Vadim Zeitlin 3f66f6a5b3 Remove all lines containing cvs/svn "$Id$" keyword.
This keyword is not expanded by Git which means it's not replaced with the
correct revision value in the releases made using git-based scripts and it's
confusing to have lines with unexpanded "$Id$" in the released files. As
expanding them with Git is not that simple (it could be done with git archive
and export-subst attribute) and there are not many benefits in having them in
the first place, just remove all these lines.

If nothing else, this will make an eventual transition to Git simpler.

Closes #14487.

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@74602 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2013-07-26 16:02:46 +00:00

332 lines
11 KiB

// Name: src/common/xtistrm.cpp
// Purpose: streaming runtime metadata information
// Author: Stefan Csomor
// Modified by:
// Created: 27/07/03
// Copyright: (c) 2003 Stefan Csomor
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
#include "wx/wxprec.h"
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
#include "wx/xtistrm.h"
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/object.h"
#include "wx/hash.h"
#include "wx/event.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "wx/tokenzr.h"
#include "wx/txtstrm.h"
#include "codereadercallback.h"
#error This sample requires XTI (eXtended RTTI) enabled
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxObjectCodeReaderCallback - depersisting to code
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct wxObjectCodeReaderCallback::wxObjectCodeReaderCallbackInternal
map<int,wstring> m_objectNames;
map<int,string> m_objectNames;
void SetObjectName(int objectID, const wxString &name )
if ( m_objectNames.find(objectID) != m_objectNames.end() )
wxLogError( _("Passing a already registered object to SetObjectName") );
return ;
m_objectNames[objectID] = (const wxChar *)name;
wxString GetObjectName( int objectID )
if ( objectID == wxNullObjectID )
return wxT("NULL");
if ( m_objectNames.find(objectID) == m_objectNames.end() )
wxLogError( _("Passing an unkown object to GetObject") );
return wxEmptyString;
return wxString( m_objectNames[objectID].c_str() );
wxObjectCodeReaderCallback::wxObjectCodeReaderCallback(wxString& headerincludes, wxString &source)
: m_headerincludes(headerincludes),m_source(source)
m_data = new wxObjectCodeReaderCallbackInternal;
delete m_data;
void wxObjectCodeReaderCallback::AllocateObject(int objectID, wxClassInfo *classInfo,
wxStringToAnyHashMap &WXUNUSED(metadata))
if ( classInfo->GetIncludeName() != wxEmptyString)
// add corresponding header if not already included
wxString include;
include.Printf(wxT("#include \"%s\"\n"),classInfo->GetIncludeName());
if ( m_headerincludes.Find(include) == wxNOT_FOUND)
m_headerincludes += include;
wxString objectName = wxString::Format( wxT("LocalObject_%d"), objectID );
m_source += ( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s *%s = new %s;\n"),
classInfo->GetClassName()) );
m_data->SetObjectName( objectID, objectName );
void wxObjectCodeReaderCallback::DestroyObject(int objectID, wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(classInfo))
m_source += ( wxString::Format( wxT("\tdelete %s;\n"),
m_data->GetObjectName( objectID).c_str() ) );
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxObjectConstructorWriter: public wxObjectWriterFunctor
wxObjectConstructorWriter(const wxClassTypeInfo* cti,
wxObjectCodeReaderCallback* writer) :
virtual void operator()(const wxObject *vobj)
const wxClassInfo* ci = m_cti->GetClassInfo();
for ( int i = 0; i < ci->GetCreateParamCount(); ++i )
wxString name = ci->GetCreateParamName(i);
const wxPropertyInfo* prop = ci->FindPropertyInfo(name);
if ( i > 0 )
m_constructor += ", ";
wxAny value;
prop->GetAccessor()->GetProperty(vobj, value);
m_constructor+= m_writer->ValueAsCode(value);
const wxString& GetConstructorString() const { return m_constructor;}
const wxClassTypeInfo* m_cti;
wxObjectCodeReaderCallback* m_writer;
wxString m_constructor;
wxString wxObjectCodeReaderCallback::ValueAsCode( const wxAny &param )
wxString value;
const wxTypeInfo* type = param.GetTypeInfo();
if ( type->GetKind() == wxT_CUSTOM )
const wxCustomTypeInfo* cti = wx_dynamic_cast(const wxCustomTypeInfo*, type);
if ( cti )
value.Printf( wxT("%s(%s)"), cti->GetTypeName().c_str(),
wxAnyGetAsString(param).c_str() );
wxLogError ( _("Internal error, illegal wxCustomTypeInfo") );
else if ( type->GetKind() == wxT_STRING )
value.Printf( wxT("\"%s\""), wxAnyGetAsString(param).c_str() );
