rectangle.
Width member.
Height member.
\func{void}{Deflate}{\param{wxCoord }{dx}, \param{wxCoord }{dy}}
\func{void}{Deflate}{\param{wxCoord }{diff}}
\constfunc{wxRect}{Deflate}{\param{wxCoord }{dx}, \param{wxCoord }{dy}}
Decrease the rectangle size by {\it dx} in x direction and {\it dy} in y
direction. Both (or one of) parameters may be negative to increase the
rectngle size. This method is the opposite of \helpref{Inflate}{wxrectinflate}.
The second form uses the same {\it diff} for both {\it dx} and {\it dy}.
The first two versions modify the rectangle in place, the last one returns a
new rectangle leaving this one unchanged.
\wxheading{See also}
Gets the bottom point of the rectangle.
Gets the height member.
Gets the left point of the rectangle (the same as \helpref{wxRect::GetX}{wxrectgetx}).
Gets the position.
Gets the right point of the rectangle.
Gets the size.
Gets the top point of the rectangle (the same as \helpref{wxRect::GetY}{wxrectgety}).
Gets the width member.
Gets the x member.
Gets the y member.
\func{void}{Inflate}{\param{wxCoord }{dx}, \param{wxCoord }{dy}}
\func{void}{Inflate}{\param{wxCoord }{diff}}
\constfunc{wxRect}{Inflate}{\param{wxCoord }{dx}, \param{wxCoord }{dy}}
Increase the rectangle size by {\it dx} in x direction and {\it dy} in y
direction. Both (or one of) parameters may be negative to decrease the
rectangle size.
The second form uses the same {\it diff} for both {\it dx} and {\it dy}.
The first two versions modify the rectangle in place, the last one returns a
new rectangle leaving this one unchanged.
\wxheading{See also}
\constfunc{bool}{Inside}{\param{int }{x}, \param{int }{y}}
\constfunc{bool}{Inside}{\param{const wxPoint\& }{pt}}
Returns {\tt true} if the given point is inside the rectangle (or on its
boundary) and {\tt false} otherwise.
\constfunc{bool}{Intersects}{\param{const wxRect\& }{rect}}
Returns {\tt true} if this rectangle has a non empty intersection with the
rectangle {\it rect} and {\tt false} otherwise.
\func{void}{Offset}{\param{wxCoord }{dx}, \param{wxCoord }{dy}}
\func{void}{Offset}{\param{const wxPoint\& }{pt}}
Moves the rectangle by the specified offset. If {\it dx} is positive, the
rectangle is moved to the right, if {\it dy} is positive, it is moved to the
bottom, otherwise it is moved to the left or top respectively.
\func{void}{SetHeight}{\param{int}{ height}}
Sets the height.
\func{void}{SetWidth}{\param{int}{ width}}
Sets the width.
\func{void}{SetX}{\param{int}{ x}}
Sets the x position.
\func{void}{SetY}{\param{int}{ y}}
Sets the y position.
\membersection{wxRect::operator $=$}
\func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const wxRect\& }{rect}}
Assignment operator.
\membersection{wxRect::operator $==$}
\func{bool}{operator $==$}{\param{const wxRect\& }{rect}}
Equality operator.
\membersection{wxRect::operator $!=$}
\func{bool}{operator $!=$}{\param{const wxRect\& }{rect}}
Inequality operator.