Vadim Zeitlin 85ab460e7d miscellaneous wxFont enhancements (patch 1496606):
- made SetFaceName() bool and return false if the face name is not available
- corrected To/FromUserString() to complement each other

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@39411 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2006-05-29 00:03:36 +00:00

117 lines
4.4 KiB

%% Name: fontenum.tex
%% Purpose: wxFontEnumerator documentation
%% Author: Vadim Zeitlin
%% Modified by:
%% Created: 03.11.99
%% RCS-ID: $Id$
%% Copyright: (c) Vadim Zeitlin
%% License: wxWindows license
wxFontEnumerator enumerates either all available fonts on the system or only
the ones with given attributes - either only fixed-width (suited for use in
programs such as terminal emulators and the like) or the fonts available in
the given \helpref{encoding}{wxfontencodingoverview}.
To do this, you just have to call one of EnumerateXXX() functions - either
\helpref{EnumerateFacenames}{wxfontenumeratorenumeratefacenames} or
\helpref{EnumerateEncodings}{wxfontenumeratorenumerateencodings} and the
corresponding callback (\helpref{OnFacename}{wxfontenumeratoronfacename} or
\helpref{OnFontEncoding}{wxfontenumeratoronfontencoding}) will be called
repeatedly until either all fonts satisfying the specified criteria are
exhausted or the callback returns false.
\wxheading{Virtual functions to override}
Either \helpref{OnFacename}{wxfontenumeratoronfacename} or
\helpref{OnFontEncoding}{wxfontenumeratoronfontencoding} should be overridden
depending on whether you plan to call
\helpref{EnumerateFacenames}{wxfontenumeratorenumeratefacenames} or
\helpref{EnumerateEncodings}{wxfontenumeratorenumerateencodings}. Of course,
if you call both of them, you should override both functions.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{Font encoding overview}{wxfontencodingoverview},
\helpref{Font sample}{samplefont},
\func{virtual bool}{EnumerateFacenames}{
\param{wxFontEncoding }{encoding = wxFONTENCODING\_SYSTEM},
\param{bool }{fixedWidthOnly = false}}
Call \helpref{OnFacename}{wxfontenumeratoronfacename} for each font which
supports given encoding (only if it is not wxFONTENCODING\_SYSTEM) and is of
fixed width (if \arg{fixedWidthOnly} is true).
Calling this function with default arguments will result in enumerating all
fonts available on the system.
\func{virtual bool}{EnumerateEncodings}{\param{const wxString\& }{font = ""}}
Call \helpref{OnFontEncoding}{wxfontenumeratoronfontencoding} for each
encoding supported by the given font - or for each encoding supported by at
least some font if {\it font} is not specified.
\func{static wxArrayString}{GetEncodings}{\param{const wxString\&}{ facename = ""}}
Return array of strings containing all encodings found by
\func{static wxArrayString}{GetFacenames}{\param{wxFontEncoding }{encoding = wxFONTENCODING\_SYSTEM}, \param{bool }{fixedWidthOnly = false}}
Return array of strings containing all facenames found by
\func{static bool}{IsValidFacename}{\param{const wxString \&}{ facename}}
Returns \true if the given string is valid face name, i.e. it's the face name of an installed
font and it can safely be used with \helpref{wxFont::SetFaceName}{wxfontsetfacename}.
\func{virtual bool}{OnFacename}{\param{const wxString\& }{font}}
Called by \helpref{EnumerateFacenames}{wxfontenumeratorenumeratefacenames} for
each match. Return true to continue enumeration or false to stop it.
\func{virtual bool}{OnFontEncoding}{\param{const wxString\& }{font}, \param{const wxString\& }{encoding}}
Called by \helpref{EnumerateEncodings}{wxfontenumeratorenumerateencodings} for
each match. Return true to continue enumeration or false to stop it.