Bryan Petty f6bcfd974e merged 2.2 branch
git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@7748 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2000-07-15 19:51:35 +00:00

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// Name: wx/msw/imaglist.h
// Purpose: wxImageList class
// Author: Julian Smart
// Modified by:
// Created: 01/02/97
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_IMAGLIST_H_
#define _WX_IMAGLIST_H_
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface "imaglist.h"
#include "wx/bitmap.h"
* wxImageList is used for wxListCtrl, wxTreeCtrl. These controls refer to
* images for their items by an index into an image list.
* A wxImageList is capable of creating images with optional masks from
* a variety of sources - a single bitmap plus a colour to indicate the mask,
* two bitmaps, or an icon.
* Image lists can also create and draw images used for drag and drop functionality.
* This is not yet implemented in wxImageList. We need to discuss a generic API
* for doing drag and drop and see whether it ties in with the Win95 view of it.
* See below for candidate functions and an explanation of how they might be
* used.
// Flags for Draw
#define wxIMAGELIST_DRAW_NORMAL 0x0001
// Flag values for Set/GetImageList
enum {
wxIMAGE_LIST_NORMAL, // Normal icons
wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL, // Small icons
wxIMAGE_LIST_STATE // State icons: unimplemented (see WIN32 documentation)
// Eventually we'll make this a reference-counted wxGDIObject. For
// now, the app must take care of ownership issues. That is, the
// image lists must be explicitly deleted after the control(s) that uses them
// is (are) deleted, or when the app exits.
class WXDLLEXPORT wxImageList : public wxObject
* Public interface
// Creates an image list.
// Specify the width and height of the images in the list,
// whether there are masks associated with them (e.g. if creating images
// from icons), and the initial size of the list.
wxImageList(int width, int height, bool mask = TRUE, int initialCount = 1)
Create(width, height, mask, initialCount);
// Attributes
// Returns the number of images in the image list.
int GetImageCount() const;
// Returns the size (same for all images) of the images in the list
bool GetSize(int index, int &width, int &height) const;
// Operations
// Creates an image list
// width, height specify the size of the images in the list (all the same).
// mask specifies whether the images have masks or not.
// initialNumber is the initial number of images to reserve.
bool Create(int width, int height, bool mask = TRUE, int initialNumber = 1);
// Adds a bitmap, and optionally a mask bitmap.
// Note that wxImageList creates *new* bitmaps, so you may delete
// 'bitmap' and 'mask' after calling Add.
int Add(const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxBitmap& mask = wxNullBitmap);
// Adds a bitmap, using the specified colour to create the mask bitmap
// Note that wxImageList creates *new* bitmaps, so you may delete
// 'bitmap' after calling Add.
int Add(const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxColour& maskColour);
// Adds a bitmap and mask from an icon.
int Add(const wxIcon& icon);
// Replaces a bitmap, optionally passing a mask bitmap.
// Note that wxImageList creates new bitmaps, so you may delete
// 'bitmap' and 'mask' after calling Replace.
bool Replace(int index, const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxBitmap& mask = wxNullBitmap);
/* Not supported by Win95
// Replacing a bitmap, using the specified colour to create the mask bitmap
// Note that wxImageList creates new bitmaps, so you may delete
// 'bitmap'.
bool Replace(int index, const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxColour& maskColour);
// Replaces a bitmap and mask from an icon.
// You can delete 'icon' after calling Replace.
bool Replace(int index, const wxIcon& icon);
// Removes the image at the given index.
bool Remove(int index);
// Remove all images
bool RemoveAll();
// Draws the given image on a dc at the specified position.
// If 'solidBackground' is TRUE, Draw sets the image list background
// colour to the background colour of the wxDC, to speed up
// drawing by eliminating masked drawing where possible.
bool Draw(int index, wxDC& dc, int x, int y,
bool solidBackground = FALSE);
// TODO: miscellaneous functionality
wxIcon *MakeIcon(int index);
bool SetOverlayImage(int index, int overlayMask);
// TODO: Drag-and-drop related functionality.
#if 0
// Creates a new drag image by combining the given image (typically a mouse cursor image)
// with the current drag image.
bool SetDragCursorImage(int index, const wxPoint& hotSpot);
// If successful, returns a pointer to the temporary image list that is used for dragging;
// otherwise, NULL.
// dragPos: receives the current drag position.
// hotSpot: receives the offset of the drag image relative to the drag position.
static wxImageList *GetDragImageList(wxPoint& dragPos, wxPoint& hotSpot);
// Call this function to begin dragging an image. This function creates a temporary image list
// that is used for dragging. The image combines the specified image and its mask with the
// current cursor. In response to subsequent mouse move messages, you can move the drag image
// by using the DragMove member function. To end the drag operation, you can use the EndDrag
// member function.
bool BeginDrag(int index, const wxPoint& hotSpot);
// Ends a drag operation.
bool EndDrag();
// Call this function to move the image that is being dragged during a drag-and-drop operation.
// This function is typically called in response to a mouse move message. To begin a drag
// operation, use the BeginDrag member function.
static bool DragMove(const wxPoint& point);
// During a drag operation, locks updates to the window specified by lockWindow and displays
// the drag image at the position specified by point.
// The coordinates are relative to the window's upper left corner, so you must compensate
// for the widths of window elements, such as the border, title bar, and menu bar, when
// specifying the coordinates.
// If lockWindow is NULL, this function draws the image in the display context associated
// with the desktop window, and coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the screen.
// This function locks all other updates to the given window during the drag operation.
// If you need to do any drawing during a drag operation, such as highlighting the target
// of a drag-and-drop operation, you can temporarily hide the dragged image by using the
// wxImageList::DragLeave function.
// lockWindow: pointer to the window that owns the drag image.
// point: position at which to display the drag image. Coordinates are relative to the
// upper left corner of the window (not the client area).
static bool DragEnter( wxWindow *lockWindow, const wxPoint& point );
// Unlocks the window specified by pWndLock and hides the drag image, allowing the
// window to be updated.
static bool DragLeave( wxWindow *lockWindow );
/* Here's roughly how you'd use these functions if implemented in this Win95-like way:
1) Starting to drag:
wxImageList *dragImageList = new wxImageList(16, 16, TRUE);
dragImageList->Add(myDragImage); // Provide an image to combine with the current cursor
dragImageList->BeginDrag(0, wxPoint(0, 0));
wxShowCursor(FALSE); // wxShowCursor not yet implemented in wxWin
2) Dragging:
// Called within mouse move event. Could also use dragImageList instead of assuming
// these are static functions.
// These two functions could possibly be combined into one, since DragEnter is
// a bit obscure.
wxImageList::DragMove(wxPoint(x, y)); // x, y are current cursor position
wxImageList::DragEnter(NULL, wxPoint(x, y)); // NULL assumes dragging across whole screen
3) Finishing dragging:
// Implementation
// Returns the native image list handle
WXHIMAGELIST GetHIMAGELIST() const { return m_hImageList; }