Robert Roebling 9c8849722a Doc updates, wxsizer et al
wxFileDialog displays current dir now,
 wxTipProvider uses statictext for headline
 messagebox (and other) dialogs now always display
   an OK buttons, unless wxYES_NO is given
 Appending a menu to a menu bar after having called
   wxFrame::SetMenuBar() should now work
 Added test to configure so that it correctly sets
  compiler flags etc if GCC is used on Solaris and
  IRIX instead of CC, also changed default shared
  library create to GCC from G++ on some platforms
  (as previously already Linux)

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@3429 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
1999-08-19 18:41:41 +00:00

188 lines
7.5 KiB

This event class contains information about command events, which originate from a variety of
simple controls. More complex controls, such as \helpref{wxTreeCtrl}{wxtreectrl}, have separate command event classes.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{Event table macros}
To process a menu command event, use these event handler macros to direct input to member
functions that take a wxCommandEvent argument.
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_COMMAND(id, event, func)}}{Process a command, supplying the window identifier,
command event identifier, and member function.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_COMMAND\_RANGE(id1, id2, event, func)}}{Process a command for a range
of window identifiers, supplying the minimum and maximum window identifiers,
command event identifier, and member function.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_BUTTON(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_BUTTON\_CLICKED command,
which is generated by a wxButton control.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_CHECKBOX(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_CHECKBOX\_CLICKED command,
which is generated by a wxCheckBox control.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_CHOICE(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_CHOICE\_SELECTED command,
which is generated by a wxChoice control.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_LISTBOX(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_LISTBOX\_SELECTED command,
which is generated by a wxListBox control.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_LISTBOX\_DCLICK(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_LISTBOX\_DOUBLECLICKED command,
which is generated by a wxListBox control.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TEXT(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_TEXT\_UPDATED command,
which is generated by a wxTextCtrl control.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TEXT\_ENTER(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_TEXT\_ENTER command,
which is generated by a wxTextCtrl control.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_MENU(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_MENU\_SELECTED command,
which is generated by a menu item.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_MENU\_RANGE(id1, id2, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_MENU\_RANGE command,
which is generated by a range of menu items.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_SLIDER(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_SLIDER\_UPDATED command,
which is generated by a wxSlider control.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_RADIOBOX(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_RADIOBOX\_SELECTED command,
which is generated by a wxRadioBox control.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_RADIOBUTTON(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_RADIOBUTTON\_SELECTED command,
which is generated by a wxRadioButton control.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_SCROLLBAR(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_SCROLLBAR\_UPDATED command,
which is generated by a wxScrollBar control. This is provided for compatibility only;
more specific scrollbar event macros should be used instead (see \helpref{wxScrollEvent}{wxscrollevent}).}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_COMBOBOX(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_COMBOBOX\_SELECTED command,
which is generated by a wxComboBox control.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TOOL(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_TOOL\_CLICKED event
(a synonym for wxEVT\_COMMAND\_MENU\_SELECTED). Pass the id of the tool.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TOOL\_RANGE(id1, id2, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_TOOL\_CLICKED event
for a range id identifiers. Pass the ids of the tools.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TOOL\_RCLICKED(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_TOOL\_RCLICKED event.
Pass the id of the tool.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TOOL\_RCLICKED\_RANGE(id1, id2, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_TOOL\_RCLICKED event
for a range of ids. Pass the ids of the tools.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TOOL\_ENTER(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_TOOL\_ENTER event.
Pass the id of the toolbar itself. The value of wxCommandEvent::GetSelection is the tool id, or -1 if the mouse cursor has moved off a tool.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_COMMAND\_LEFT\_CLICK(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_LEFT\_CLICK command,
which is generated by a control (Windows 95 and NT only).}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_COMMAND\_LEFT\_DCLICK(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_LEFT\_DCLICK command,
which is generated by a control (Windows 95 and NT only).}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_COMMAND\_RIGHT\_CLICK(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_RIGHT\_CLICK command,
which is generated by a control (Windows 95 and NT only).}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_COMMAND\_SET\_FOCUS(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_SET\_FOCUS command,
which is generated by a control (Windows 95 and NT only).}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_COMMAND\_KILL\_FOCUS(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_KILL\_FOCUS command,
which is generated by a control (Windows 95 and NT only).}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_COMMAND\_ENTER(id, func)}}{Process a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_ENTER command,
which is generated by a control.}
Contains a pointer to client data for listboxes and choices, if the event
was a selection. Beware, this is not implemented anyway...
Contains an integer identifier corresponding to a listbox, choice or
radiobox selection (only if the event was a selection, not a
deselection), or a boolean value representing the value of a checkbox.
Contains a string corresponding to a listbox or choice selection.
Extra information. If the event comes from a listbox selection, it is
a boolean determining whether the event was a selection (TRUE) or a
deselection (FALSE). A listbox deselection only occurs for
multiple-selection boxes, and in this case the index and string values
are indeterminate and the listbox must be examined by the application.
\func{}{wxCommandEvent}{\param{WXTYPE}{ commandEventType = 0}, \param{int}{ id = 0}}
Returns TRUE or FALSE for a checkbox selection event.
Returns client data pointer for a listbox or choice selection event
(not valid for a deselection). Beware, this is not implmented anywhere...
Returns the {\bf m\_extraLong} member.
Returns the {\bf m\_commandInt} member.
Returns item index for a listbox or choice selection event (not valid for
a deselection).
Returns item string for a listbox or choice selection event (not valid for
a deselection).
For a listbox or choice event, returns TRUE if it is a selection, FALSE if it
is a deselection.
\func{void}{SetClientData}{\param{void*}{ clientData}}
Sets the client data for this event.
\func{void}{SetExtraLong}{\param{int}{ extraLong}}
Sets the {\bf m\_extraLong} member.
\func{void}{SetInt}{\param{int}{ intCommand}}
Sets the {\bf m\_commandInt} member.
\func{void}{SetString}{\param{char*}{ string}}
Sets the {\bf m\_commandString} member.