1998-08-06 19:42:06 +00:00

526 lines
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\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{See also}
Default constructor.
\func{}{wxString}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}}
Copy constructor.
\func{}{wxString}{\param{char}{ ch}, \param{size\_t}{ n = 1}}
Constructs a string of {\it n} copies of character {\it ch}.
\func{}{wxString}{\param{const char*}{ psz}, \param{size\_t}{ nLength = STRING\_MAXLEN}}
Takes first {\it nLength} characters from the C string {\it psz}.
The default value of STRING\_MAXLEN means take all the string.
\func{}{wxString}{\param{const unsigned char*}{ psz}, \param{size\_t}{ nLength = STRING\_MAXLEN}}
For compilers using unsigned char: takes first {\it nLength} characters from the C string {\it psz}.
The default value of STRING\_MAXLEN means take all the string.
\func{}{wxString}{\param{const wchar\_t*}{ psz}}
Constructs a string from the wide (UNICODE) string.
String destructor. Note that this is not virtual, so wxString must not be inherited from.
\func{void}{Alloc}{\param{uint}{ newsize}}
Preallocate some space for wxString. Only works if the data of this string is not shared.
\func{wxString\&}{Append}{\param{const char*}{ psz}}
Concatenates {\it psz} to this string, returning a reference to it.
\func{wxString\&}{Append}{\param{char}{ ch}, \param{int}{ count = 1}}
Concatenates character {\it ch} to this string, {\it count} times, returning a reference
to it.
\constfunc{wxString}{After}{\param{char}{ ch}}
Gets all the characters after the first occurence of {\it ch}.
Returns the empty string if {\it ch} is not found.
\constfunc{wxString}{Before}{\param{char}{ ch}}
Gets all characters before the last occurence of {\it ch}.
Returns empty string if {\it ch} is not found.
\constfunc{int}{Cmp}{\param{const char*}{ psz}}
Case-sensitive comparison.
Returns 0 if equal, +1 if greater or -1 if less.
See also CmpNoCase, IsSameAs.
\constfunc{int}{CmpNoCase}{\param{const char*}{ psz}}
Case-insensitive comparison.
Returns 0 if equal, +1 if greater or -1 if less.
See also Cmp, IsSameAs.
#define NO_POS ((int)(-1)) // undefined position
enum caseCompare {exact, ignoreCase};
\constfunc{int}{CompareTo}{\param{const char*}{ psz}, \param{caseCompare}{ cmp = exact}}
Case-sensitive comparison. Returns 0 if equal, 1 if greater or -1 if less.
\func{bool}{Contains}{\param{const wxString\&}{ str}}
Returns 1 if target appears anyhere in wxString; else 0.
Reinitializes the string and frees the data.
\constfunc{int}{Find}{\param{char}{ ch}, \param{bool}{ fromEnd = FALSE}}
Searches for the given character. Returns the starting index, or -1 if not found.
\constfunc{int}{Find}{\param{const char*}{ sz}}
Searches for the given string. Returns the starting index, or -1 if not found.
\func{size\_t}{First}{\param{char}{ c}}
\constfunc{size\_t}{First}{\param{const char*}{ psz}}
\constfunc{size\_t}{First}{\param{const wxString\&}{ str}}
\constfunc{size\_t}{First}{\param{const char}{ ch}}
Returns the first occurrence of the item.
\constfunc{char}{GetChar}{\param{size\_t}{ n}}
Returns the character at position {\it n} (read-only).
\constfunc{const char*}{GetData}{\void}
wxWindows compatibility conversion. Returns a constant pointer to the data in the string.
\func{char\&}{GetWritableChar}{\param{size\_t}{ n}}
Returns a reference to the character at position {\it n}.
\func{char*}{GetWriteBuf}{\param{uint}{ len}}
Returns a writable buffer of at least {\it len} bytes.
Call \helpref{wxString::UngetWriteBuf}{wxstringungetwritebuf} as soon as possible
to put the string back into a reasonable state.
