Robert Roebling fc9c7c09bd Small doc updates.
Distrib and makefile updates.

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@4285 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
1999-11-01 18:20:39 +00:00

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This class represents a source for a drag and drop operation.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\index{wxDragResult}wxDragResult is defined as follows:
enum wxDragResult
wxDragError, // error prevented the d&d operation from completing
wxDragNone, // drag target didn't accept the data
wxDragCopy, // the data was successfully copied
wxDragMove, // the data was successfully moved
wxDragCancel // the operation was cancelled by user (not an error)
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{Drag and drop overview}{wxdndoverview}, \helpref{wxDropTarget}{wxdroptarget},
\helpref{wxTextDropTarget}{wxtextdroptarget}, \helpref{wxFileDropTarget}{wxfiledroptarget}
\func{}{wxDropSource}{\param{wxWindow*}{ win = NULL}}
Default/wxGTK-specific constructor. If you use the default constructor you must
call \helpref{wxDropSource::SetData}{wxdropsourcesetdata} later.
{\it win} is required by wxGTK and therefore should always be set.
\func{virtual }{\destruct{wxDropSource}}{\void}
\func{void}{SetData}{\param{wxDataObject\&}{ data}}
Sets the data \helpref{data object}{wxdataobject} associated with the drop source.
\func{virtual wxDragResult}{DoDragDrop}{\param{bool }{allowMove = FALSE}}
Do it (call this in response to a mouse button press, for example).
If {\bf allowMove} is FALSE, data can only be copied.
\func{virtual bool}{GiveFeedback}{\param{wxDragResult }{effect}, \param{bool }{scrolling}}
Overridable: you may give some custom UI feedback during the drag and drop operation
in this function. It is called on each mouse move, so your implementation must not be too
\docparam{effect}{The effect to implement. One of wxDragCopy, wxDragMove and wxDragNone. }
\docparam{scrolling}{TRUE if the window is scrolling. MSW only. }
\wxheading{Return value}
Return FALSE if you want default feedback, or TRUE if you implement your own
feedback. The return values is ignored under GTK.