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wxGenericValidator performs data transfer (but not validation or filtering) for the following
basic controls: wxButton, wxCheckBox, wxListBox, wxStaticText, wxRadioButton, wxRadioBox,
wxChoice, wxComboBox, wxGauge, wxSlider, wxScrollBar, wxSpinButton, wxTextCtrl, wxCheckListBox.
It checks the type of the window and uses an appropriate type for that window. For example,
wxButton and wxTextCtrl transfer data to and from a wxString variable; wxListBox uses a
wxArrayInt; wxCheckBox uses a bool.
For more information, please see \helpref{Validator overview}{validatoroverview}.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{Validator overview}{validatoroverview}, \helpref{wxValidator}{wxvalidator},
\func{}{wxGenericValidator}{\param{const wxGenericValidator\&}{ validator}}
Copy constructor.
\func{}{wxGenericValidator}{\param{bool*}{ valPtr}}
Constructor taking a bool pointer. This will be used for wxCheckBox and wxRadioButton.
\func{}{wxGenericValidator}{\param{wxString*}{ valPtr}}
Constructor taking a wxString pointer. This will be used for wxButton, wxComboBox, wxStaticText,
\func{}{wxGenericValidator}{\param{int*}{ valPtr}}
Constructor taking an integer pointer. This will be used for wxGauge, wxScrollBar, wxRadioBox, wxSpinButton,
\func{}{wxGenericValidator}{\param{wxArrayInt*}{ valPtr}}
Constructor taking a wxArrayInt pointer. This will be used for wxListBox, wxCheckListBox.
\docparam{validator}{Validator to copy.}
\docparam{valPtr}{A pointer to a variable that contains the value. This variable
should have a lifetime equal to or longer than the validator lifetime (which is usually
determined by the lifetime of the window).}
\constfunc{virtual wxValidator*}{Clone}{\void}
Clones the generic validator using the copy constructor.
\func{virtual bool}{TransferFromWindow}{}
Transfers the value from the window to the appropriate data type.
\func{virtual bool}{TransferToWindow}{}
Transfers the value to the window.