1998-07-10 14:15:17 +00:00

336 lines
12 KiB

// Name: log.h
// Purpose: Assorted wxLogXXX functions, and wxLog (sink for logs)
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created: 29/01/98
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
// Licence: wxWindows license
#ifndef __LOGH__
#define __LOGH__
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface "log.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// different standard log levels (you may also define your own)
wxLOG_FatalError, // program can't continue, abort immediately
wxLOG_Error, // a serious error, user must be informed about it
wxLOG_Warning, // user is normally informed about it but may be ignored
wxLOG_Message, // normal message (i.e. normal output of a non GUI app)
wxLOG_Info, // informational message (a.k.a. 'Verbose')
wxLOG_Status, // informational: might go to the status line of GUI app
wxLOG_Debug, // never shown to the user, disabled in release mode
wxLOG_Trace, // trace messages are also only enabled in debug mode
wxLOG_Progress, // used for progress indicator (not yet)
wxLOG_User = 100 // user defined levels start here
// meaning of different bits of the trace mask (which allows selectively
// enable/disable some trace messages)
#define wxTraceMemAlloc 0x0001 // trace memory allocation (new/delete)
#define wxTraceMessages 0x0002 // trace window messages/X callbacks
#define wxTraceResAlloc 0x0004 // trace GDI resource allocation
#define wxTraceRefCount 0x0008 // trace various ref counting operations
#ifdef __WXMSW__
#define wxTraceOleCalls 0x0100 // OLE interface calls
typedef unsigned long wxTraceMask;
typedef unsigned long wxLogLevel;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// derive from this class to redirect (or suppress, or ...) log messages
// normally, only a single instance of this class exists but it's not enforced
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ctor
// sink function
static void OnLog(wxLogLevel level, const char *szString)
{ if ( ms_pLogger != 0 ) ms_pLogger->DoLog(level, szString); }
// message buffering
// flush shows all messages if they're not logged immediately
// (FILE and iostream logs don't need it, but wxGuiLog does to avoid
// showing 17 modal dialogs one after another)
virtual void Flush();
// call to Flush() may be optimized: call it only if this function
// returns true (although Flush() also returns immediately if there
// is no messages, this functions is more efficient because inline)
bool HasPendingMessages() const { return m_bHasMessages; }
// only one sink is active at each moment
// get current log target
static wxLog *GetActiveTarget();
// change log target, pLogger = NULL disables logging,
// returns the previous log target
static wxLog *SetActiveTarget(wxLog *pLogger);
// functions controlling the default wxLog behaviour
// verbose mode is activated by standard command-line '-verbose' option
void SetVerbose(bool bVerbose = TRUE) { m_bVerbose = bVerbose; }
// sets the format for timestamp prepended by wxLog::DoLog(): it's
// passed to strftime() function, see it's documentation for details.
// no time stamp at all if szTF is NULL or empty
// NB: the string is not copied, so it's lifetime must be long enough!
void SetTimeStampFormat(const char *szTF) { m_szTimeFormat = szTF; }
// trace mask (see wxTraceXXX constants for details)
void SetTraceMask(wxTraceMask ulMask) { m_ulTraceMask = ulMask; }
// accessors
// gets the verbose status
bool GetVerbose() const { return m_bVerbose; }
// get current time format
const char *GetTimeStampFormat() const { return m_szTimeFormat; }
// get trace mask
wxTraceMask GetTraceMask() const { return m_ulTraceMask; }
// make dtor virtual for all derived classes
virtual ~wxLog() { }
bool m_bHasMessages;
bool m_bVerbose; // FALSE => ignore LogInfo messages
const char *m_szTimeFormat; // format for strftime()
wxTraceMask m_ulTraceMask; // controls wxLogTrace behaviour
// the logging functions that can be overriden
// default DoLog() prepends the time stamp and a prefix corresponding
// to the message to szString and then passes it to DoLogString()
virtual void DoLog(wxLogLevel level, const char *szString);
// default DoLogString does nothing but is not pure virtual because if
// you override DoLog() you might not need it at all
virtual void DoLogString(const char *szString);
// static variables
// ----------------
static wxLog *ms_pLogger; // currently active log sink
static bool ms_bInitialized; // any log targets created?
