2000-10-09 14:31:03 +00:00

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wxHelpControllerHelpProvider is an implementation of wxHelpProvider which supports
both context identifiers and plain text help strings. If the help text is an integer,
it is passed to wxHelpController::DisplayContextPopup. Otherwise, it shows the string
in a tooltip as per wxSimpleHelpProvider. If you use this with a wxCHMHelpController instance
on windows, it will use the native style of tip window instead of \helpref{wxTipWindow}{wxtipwindow}.
You can use the convenience function {\bf wxContextId} to convert an integer context
id to a string for passing to \helpref{wxWindow::SetHelpText}{wxwindowsethelptext}.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxHelpProvider}{wxhelpprovider}, \helpref{wxSimpleHelpProvider}{wxsimplehelpprovider},
\helpref{wxContextHelp}{wxcontexthelp}, \helpref{wxWindow::SetHelpText}{wxwindowsethelptext},
\func{}{wxHelpControllerHelpProvider}{\param{wxHelpControllerBase* }{hc = NULL}}
Note that the instance doesn't own the help controller. The help controller
should be deleted separately.
\func{void}{SetHelpController}{\param{wxHelpControllerBase* }{hc}}
Sets the help controller associated with this help provider.
Returns the help controller associated with this help provider.