2001-10-31 17:11:04 +00:00

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%% Name: strtotxt.tex
%% Purpose: wxStreamToTextRedirector documentation
%% Author: Vadim Zeitlin
%% Modified by:
%% Created: 19.10.01
%% RCS-ID: $Id$
%% Copyright: (c) 2001 Vadim Zeitlin <vadim@wxwindows.org>
%% License: wxWindows license
This class can be used to (temporarily) redirect all output sent to a C++
ostream object to a \helpref{wxTextCtrl}{wxtextctrl} instead.
{\bf NB:} Some compilers and/or build configurations don't support multiply
inheriting \helpref{wxTextCtrl}{wxtextctrl} from {\tt std::streambuf} in which
case this class is not compiled in. You also must have {\tt wxUSE\_STD\_IOSTREAM}
option on (i.e. set to $1$) in your setup.h to be able to use it. Under Unix,
specify {\tt --enable-std\_iostreams} switch when running configure for this.
Example of usage:
using namespace std;
wxTextCtrl *text = new wxTextCtrl(...);
wxStreamToTextRedirector redirect(text);
// this goes to the text control
cout << "Hello, text!" << endl;
// this goes soemwhere else, presumably to stdout
cout << "Hello, console!" << endl;
\wxheading{Derived from}
No base class
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\func{}{wxStreamToTextRedirector}{\param{wxTextCtrl }{*text}, \param{ostream *}{ostr = NULL}}
The constructor starts redirecting output sent to {\it ostr} or {\it cout} for
the default parameter value to the text control {\it text}.
\docparam{text}{The text control to append output too, must be non NULL}
\docparam{ostr}{The C++ stream to redirect, {\it cout} is used if it is NULL}
When a wxStreamToTextRedirector object is destroyed, the redirection is ended
and any output sent to the C++ ostream which had been specified at the time of
the object construction will go to its original destination.