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// "trivial" derivations of wxLog
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// log everything to a "FILE *", stderr by default
class WXDLLEXPORT wxLogStderr : public wxLog
// redirect log output to a FILE
wxLogStderr(FILE *fp = NULL);
// implement sink function
virtual void DoLogString(const char *szString);
FILE *m_fp;
// log everything to an "ostream", cerr by default
class WXDLLEXPORT wxLogStream : public wxLog
// redirect log output to an ostream
wxLogStream(ostream *ostr = NULL);
// implement sink function
virtual void DoLogString(const char *szString);
// @@ using ptr here to avoid including <iostream.h> from this file
ostream *m_ostr;
// log everything to a text window (GUI only of course)
class wxTextCtrl;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxLogTextCtrl : public wxLogStream
// we just create an ostream from wxTextCtrl and use it in base class
wxLogTextCtrl(wxTextCtrl *pTextCtrl);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GUI log target, the default one for wxWindows programs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxLogGui : public wxLog
// ctor
// show all messages that were logged since the last Flush()
virtual void Flush();
virtual void DoLog(wxLogLevel level, const char *szString);
wxArrayString m_aMessages;
bool m_bErrors;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (background) log window: this class forwards all log messages to the log
// target which was active when it was instantiated, but also collects them
// to the log window. This window has it's own menu which allows the user to
// close it, clear the log contents or save it to the file.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class wxLogFrame;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxLogWindow : public wxLog
wxLogWindow(const wxTString& strTitle, bool bShow = TRUE);
// show/hide the log window
void Show(bool bShow = TRUE);
// accessors
wxLog *GetOldLog() const { return m_pOldLog; }
virtual void DoLog(wxLogLevel level, const char *szString);
virtual void DoLogString(const char *szString);
wxLog *m_pOldLog; // previous log target
wxLogFrame *m_pLogFrame; // the log frame
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// /dev/null log target: suppress logging until this object goes out of scope
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// example of usage:
void Foo() {
wxFile file;
// wxFile.Open() normally complains if file can't be opened, we don't want it
wxLogNull logNo;
if ( !file.Open("bar") )
... process error ourselves ...
// ~wxLogNull called, old log sink restored
class WXDLLEXPORT wxLogNull
// ctor saves old log target, dtor restores it
wxLogNull() { m_pPrevLogger = wxLog::SetActiveTarget(NULL); }
~wxLogNull() { (void)wxLog::SetActiveTarget(m_pPrevLogger); }
wxLog *m_pPrevLogger; // old log target
// ============================================================================
// global functions
// ============================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Log functions should be used by application instead of stdio, iostream &c
// for log messages for easy redirection
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// define wxLog<level>
// -------------------
// NB: all these functions take `wxTString' and not
// `const wxTString&' because according to C++ standard
// the first argument to a vararg function can not be
// an array, function or reference :-(
// the most generic log function
void WXDLLEXPORT wxLogGeneric(wxLogLevel level, wxTString strFormat, ...);
#define DECLARE_LOG_FUNCTION(level) \
extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxLog##level(wxTString strFormat, ...)
// one function per each level
// additional one: as wxLogError, but also logs last system call error code
// and the corresponding error message if available
// and another one which also takes the error code (for those broken APIs
// that don't set the errno (like registry APIs in Win32))
void WXDLLEXPORT wxLogSysError(long lErrCode, wxTString strFormat, ...);
// debug functions do nothing in release mode
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
// NB: debug functions don't translate their arguments
extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxLogDebug(const char *szFormat, ...);
// first king of LogTrace is uncoditional: it doesn't check the level,
// while the second one does nothing if all of level bits are not set
// in wxLog::GetActive()->GetTraceMask().
extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxLogTrace(const char *szFormat, ...);
extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxLogTrace(wxTraceMask mask,
const char *szFormat, ...);
#else //!debug
#define wxLogDebug
#define wxLogTrace
// are we in 'verbose' mode?
// (note that it's often handy to change this var manually from the
// debugger, thus enabling/disabling verbose reporting for some
// parts of the program only)
WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern bool) g_bVerbose;
// fwd decl to avoid including iostream.h here
class ostream;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get error code/error message from system in a portable way
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// return the last system error code
unsigned long WXDLLEXPORT wxSysErrorCode();
// return the error message for given (or last if 0) error code
const char* WXDLLEXPORT wxSysErrorMsg(unsigned long nErrCode = 0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// debug only logging functions: use them with API name and error code
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
#define wxLogApiError(api, rc) \
wxLogDebug("At %s(%d) '%s' failed with error %lx (%s).", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, api, \
rc, wxSysErrorMsg(rc))
#define wxLogLastError(api) wxLogApiError(api, wxSysErrorCode())
#else //!debug
#define wxLogApiError(api, rc)
#define wxLogLastError(api)
#endif //debug/!debug
#endif //__LOGH__