George Tasker a2115c88f3 Added support for dBase, PostGres, MySQL, Access, MS SQL Server.
Added QUERY_ONLY data connection types.
SQL logging code addded.
Cleaned up handling compilation under both 1.6x and 2.x.
Added debug code to warn when connections were not released on program termination.
MS-VC6 corrections due to larger memory buffers required.
Parameter added to not require CreateView() and CreateTable() to drop the view or table first.
DropView() function added.
Database UserIDs can now be passed to functions that need them.
SQLUnbind() called where needed now to prevent resource leaks.
TableExists() function now handles dBase files.
Dbms() function added to determine which database the program is currently running against.
Comments have been added to the Dbms() function to indicate issues specific to different data sources.
Dynamic cursor support added (no longer creates 5-7 cursors for every wxTable instance).
wxTable dtor is now virtual.
Parameter added to not require CreateIndex() and CreateTable() to drop the view or table first.
DropIndex() and DropTable() functions added.

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@3868 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
1999-10-07 14:19:57 +00:00

197 lines
7.4 KiB

// Name: dbtable.h
// Purpose: Declaration of the wxTable class.
// Author: Doug Card
// Modified by:
// Created: 9.96
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1996 Remstar International, Inc.
// Licence: wxWindows licence, plus:
// Notice: This class library and its intellectual design are free of charge for use,
// modification, enhancement, debugging under the following conditions:
// 1) These classes may only be used as part of the implementation of a
// wxWindows-based application
// 2) All enhancements and bug fixes are to be submitted back to the wxWindows
// user groups free of all charges for use with the wxWindows library.
// 3) These classes may not be distributed as part of any other class library,
// DLL, text (written or electronic), other than a complete distribution of
// the wxWindows GUI development toolkit.
// Use this line for wxWindows v1.x
//#include "wx_ver.h"
// Use this line for wxWindows v2.x
#include "wx/version.h"
#if wxMAJOR_VERSION == 2
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface "dbtable.h"
#if wxMAJOR_VERSION == 2
#include "wx/db.h"
#include "db.h"
const int ROWID_LEN = 24; // 18 is the max, 24 is in case it gets larger
const int DEFAULT_CURSOR = 0;
const bool QUERY_ONLY = TRUE;
const bool DISABLE_VIEW = TRUE;
// The following class is used to define a column of a table.
// The wxTable constructor will dynamically allocate as many of
// these as there are columns in the table. The class derived
// from wxTable must initialize these column definitions in it's
// constructor. These column definitions provide inf. to the
// wxTable class which allows it to create a table in the data
// source, exchange data between the data source and the C++
// object, and so on.
char ColName[DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN+1]; // Column Name
int DbDataType; // Logical Data Type; e.g. DB_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER
int SqlCtype; // C data type; e.g. SQL_C_LONG
void *PtrDataObj; // Address of the data object
int SzDataObj; // Size, in bytes, of the data object
bool KeyField; // TRUE if this column is part of the PRIMARY KEY to the table; Date fields should NOT be KeyFields.
bool Updateable; // Specifies whether this column is updateable
bool InsertAllowed; // Specifies whether this column should be included in an INSERT statement
bool DerivedCol; // Specifies whether this column is a derived value
SDWORD CbValue; // Internal use only!!!
bool Null; // NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED - Allows NULL values in Inserts and Updates
}; // CcolDef
// This structure is used when creating secondary indexes.
bool Ascending;
}; // CidxDef
class WXDLLEXPORT wxTable
ULONG tableID; // Used for debugging. This can help to match up mismatched constructors/destructors
// Private member variables
UDWORD cursorType;
