Václav Slavík 150e58d8ae compilation fix
git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@11506 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2001-08-28 22:11:54 +00:00

357 lines
12 KiB

// Name: xmlres.h
// Purpose: XML resources
// Author: Vaclav Slavik
// Created: 2000/03/05
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 2000 Vaclav Slavik
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_XMLRES_H_
#define _WX_XMLRES_H_
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface "xmlres.h"
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/string.h"
#include "wx/dynarray.h"
#include "wx/datetime.h"
#include "wx/list.h"
#include "wx/gdicmn.h"
#include "wx/filesys.h"
#include "wx/bitmap.h"
#include "wx/icon.h"
#include "wx/xrc/xml.h"
class WXDLLEXPORT wxMenu;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxMenuBar;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDialog;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxPanel;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxWindow;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxFrame;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxToolBar;
class WXXMLDLLEXPORT wxXmlResourceHandler;
// These macros indicate current version of XML resources (this information is
// encoded in root node of XRC file as "version" property).
// Rules for increasing version number:
// - change it only if you made incompatible change to the format. Addition of new
// attribute to control handler is _not_ incompatible change, because older
// versions of the library may ignore it.
// - if you change version number, follow these steps:
// - set major, minor and release numbers to respective version numbers of
// the wxWindows library (see wx/version.h)
// - reset revision to 0 unless the first three are same as before, in which
// case you should increase revision by one
class WXXMLDLLEXPORT wxXmlResourceDataRecord
wxXmlResourceDataRecord() : Doc(NULL), Time(wxDateTime::Now()) {}
~wxXmlResourceDataRecord() {delete Doc;}
wxString File;
wxXmlDocument *Doc;
wxDateTime Time;
WX_DECLARE_EXPORTED_OBJARRAY(wxXmlResourceDataRecord, wxXmlResourceDataRecords);
WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY(wxXmlResourceDataRecord, wxXmlResourceDataRecords);
// This class holds XML resources from one or more .xml files
// (or derived forms, either binary or zipped -- see manual for
// details).
class WXXMLDLLEXPORT wxXmlResource : public wxObject
// Ctor. If use_locale is TRUE, translatable strings are
// translated via _(). You can disable it by passing use_locale=FALSE
// (for example if you provide resource file for each locale)
wxXmlResource(bool use_locale = TRUE);
wxXmlResource(const wxString& filemask, bool use_locale = TRUE);
// Loads resources from XML files that match given filemask.
// This method understands VFS (see filesys.h).
bool Load(const wxString& filemask);
// Initialize handlers for all supported controls/windows. This will
// make the executable quite big because it forces linking against
// most of wxWin library
void InitAllHandlers();
// Initialize only specific handler (or custom handler). Convention says
// that handler name is equal to control's name plus 'XmlHandler', e.g.
// wxTextCtrlXmlHandler, wxHtmlWindowXmlHandler. XML resource compiler
// (xmlres) can create include file that contains initialization code for
// all controls used within the resource.
void AddHandler(wxXmlResourceHandler *handler);
// Removes all handlers
void ClearHandlers();
// Loads menu from resource. Returns NULL on failure.
wxMenu *LoadMenu(const wxString& name);
// Loads menubar from resource. Returns NULL on failure.
wxMenuBar *LoadMenuBar(const wxString& name);
// Loads toolbar
wxToolBar *LoadToolBar(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name);
// Loads dialog. dlg points to parent window (if any). Second form
// is used to finish creation of already existing instance (main reason
// for this is that you may want to use derived class with new event table)
// Example (typical usage):
// MyDialog dlg;
// wxTheXmlResource->LoadDialog(&dlg, mainFrame, "my_dialog");
// dlg->ShowModal();
wxDialog *LoadDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name);
bool LoadDialog(wxDialog *dlg, wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name);
// Loads panel. panel points to parent window (if any). Second form
// is used to finish creation of already existing instance.
wxPanel *LoadPanel(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name);
bool LoadPanel(wxPanel *panel, wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name);
bool LoadFrame(wxFrame* frame, wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name);
// Loads bitmap or icon resource from file:
wxBitmap LoadBitmap(const wxString& name);
wxIcon LoadIcon(const wxString& name);
// Attaches unknown control into given panel/window/dialog:
// (unknown controls are used in conjunction with <object class="unknown">)
bool AttachUnknownControl(const wxString& name, wxWindow *control,
wxWindow *parent = NULL);
// Returns numeric ID that is equivalent to string id used in XML
// resource. To be used in event tables
// Macro XMLID is provided for convenience
static int GetXMLID(const wxChar *str_id);
// Returns version info (a.b.c.d = d+ 256*c + 256^2*b + 256^3*a)
long GetVersion() const { return m_version; }
// Compares resources version to argument. Returns -1 if resources version
// is less than the argument, +1 if greater and 0 if they equal.
int CompareVersion(int major, int minor, int release, int revision) const
{ return GetVersion() -
(major*256*256*256 + minor*256*256 + release*256 + revision); }
// Scans resources list for unloaded files and loads them. Also reloads
// files that have been modified since last loading.
void UpdateResources();
// Finds resource (calls UpdateResources) and returns node containing it
wxXmlNode *FindResource(const wxString& name, const wxString& classname);
// Creates resource from info in given node:
wxObject *CreateResFromNode(wxXmlNode *node, wxObject *parent, wxObject *instance = NULL);
bool GetUseLocale() { return m_useLocale; }
long m_version;
bool m_useLocale;
wxList m_handlers;
wxXmlResourceDataRecords m_data;
wxFileSystem m_curFileSystem;
wxFileSystem& GetCurFileSystem() { return m_curFileSystem; }
friend class wxXmlResourceHandler;
// Global instance of resource class. For your convenience.
extern WXXMLDLLEXPORT wxXmlResource *wxTheXmlResource;
// This macro translates string identifier (as used in XML resource,
// e.g. <menuitem id="my_menu">...</menuitem>) to integer id that is needed by
// wxWindows event tables.
