2006-10-10 17:46:49 +00:00

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%% Name: point.tex
%% Purpose: wxPoint documentation
%% Author: wxTeam
%% Created:
%% RCS-ID: $Id$
%% Copyright: (c) wxTeam
%% License: wxWindows license
A {\bf wxPoint} is a useful data structure for graphics operations.
It simply contains integer {\it x} and {\it y} members.
See also \helpref{wxRealPoint}{wxrealpoint} for a floating point version.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\func{}{wxPoint}{\param{int}{ x}, \param{int}{ y}}
Create a point.
x member.
\member{int}{ y}
y member.
\func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const wxPoint\& }{pt}}
Assignment operator.
\func{bool}{operator $==$}{\param{const wxPoint\& }{pt}}
\func{bool}{operator $!=$}{\param{const wxPoint\& }{pt}}
\func{wxPoint}{operator $+$}{\param{const wxPoint\& }{pt}}
\func{wxPoint}{operator $-$}{\param{const wxPoint\& }{pt}}
\func{wxPoint\&}{operator $+=$}{\param{const wxPoint\& }{pt}}
\func{wxPoint\&}{operator $-=$}{\param{const wxPoint\& }{pt}}
Operators for comparison, sum and subtraction between \helpref{wxPoint}{wxpoint} objects.
\func{wxPoint}{operator $+$}{\param{const wxSize\& }{sz}}
\func{wxPoint}{operator $-$}{\param{const wxSize\& }{sz}}
\func{wxPoint\&}{operator $+=$}{\param{const wxSize\& }{sz}}
\func{wxPoint\&}{operator $-=$}{\param{const wxSize\& }{sz}}
Operators for sum and subtraction between a \helpref{wxPoint}{wxpoint} object and a
\helpref{wxSize}{wxsize} object.