1998-12-02 10:32:03 +00:00

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This class provides linked list functionality for wxWindows, and for an application
if it wishes. Depending on the form of constructor used, a list can be keyed on
integer or string keys to provide a primitive look-up ability. See \helpref{wxHashTable}{wxhashtable}\rtfsp
for a faster method of storage when random access is required.
\wxheading{Derived from}
It is very common to iterate on a list as follows:
wxPoint *point1 = new wxPoint(100, 100);
wxPoint *point2 = new wxPoint(200, 200);
wxList SomeList;
wxNode *node = SomeList.First();
while (node)
wxPoint *point = (wxPoint *)node->Data();
node = node->Next();
To delete nodes in a list as the list is being traversed, replace
node = node->Next();
delete point;
delete node;
node = SomeList.First();
See \helpref{wxNode}{wxnode} for members that retrieve the data associated with a node, and
members for getting to the next or previous node.
Note that a cast is required when retrieving the data from a node. Although a
node is defined to store objects of type {\bf wxObject} and derived types, other
types (such as char*) may be used with appropriate casting.
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxNode}{wxnode}, \helpref{wxStringList}{wxstringlist}
\func{}{wxList}{\param{unsigned int}{ key\_type}}
\func{}{wxList}{\param{int}{ n}, \param{wxObject *}{objects[]}}
\func{}{wxList}{\param{wxObject *}{object}, ...}
Constructors. {\it key\_type} is one of wxKEY\_NONE, wxKEY\_INTEGER, or wxKEY\_STRING,
and indicates what sort of keying is required (if any).
{\it objects} is an array of {\it n} objects with which to initialize the list.
The variable-length argument list constructor must be supplied with a
terminating NULL.
Destroys the list. Also destroys any remaining nodes, but does not destroy
client data held in the nodes.
\func{wxNode *}{Append}{\param{wxObject *}{object}}
\func{wxNode *}{Append}{\param{long}{ key}, \param{wxObject *}{object}}
\func{wxNode *}{Append}{\param{const wxString\& }{key}, \param{wxObject *}{object}}
Appends a new {\bf wxNode} to the end of the list and puts a pointer to the
\rtfsp{\it object} in the node. The last two forms store a key with the object for
later retrieval using the key. The new node is returned in each case.
The key string is copied and stored by the list implementation.
Clears the list (but does not delete the client data stored with each node).
\func{void}{DeleteContents}{\param{bool}{ destroy}}
If {\it destroy} is TRUE, instructs the list to call {\it delete} on the client contents of
a node whenever the node is destroyed. The default is FALSE.
\func{bool}{DeleteNode}{\param{wxNode *}{node}}
Deletes the given node from the list, returning TRUE if successful.
\func{bool}{DeleteObject}{\param{wxObject *}{object}}
Finds the given client {\it object} and deletes the appropriate node from the list, returning
TRUE if successful. The application must delete the actual object separately.
\func{wxNode *}{Find}{\param{long}{ key}}
\func{wxNode *}{Find}{\param{const wxString\& }{key}}
Returns the node whose stored key matches {\it key}. Use on a keyed list only.
\func{wxNode *}{First}{\void}
Returns the first node in the list (NULL if the list is empty).
\func{int}{IndexOf}{\param{wxObject*}{ obj }}
Returns the index of {\it obj} within the list or NOT\_FOUND if {\it obj}
is not found in the list.
\func{wxNode *}{Insert}{\param{wxObject *}{object}}
Insert object at front of list.
\func{wxNode *}{Insert}{\param{wxNode *}{position}, \param{wxObject *}{object}}
Insert object before {\it position}.
\func{wxNode *}{Last}{\void}
Returns the last node in the list (NULL if the list is empty).
\func{wxNode *}{Member}{\param{wxObject *}{object}}
Returns the node associated with {\it object} if it is in the list, NULL otherwise.
\func{wxNode *}{Nth}{\param{int}{ n}}
Returns the {\it nth} node in the list, indexing from zero (NULL if the list is empty
or the nth node could not be found).
Returns the number of elements in the list.
\func{void}{Sort}{\param{wxSortCompareFunction}{ compfunc}}
// Type of compare function for list sort operation (as in 'qsort')
typedef int (*wxSortCompareFunction)(const void *elem1, const void *elem2);
Allows the sorting of arbitrary lists by giving
a function to compare two list elements. We use the system {\bf qsort} function
for the actual sorting process. The sort function receives pointers to wxObject pointers (wxObject **),
so be careful to dereference appropriately.
int listcompare(const void *arg1, const void *arg2)
return(compare(**(wxString **)arg1, // use the wxString 'compare'
**(wxString **)arg2)); // function
void main()
wxList list;
list.Append(new wxString("DEF"));
list.Append(new wxString("GHI"));
list.Append(new wxString("ABC"));