\constfunc{size\_t}{Index}{\param{char}{ ch}, \param{int}{ startpos = 0}}
Same as \helpref{wxString::Find}{wxstringfind}.
\constfunc{size\_t}{Index}{\param{const char*}{ sz}}
Same as \helpref{wxString::Find}{wxstringfind}.
\constfunc{size\_t}{Index}{\param{const char*}{ sz}, \param{bool}{ caseSensitive = TRUE}, \param{bool}{ fromEnd = FALSE}}
Search the element in the array, starting from either side.
If {\it fromEnd} is TRUE, reverse search direction.
If {\bf caseSensitive}, comparison is case sensitive (the default).
Returns the index of the first item matched, or NOT\_FOUND.
\func{void}{Insert}{\param{const wxString\&}{ str}, \param{uint}{ index}}
Add new element at the given position.
Returns TRUE if the string is ASCII.
Returns TRUE if the string is NULL.
Returns TRUE if the string is NULL (same as IsEmpty).
Returns TRUE if the string is a number.
\constfunc{bool}{IsSameAs}{\param{const char*}{ psz}, \param{bool}{ caseSensitive = TRUE}}
Test for string equality, case-sensitive (default) or not.
caseSensitive is TRUE by default (case matters).
Returns TRUE if strings are equal, FALSE otherwise.
See also Cmp, CmpNoCase.
Returns TRUE if the string is a word. TODO: what's the definition of a word?
Returns the last character.
Returns a reference to the last character (writable).
\constfunc{wxString}{Left}{\param{size\_t}{ count}}
Returns the first {\it count} characters.
\constfunc{wxString}{Left}{\param{char}{ ch}}
Returns all characters before the first occurence of {\it ch}.
Returns the whole string if {\it ch} is not found.
Returns the length of the string.
Returns the length of the string (same as Len).
Same as MakeLower.
Converts all characters to lower case.
Converts all characters to upper case.
\constfunc{bool}{Matches}{\param{const char*}{ szMask}}
Returns TRUE if the string contents matches a mask containing '*' and '?'.
\constfunc{wxString}{Mid}{\param{size\_t}{ first}, \param{size\_t}{ count = STRING\_MAXLEN}}
Returns a substring starting at {\it first}, with length {\it count}, or the rest of
the string if {\it count} is the default value.
\func{wxString\&}{Pad}{\param{size\_t}{ count}, \param{char}{ pad = ' '}, \param{bool}{ fromRight = TRUE}}
Adds {\it count} copies of {\it pad} to the beginning, or to the end of the string (the default).
Removes spaces from the left or from the right (default).
\func{wxString\&}{Prepend}{\param{const wxString\&}{ str}}
Prepends {\it str} to this string, returning a reference to this string.
\func{int}{Printf}{\param{const char* }{pszFormat}, \param{}{...}}
Similar to sprintf. Returns the number of characters written, or an integer less than zero
on error.
\func{int}{PrintfV}{\param{const char* }{pszFormat}, \param{va\_list}{ argPtr}}
Similar to vprintf. Returns the number of characters written, or an integer less than zero
on error.
\func{wxString\&}{Remove}{\param{size\_t}{ pos}}
Same as Truncate. Removes the portion from {\it pos} to the end of the string.
\func{wxString\&}{Remove}{\param{size\_t}{ pos}, \param{size\_t}{ len}}
Removes the last {\it len} characters from the string, starting at {\it pos}.
Removes the last character.
\func{uint}{Replace}{\param{const char*}{ szOld}, \param{const char*}{ szNew}, \param{bool}{ replaceAll}}
Replace first (or all) occurences of substring with another one.
{\it replaceAll}: global replace (default), or only the first occurence.
Returns the number of replacements made.
\constfunc{wxString}{Right}{\param{size\_t}{ count}}
Returns the last {\it count} characters.
\constfunc{wxString}{Right}{\param{char}{ ch}}
Returns all characters after the last occurence of {\it ch}.
Returns the whole string if {\it ch} is not found.
\func{void}{SetChar}{\param{size\_t}{ n}, \param{char}{ch}}
Sets the character at position {\it n}.
