2002-12-09 00:05:29 +00:00

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A menu item represents an item in a menu. Note that you usually don't have to
deal with it directly as \helpref{wxMenu}{wxmenu} methods usually construct an
object of this class for you.
Also please note that the methods related to fonts and bitmaps are currently
only implemented for Windows.
\wxheading{Derived from}
wxOwnerDrawn (Windows only)\\
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxMenuBar}{wxmenubar}, \helpref{wxMenu}{wxmenu}
\func{}{wxMenuItem}{\param{wxMenu*}{ parentMenu = NULL}, \param{int}{ id = ID\_SEPARATOR},
\param{const wxString\& }{text = ""}, \param{const wxString\& }{helpString = ""},
\param{wxItemKind }{kind = wxITEM\_NORMAL}, \param{wxMenu*}{ subMenu = NULL}, }
Constructs a wxMenuItem object.
\docparam{parentMenu}{Menu that the menu item belongs to.}
\docparam{id}{Identifier for this menu item, or ID\_SEPARATOR to indicate a separator.}
\docparam{text}{Text for the menu item, as shown on the menu. An accelerator
key can be specified using the ampersand '\&' character. In order to embed an
ampersand character in the menu item text, the ampersand must be doubled.}
\docparam{helpString}{Optional help string that will be shown on the status bar.}
\docparam{kind}{May be {\tt wxITEM\_SEPARATOR}, {\tt wxITEM\_NORMAL},
{\tt wxITEM\_CHECK} or {\tt wxITEM\_RADIO}}
\docparam{subMenu}{If non-NULL, indicates that the menu item is a submenu.}
\func{void}{Check}{\param{bool}{ check}}
Checks or unchecks the menu item.
Deletes the submenu, if any.
\func{void}{Enable}{\param{bool}{ enable}}
Enables or disables the menu item.
Returns the background colour associated with the menu item (Windows only).
\constfunc{wxBitmap\&}{GetBitmap}{\param{bool}{ checked = TRUE}}
Returns the checked or unchecked bitmap (Windows only).
Returns the font associated with the menu item (Windows only).
Returns the help string associated with the menu item.
Returns the menu item identifier.
Returns the item kind, one of {\tt wxITEM\_SEPARATOR}, {\tt wxITEM\_NORMAL},
{\tt wxITEM\_CHECK} or {\tt wxITEM\_RADIO}.
Returns the text associated with the menu item without any accelerator
characters it might contain.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{static wxString}{GetLabelFromText}{\param{const wxString\& }{text}}
Strips all accelerator characters and mnemonics from the given {\it text}.
For example,
will return just {\tt "Hello"}.
\wxheading{See also}
Gets the width of the menu item checkmark bitmap (Windows only).
Returns the text associated with the menu item.
{\bf NB:} this function is deprecated, please use
\helpref{GetText}{wxmenuitemgettext} or \helpref{GetLabel}{wxmenuitemgetlabel}
Returns the text associated with the menu item, such as it was passed to the
wxMenuItem constructor, i.e. with any accelerator characters it may contain.
\wxheading{See also}
Returns the submenu associated with the menu item, or NULL if there isn't one.
Returns the text colour associated with the menu item (Windows only).
Returns TRUE if the item is checkable.
Returns TRUE if the item is checked.
Returns TRUE if the item is enabled.
Returns TRUE if the item is a separator.
\constfunc{void}{SetBackgroundColour}{\param{const wxColour\& }{colour}}
Sets the background colour associated with the menu item (Windows only).
\constfunc{void}{SetBitmap}{\param{const wxBitmap\& }{bmp}}
Sets the bitmap for the menu item (Windows and GTK+ only). It is
equivalent to \helpref{SetBitmaps}{wxmenuitemsetbitmaps}(bmp, wxNullBitmap).
\constfunc{void}{SetBitmaps}{\param{const wxBitmap\& }{checked},
\param{const wxBitmap\& }{unchecked = wxNullBitmap}}
Sets the checked/unchecked bitmaps for the menu item (Windows only). The first bitmap
is also used as the single bitmap for uncheckable menu items.
\constfunc{void}{SetFont}{\param{const wxFont\& }{font}}
Sets the font associated with the menu item (Windows only).
\constfunc{void}{SetHelp}{\param{const wxString\& }{helpString}}
Sets the help string.
\constfunc{void}{SetMarginWidth}{\param{int}{ width}}
Sets the width of the menu item checkmark bitmap (Windows only).
\constfunc{void}{SetText}{\param{const wxString\& }{text}}
Sets the text associated with the menu item.
\constfunc{void}{SetTextColour}{\param{const wxColour\& }{colour}}
Sets the text colour associated with the menu item (Windows only).