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This class represents a notebook control, which manages multiple windows with associated tabs.
To use the class, create a wxNotebook object and call \helpref{AddPage}{wxnotebookaddpage} or \helpref{InsertPage}{wxnotebookinsertpage},
passing a window to be used as the page. Do not explicitly delete the window for a page that is currently
managed by wxNotebook.
{\bf wxNotebookPage} is a typedef for wxWindow.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{Window styles}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxNB\_LEFT}}{Place tabs on the left side. Not supported under Windows XP.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxNB\_RIGHT}}{Place tabs on the right side. Not supported under Windows XP.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxNB\_BOTTOM}}{Place tabs under instead of above the notebook pages. Not supported under Windows XP.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxNB\_FIXEDWIDTH}}{(Windows only) All tabs will have same width.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxNB\_MULTILINE}}{(Windows only) There can be several rows of tabs.}
See also \helpref{window styles overview}{windowstyles}.
\input noteevt.inc
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxNotebookEvent}{wxnotebookevent}, \helpref{wxImageList}{wximagelist},\rtfsp
Default constructor.
\func{}{wxNotebook}{\param{wxWindow*}{ parent}, \param{wxWindowID }{id}, \param{const wxPoint\&}{ pos = wxDefaultPosition},
\param{const wxSize\&}{ size = wxDefaultSize}, \param{long}{ style = 0}, \param{const wxString\& }{name = "notebook"}}
Constructs a notebook control.
Note that sometimes you can reduce flicker by passing the wxCLIP\_CHILDREN window style.
\docparam{parent}{The parent window. Must be non-NULL.}
\docparam{id}{The window identifier.}
\docparam{pos}{The window position.}
\docparam{size}{The window size.}
\docparam{style}{The window style. See \helpref{wxNotebook}{wxnotebook}.}
\docparam{name}{The name of the control (used only under Motif).}
Destroys the wxNotebook object.
\func{bool}{AddPage}{\param{wxNotebookPage*}{ page},
\param{const wxString\&}{ text},
\param{bool}{ select = false},
\param{int}{ imageId = -1}}
Adds a new page.
The call to this function may generate the page changing events.
\docparam{page}{Specifies the new page.}
\docparam{text}{Specifies the text for the new page.}
\docparam{select}{Specifies whether the page should be selected.}
\docparam{imageId}{Specifies the optional image index for the new page.}
\wxheading{Return value}
true if successful, false otherwise.
Do not delete the page, it will be deleted by the notebook.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{void}{AdvanceSelection}{\param{bool}{ forward = true}}
Cycles through the tabs.
The call to this function generates the page changing events.
\func{void}{AssignImageList}{\param{wxImageList*}{ imageList}}
Sets the image list for the page control and takes ownership of
the list.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{bool}{Create}{\param{wxWindow*}{ parent}, \param{wxWindowID }{id}, \param{const wxPoint\&}{ pos = wxDefaultPosition},
\param{const wxSize\&}{ size}, \param{long}{ style = 0}, \param{const wxString\& }{name = "notebook"}}
Creates a notebook control. See \helpref{wxNotebook::wxNotebook}{wxnotebookctor} for a description
of the parameters.
Deletes all pages.
\func{bool}{DeletePage}{\param{size\_t}{ page}}
Deletes the specified page, and the associated window.
The call to this function generates the page changing events.
Returns the associated image list.
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxImageList}{wximagelist}, \helpref{wxNotebook::SetImageList}{wxnotebooksetimagelist}
\func{wxNotebookPage*}{GetPage}{\param{size\_t}{ page}}
Returns the window at the given page position.
Returns the number of pages in the notebook control.
\constfunc{int}{GetPageImage}{\param{size\_t }{nPage}}
Returns the image index for the given page.
\constfunc{wxString}{GetPageText}{\param{size\_t }{nPage}}
Returns the string for the given page.
Returns the number of rows in the notebook control.
Returns the currently selected page, or $-1$ if none was selected.
Note that this method may return either the previously or newly selected page
when called from the {\tt EVT\_NOTEBOOK\_PAGE\_CHANGED} handler depending on
the platform and so\rtfsp
\helpref{wxNotebookEvent::GetSelection}{wxnotebookeventgetselection} should be
used instead in this case.
\func{int}{HitTest}{\param{const wxPoint\&}{ pt}, \param{long}{ *flags = {\tt NULL}}}
Returns the index of the tab at the specified position or {\tt wxNOT\_FOUND}
if none. If {\it flags} parameter is non {\tt NULL}, the position of the point
inside the tab is returned as well.
{\bf NB: } This method is currently only implemented under wxMSW and wxUniv.
\docparam{pt}{Specifies the point for the hit test.}
\docparam{flags}{Return value for detailed information. One of the following values:
\twocolitem{{\bf wxNB\_HITTEST\_NOWHERE}}{There was no tab under this point.}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxNB\_HITTEST\_ONICON}}{The point was over an icon (currently wxMSW only).}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxNB\_HITTEST\_ONLABEL}}{The point was over a label (currently wxMSW only).}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxNB\_HITTEST\_ONITEM}}{The point was over an item, but not on the label or icon.}
\wxheading{Return value}
Returns the zero-based tab index or {\tt wxNOT\_FOUND} if there is no tab is at
the specified position.
\func{bool}{InsertPage}{\param{size\_t}{ index}, \param{wxNotebookPage*}{ page},
\param{const wxString\&}{ text},
\param{bool}{ select = false},
\param{int}{ imageId = -1}}
Inserts a new page at the specified position.
\docparam{index}{Specifies the position for the new page.}
\docparam{page}{Specifies the new page.}
\docparam{text}{Specifies the text for the new page.}
\docparam{select}{Specifies whether the page should be selected.}
\docparam{imageId}{Specifies the optional image index for the new page.}
\wxheading{Return value}
true if successful, false otherwise.
Do not delete the page, it will be deleted by the notebook.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{void}{OnSelChange}{\param{wxNotebookEvent\&}{ event}}
An event handler function, called when the page selection is changed.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{bool}{RemovePage}{\param{size\_t}{ page}}
Deletes the specified page, without deleting the associated window.
\func{void}{SetImageList}{\param{wxImageList*}{ imageList}}
Sets the image list for the page control. It does not take
ownership of the image list, you must delete it yourself.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{void}{SetPadding}{\param{const wxSize\&}{ padding}}
Sets the amount of space around each page's icon and label, in pixels.
{\bf NB:} The vertical padding cannot be changed in wxGTK.
\func{void}{SetPageSize}{\param{const wxSize\&}{ size}}
Sets the width and height of the pages.
{\bf NB:} This method is currently not implemented for wxGTK.
\func{bool}{SetPageImage}{\param{size\_t}{ page}, \param{int }{image}}
Sets the image index for the given page. {\it image} is an index into
the image list which was set with \helpref{wxNotebook::SetImageList}{wxnotebooksetimagelist}.
\func{bool}{SetPageText}{\param{size\_t}{ page}, \param{const wxString\& }{text}}
Sets the text for the given page.
\func{int}{SetSelection}{\param{size\_t}{ page}}
Sets the selection for the given page, returning the previous selection.
The call to this function generates the page changing events.
\wxheading{See also}