// Private member functions
bool bindInsertParams(void);
bool bindUpdateParams(void);
bool bindCols(HSTMT cursor);
bool getRec(UWORD fetchType);
bool execDelete(char *pSqlStmt);
bool execUpdate(char *pSqlStmt);
bool query(int queryType, bool forUpdate, bool distinct, char *pSqlStmt = 0);
// Pointer to the database object this table belongs to
wxDB *pDb;
// ODBC Handles
HENV henv; // ODBC Environment handle
HDBC hdbc; // ODBC DB Connection handle
HSTMT hstmt; // ODBC Statement handle
HSTMT *hstmtDefault; // Default cursor
HSTMT hstmtInsert; // ODBC Statement handle used specifically for inserts
HSTMT hstmtDelete; // ODBC Statement handle used specifically for deletes
HSTMT hstmtUpdate; // ODBC Statement handle used specifically for updates
HSTMT hstmtInternal; // ODBC Statement handle used internally only
HSTMT *hstmtCount; // ODBC Statement handle used by Count() function (No binding of columns)
// Table Inf.
char tableName[DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1]; // Table name
char queryTableName[DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1]; // Query Table Name
int noCols; // # of columns in the table
bool queryOnly; // Query Only, no inserts, updates or deletes
char tablePath[DB_PATH_MAX]; // needed for dBase tables
// Column Definitions
CcolDef *colDefs; // Array of CcolDef structures
// Where, Order By and From clauses
char *where; // Standard SQL where clause, minus the word WHERE
char *orderBy; // Standard SQL order by clause, minus the ORDER BY
char *from; // Allows for joins in a wxTable::Query(). Format: ",tbl,tbl..."
// Flags
bool selectForUpdate;
// Public member functions
wxTable(wxDB *pwxDB, const char *tblName, const int nCols,
const char *qryTblName = 0, bool qryOnly = !QUERY_ONLY, char *tblPath=NULL);
virtual ~wxTable();
bool Open(void);
bool CreateTable(bool attemptDrop=TRUE);
bool DropTable(void);
bool CreateIndex(char * idxName, bool unique, int noIdxCols, CidxDef *pIdxDefs, bool attemptDrop=TRUE);
bool DropIndex(char * idxName);
bool CloseCursor(HSTMT cursor);
int Insert(void);
bool Update(void);
bool Update(char *pSqlStmt);
bool UpdateWhere(char *pWhereClause);
bool Delete(void);
bool DeleteWhere(char *pWhereClause);
bool DeleteMatching(void);
virtual bool Query(bool forUpdate = FALSE, bool distinct = FALSE);
bool QueryBySqlStmt(char *pSqlStmt);
bool QueryMatching(bool forUpdate = FALSE, bool distinct = FALSE);
bool QueryOnKeyFields(bool forUpdate = FALSE, bool distinct = FALSE);
bool GetNext(void) { return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_NEXT)); }
bool operator++(int) { return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_NEXT)); }
bool GetPrev(void) { return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_PRIOR)); }
bool operator--(int) { return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_PRIOR)); }
bool GetFirst(void) { return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_FIRST)); }
bool GetLast(void) { return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_LAST)); }
bool IsCursorClosedOnCommit(void);
bool IsColNull(int colNo);
UWORD GetRowNum(void);
void GetSelectStmt(char *pSqlStmt, int typeOfSelect, bool distinct);
void GetDeleteStmt(char *pSqlStmt, int typeOfDel, char *pWhereClause = 0);
void GetUpdateStmt(char *pSqlStmt, int typeOfUpd, char *pWhereClause = 0);
void GetWhereClause(char *pWhereClause, int typeOfWhere, char *qualTableName = 0);
bool CanSelectForUpdate(void);
bool CanUpdByROWID(void);
void ClearMemberVars(void);
bool SetQueryTimeout(UDWORD nSeconds);
void SetColDefs (int index, char *fieldName, int dataType, void *pData, int cType,
int size, bool keyField = FALSE, bool upd = TRUE,
bool insAllow = TRUE, bool derivedCol = FALSE);
HSTMT *NewCursor(bool setCursor = FALSE, bool bindColumns = TRUE);
bool DeleteCursor(HSTMT *hstmtDel);
void SetCursor(HSTMT *hstmtActivate = (void **) DEFAULT_CURSOR);
HSTMT GetCursor(void) { return(hstmt); }
ULONG Count(void);
int DB_STATUS(void) { return(pDb->DB_STATUS); }
bool Refresh(void);
bool SetNull(int colNo);
bool SetNull(char *colName);
#if __WXDEBUG__ > 0
ULONG GetTableID() { return tableID; };
}; // wxTable