else if ( type->GetKind() == wxT_OBJECT )
const wxClassTypeInfo* ctype = wx_dynamic_cast(const wxClassTypeInfo*,type);
const wxClassInfo* ci = ctype->GetClassInfo();
if( ci->NeedsDirectConstruction())
wxObjectConstructorWriter cw(ctype,this);
value.Printf( wxT("%s(%s)"), ctype->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName(),
cw.GetConstructorString() );
value.Printf( wxT("%s"), wxAnyGetAsString(param).c_str() );
return value;
void wxObjectCodeReaderCallback::CreateObject(int objectID,
const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(classInfo),
int paramCount,
wxAny *params,
int *objectIDValues,
const wxClassInfo **WXUNUSED(objectClassInfos),
wxStringToAnyHashMap &WXUNUSED(metadata)
int i;
m_source += ( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s->Create("),
m_data->GetObjectName(objectID).c_str() ) );
for (i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
if ( objectIDValues[i] != wxInvalidObjectID )
wxString str =
wxString::Format( wxT("%s"),
m_data->GetObjectName( objectIDValues[i] ).c_str() );
m_source += ( str );
m_source += (
wxString::Format( wxT("%s"), ValueAsCode(params[i]).c_str() ) );
if (i < paramCount - 1)
m_source += ( wxT(", "));
m_source += ( wxT(");\n") );
void wxObjectCodeReaderCallback::ConstructObject(int objectID,
const wxClassInfo *classInfo,
int paramCount,
wxAny *params,
int *objectIDValues,
const wxClassInfo **WXUNUSED(objectClassInfos),
wxStringToAnyHashMap &WXUNUSED(metadata)
wxString objectName = wxString::Format( wxT("LocalObject_%d"), objectID );
m_source += ( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s *%s = new %s("),
classInfo->GetClassName()) );
m_data->SetObjectName( objectID, objectName );
int i;
for (i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
if ( objectIDValues[i] != wxInvalidObjectID )
m_source += ( wxString::Format( wxT("%s"),
m_data->GetObjectName( objectIDValues[i] ).c_str() ) );
m_source += (
wxString::Format( wxT("%s"), ValueAsCode(params[i]).c_str() ) );
if (i < paramCount - 1)
m_source += ( wxT(", ") );
m_source += ( wxT(");\n") );
void wxObjectCodeReaderCallback::SetProperty(int objectID,
const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(classInfo),
const wxPropertyInfo* propertyInfo,
const wxAny &value)
m_source += ( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s->%s(%s);\n"),
ValueAsCode(value).c_str()) );
void wxObjectCodeReaderCallback::SetPropertyAsObject(int objectID,
const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(classInfo),
const wxPropertyInfo* propertyInfo,
int valueObjectId)
if ( propertyInfo->GetTypeInfo()->GetKind() == wxT_OBJECT )
m_source += ( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s->%s(*%s);\n"),
m_data->GetObjectName( valueObjectId).c_str() ) );
m_source += ( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s->%s(%s);\n"),
m_data->GetObjectName( valueObjectId).c_str() ) );
void wxObjectCodeReaderCallback::AddToPropertyCollection( int objectID,
const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(classInfo),
const wxPropertyInfo* propertyInfo,
const wxAny &value)
m_source += ( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s->%s(%s);\n"),
ValueAsCode(value).c_str()) );
// sets the corresponding property (value is an object)
void wxObjectCodeReaderCallback::
AddToPropertyCollectionAsObject(int WXUNUSED(objectID),
const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(classInfo),
const wxPropertyInfo* WXUNUSED(propertyInfo),
int WXUNUSED(valueObjectId))
void wxObjectCodeReaderCallback::SetConnect(int eventSourceObjectID,
const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(eventSourceClassInfo),
const wxPropertyInfo *delegateInfo,
const wxClassInfo *eventSinkClassInfo,
const wxHandlerInfo* handlerInfo,
int eventSinkObjectID )
wxString ehsource = m_data->GetObjectName( eventSourceObjectID );
wxString ehsink = m_data->GetObjectName(eventSinkObjectID);
wxString ehsinkClass = eventSinkClassInfo->GetClassName();
const wxEventSourceTypeInfo *delegateTypeInfo =
wx_dynamic_cast(const wxEventSourceTypeInfo*, delegateInfo->GetTypeInfo());
if ( delegateTypeInfo )
int eventType = delegateTypeInfo->GetEventType();
wxString handlerName = handlerInfo->GetName();
wxString code =
wxT("\t%s->Connect( %s->GetId(), %d, ")
wxT("(wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEventFunction) & %s::%s, NULL, %s );"),
ehsource.c_str(), ehsource.c_str(), eventType, ehsinkClass.c_str(),
handlerName.c_str(), ehsink.c_str() );
m_source += ( code );
wxLogError(_("delegate has no type info"));