Minimizes the string's memory. Only works if the data of this string is not shared.
\func{void}{sprintf}{\param{const char* }{ fmt}}
The same as Printf.
enum stripType {leading = 0x1, trailing = 0x2, both = 0x3};
\constfunc{wxString}{Strip}{\param{stripType}{ s = trailing}}
Strip characters at the front and/or end. The same as Trim except that it
doesn't change this string.
\func{wxString\&}{Trim}{\param{bool}{ fromRight = TRUE}}
Removes spaces from the left or from the right (default).
\func{wxString\&}{Truncate}{\param{size\_t}{ len}}
Truncate the string to the given length.
Puts the string back into a reasonable state, after
\rtfsp\helpref{wxString::GetWriteBuf}{wxstringgetwritebuf} was called.
The same as MakeUpper.
\membersection{wxString::operator $=$}\label{wxstringoperatorassign}
\func{wxString\&}{operator $=$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ str}}
\func{wxString\&}{operator $=$}{\param{const char*}{ psz}}
\func{wxString\&}{operator $=$}{\param{char}{ c}}
\func{wxString\&}{operator $=$}{\param{const unsigned char*}{ psz}}
\func{wxString\&}{operator $=$}{\param{const wchar\_t*}{ pwz}}
\membersection{operator wxString::$+$}\label{wxstringoperatorplus}
\func{wxString}{operator $+$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const wxString\&}{ y}}
\func{wxString}{operator $+$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const char*}{ y}}
\func{wxString}{operator $+$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{char}{ y}}
\func{wxString}{operator $+$}{\param{const char*}{ x}, \param{const wxString\&}{ y}}
\membersection{wxString::operator $+=$}\label{wxstringPlusEqual}
\func{void}{operator $+=$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ str}}
\func{void}{operator $+=$}{\param{const char*}{ psz}}
\func{void}{operator $+=$}{\param{char}{ c}}
\membersection{wxString::operator []}\label{wxstringoperatorbracket}
\func{char\&}{operator []}{\param{size\_t}{ i}}
\func{char}{operator []}{\param{size\_t}{ i}}
\func{char}{operator []}{\param{int}{ i}}
Element extraction.
\membersection{wxString::operator ()}\label{wxstringoperatorparenth}
\func{wxString}{operator ()}{\param{size\_t}{ start}, \param{size\_t}{ len}}
Same as Mid (substring extraction).
\membersection{wxString::operator \cinsert}\label{wxstringoperatorout}
\func{wxString\&}{operator \cinsert}{\\param{const wxString\&}{ str}}
\func{wxString\&}{operator \cinsert}{\\param{const char*}{ psz}}
\func{wxString\&}{operator \cinsert}{\\param{char }{ch}}
Same as $+=$.
\membersection{wxString::operator \cextract}\label{wxstringoperatorin}
\func{friend istream\&}{operator \cextract}{\param{istream\&}{ is}, \param{wxString\&}{ str}}
Extraction from a stream.
\membersection{wxString::operator const char*}\label{wxstringoperatorconstcharpt}
\constfunc{}{operator const char*}{\void}
Implicit conversion to a C string.
\membersection{Comparison operators}\label{wxstringComparison}
\func{bool}{operator $==$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const wxString\&}{ y}}
\func{bool}{operator $==$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const char*}{ t}}
\func{bool}{operator $!=$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const wxString\&}{ y}}
\func{bool}{operator $!=$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const char*}{ t}}
\func{bool}{operator $>$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const wxString\&}{ y}}
\func{bool}{operator $>$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const char*}{ t}}
\func{bool}{operator $>=$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const wxString\&}{ y}}
\func{bool}{operator $>=$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const char*}{ t}}
\func{bool}{operator $<$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const wxString\&}{ y}}
\func{bool}{operator $<$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const char*}{ t}}
\func{bool}{operator $<=$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const wxString\&}{ y}}
\func{bool}{operator $<=$}{\param{const wxString\&}{ x}, \param{const char*}{ t}}
These comparisons are case-sensitive.