// Example:
// BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame)
// EVT_MENU(XMLID("quit"), MyFrame::OnQuit)
// EVT_MENU(XMLID("about"), MyFrame::OnAbout)
// EVT_MENU(XMLID("new"), MyFrame::OnNew)
// EVT_MENU(XMLID("open"), MyFrame::OnOpen)
#define XMLID(str_id) \
// This macro returns pointer to particular control in dialog
// created using XML resources. You can use it to set/get values from
// controls.
// Example:
// wxDialog dlg;
// wxTheXmlResource->LoadDialog(&dlg, mainFrame, "my_dialog");
// XMLCTRL(dlg, "my_textctrl", wxTextCtrl)->SetValue(wxT("default value"));
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
#define XMLCTRL(window, id, type) \
(wxDynamicCast((window).FindWindow(XMLID(id)), type))
#define XMLCTRL(window, id, type) \
class WXXMLDLLEXPORT wxXmlResourceHandler : public wxObject
virtual ~wxXmlResourceHandler() {}
// Creates object (menu, dialog, control, ...) from XML node.
// Should check for validity.
// parent is higher-level object (usually window, dialog or panel)
// that is often neccessary to create resource
// if instance != NULL it should not create new instance via 'new' but
// rather use this one and call its Create method
wxObject *CreateResource(wxXmlNode *node, wxObject *parent,
wxObject *instance);
// This one is called from CreateResource after variables
// were filled
virtual wxObject *DoCreateResource() = 0;
// Returns TRUE if it understands this node and can create
// resource from it, FALSE otherwise.
virtual bool CanHandle(wxXmlNode *node) = 0;
void SetParentResource(wxXmlResource *res) { m_resource = res; }
wxXmlResource *m_resource;
wxArrayString m_styleNames;
wxArrayInt m_styleValues;
// Variables (filled by CreateResource)
wxXmlNode *m_node;
wxString m_class;
wxObject *m_parent, *m_instance;
wxWindow *m_parentAsWindow, *m_instanceAsWindow;
// --- Handy methods:
// Returns true if the node has property class equal to classname,
// e.g. <object class="wxDialog">
bool IsOfClass(wxXmlNode *node, const wxString& classname)
{ return node->GetPropVal(wxT("class"), wxEmptyString) == classname; }
// Gets node content from wxXML_ENTITY_NODE
// (the problem is, <tag>content<tag> is represented as
// wxXML_ENTITY_NODE name="tag", content=""
// |-- wxXML_TEXT_NODE or
// wxXML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE name="" content="content"
wxString GetNodeContent(wxXmlNode *node);
// Check to see if a param exists
bool HasParam(const wxString& param);
// Finds the node or returns NULL
wxXmlNode *GetParamNode(const wxString& param);
wxString GetParamValue(const wxString& param);
// Add style flag (e.g. wxMB_DOCKABLE) to list of flags
// understood by this handler
void AddStyle(const wxString& name, int value);
// Add styles common to all wxWindow-derived classes
void AddWindowStyles();
// Gets style flags from text in form "flag | flag2| flag3 |..."
// Only understads flags added with AddStyle
int GetStyle(const wxString& param = wxT("style"), int defaults = 0);
// Gets text from param and does some convertions:
// - replaces \n, \r, \t by respective chars (according to C syntax)
// - replaces $ by & and $$ by $ (needed for $File => &File because of XML)
// - calls wxGetTranslations (unless disabled in wxXmlResource)
wxString GetText(const wxString& param);
// Return XMLID
int GetID();
wxString GetName();
// Get bool flag (1,t,yes,on,true are TRUE, everything else is FALSE)
bool GetBool(const wxString& param, bool defaultv = FALSE);
// Get integer value from param
long GetLong( const wxString& param, long defaultv = 0 );
// Get colour in HTML syntax (#RRGGBB)
wxColour GetColour(const wxString& param);
// Get size/position (may be in dlg units):
wxSize GetSize(const wxString& param = wxT("size"));
wxPoint GetPosition(const wxString& param = wxT("pos"));
// Get dimension (may be in dlg units):
wxCoord GetDimension(const wxString& param, wxCoord defaultv = 0);
// Get bitmap:
wxBitmap GetBitmap(const wxString& param = wxT("bitmap"),
wxSize size = wxDefaultSize);
wxIcon GetIcon(const wxString& param = wxT("icon"),
wxSize size = wxDefaultSize);
// Get font:
wxFont GetFont(const wxString& param = wxT("font"));
// Sets common window options:
void SetupWindow(wxWindow *wnd);
void CreateChildren(wxObject *parent, bool this_hnd_only = FALSE);
void CreateChildrenPrivately(wxObject *parent, wxXmlNode *rootnode = NULL);
wxObject *CreateResFromNode(wxXmlNode *node,
wxObject *parent, wxObject *instance = NULL)
{ return m_resource->CreateResFromNode(node, parent, instance); }
// helper
wxFileSystem& GetCurFileSystem() { return m_resource->GetCurFileSystem(); }
#define ADD_STYLE(style) AddStyle(wxT(#style), style)
void wxXmlInitResourceModule();
#endif // _WX_XMLRES_H_