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%% Name: htcontnr.tex
%% Purpose: wxHtmlContainerCell documentation
%% Author: wxWidgets Team
%% Modified by:
%% Created: 21/Mar/99 22:45:23
%% RCS-ID: $Id$
%% Copyright: (c) wxWidgets Team
%% License: wxWindows license
The wxHtmlContainerCell class is an implementation of a cell that may
contain more cells in it. It is heavily used in the wxHTML layout algorithm.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See Also}
\helpref{Cells Overview}{cells}
\func{}{wxHtmlContainerCell}{\param{wxHtmlContainerCell }{*parent}}
Constructor. {\it parent} is pointer to parent container or NULL.
Returns container's horizontal alignment.
Returns container's vertical alignment.
Returns the background colour of the container or {\tt wxNullColour} if no background
colour is set.
\constfunc{int}{GetIndent}{\param{int }{ind}}
Returns the indentation. {\it ind} is one of the {\bf wxHTML\_INDENT\_*} constants.
{\bf Note:} You must call \helpref{GetIndentUnits}{wxhtmlcontainercellgetindentunits}
with same {\it ind} parameter in order to correctly interpret the returned integer value.
It is NOT always in pixels!
\constfunc{int}{GetIndentUnits}{\param{int }{ind}}
Returns the units of indentation for {\it ind} where {\it ind} is one
of the {\bf wxHTML\_INDENT\_*} constants.
\func{void}{InsertCell}{\param{wxHtmlCell }{*cell}}
Inserts new cell into the container.
\func{void}{SetAlign}{\param{const wxHtmlTag\& }{tag}}
Sets the container's alignment (both horizontal and vertical) according to
the values stored in {\it tag}. (Tags {\tt ALIGN} parameter is extracted.) In fact
it is only a front-end to \helpref{SetAlignHor}{wxhtmlcontainercellsetalignhor}
and \helpref{SetAlignVer}{wxhtmlcontainercellsetalignver}.
\func{void}{SetAlignHor}{\param{int }{al}}
Sets the container's {\it horizontal alignment}. During \helpref{Layout}{wxhtmlcelllayout}
each line is aligned according to {\it al} value.
\docparam{al}{new horizontal alignment. May be one of these values:
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_ALIGN\_LEFT}}{lines are left-aligned (default)}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_ALIGN\_JUSTIFY}}{lines are justified}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_ALIGN\_CENTER}}{lines are centered}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_ALIGN\_RIGHT}}{lines are right-aligned}
\func{void}{SetAlignVer}{\param{int }{al}}
Sets the container's {\it vertical alignment}. This is per-line alignment!
\docparam{al}{new vertical alignment. May be one of these values:
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_ALIGN\_BOTTOM}}{cells are over the line (default)}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_ALIGN\_CENTER}}{cells are centered on line}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_ALIGN\_TOP}}{cells are under the line}
\func{void}{SetBackgroundColour}{\param{const wxColour\& }{clr}}
Sets the background colour for this container.
\func{void}{SetBorder}{\param{const wxColour\& }{clr1}, \param{const wxColour\& }{clr2}}
Sets the border (frame) colours. A border is a rectangle around the container.
\docparam{clr1}{Colour of top and left lines}
\docparam{clr2}{Colour of bottom and right lines}
\func{void}{SetIndent}{\param{int }{i}, \param{int }{what}, \param{int }{units = wxHTML\_UNITS\_PIXELS}}
Sets the indentation (free space between borders of container and subcells).
\docparam{i}{Indentation value.}
\docparam{what}{Determines which of the four borders we're setting. It is OR
combination of following constants:
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_INDENT\_TOP}}{top border}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_INDENT\_BOTTOM}}{bottom}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_INDENT\_LEFT}}{left}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_INDENT\_RIGHT}}{right}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_INDENT\_HORIZONTAL}}{left and right}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_INDENT\_VERTICAL}}{top and bottom}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_INDENT\_ALL}}{all 4 borders}
\docparam{units}{Units of {\it i}. This parameter affects interpretation of {\it} value.
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_UNITS\_PIXELS}}{{\it i} is number of pixels}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_UNITS\_PERCENT}}{{\it i} is interpreted as percents of width
of parent container}
\func{void}{SetMinHeight}{\param{int }{h}, \param{int }{align = wxHTML\_ALIGN\_TOP}}
Sets minimal height of the container.
When container's \helpref{Layout}{wxhtmlcelllayout} is called, m\_Height
is set depending on layout of subcells to the height of area covered
by layed-out subcells. Calling this method guarantees you that the height
of container is never smaller than {\it h} - even if the subcells cover
much smaller area.
\docparam{h}{The minimal height.}
\docparam{align}{If height of the container is lower than the minimum height, empty space must be inserted
somewhere in order to ensure minimal height. This parameter is one of {\bf wxHTML\_ALIGN\_TOP,
wxHTML\_ALIGN\_BOTTOM, wxHTML\_ALIGN\_CENTER}. It refers to the {\it contents}, not to the
empty place.}
\func{void}{SetWidthFloat}{\param{int }{w}, \param{int }{units}}
\func{void}{SetWidthFloat}{\param{const wxHtmlTag\& }{tag}, \param{double }{pixel\_scale = 1.0}}
Sets floating width adjustment.
The normal behaviour of container is that its width is the same as the width of
parent container (and thus you can have only one sub-container per line).
You can change this by setting FWA.
{\it pixel\_scale} is number of real pixels that equals to 1 HTML pixel.
\docparam{w}{Width of the container. If the value is negative it means
complement to full width of parent container (e.g.
{\tt SetWidthFloat(-50, wxHTML\_UNITS\_PIXELS)} sets the width
of container to parent's width minus 50 pixels. This is useful when
creating tables - you can call SetWidthFloat(50) and SetWidthFloat(-50))}
\docparam{units}{Units of {\it w} This parameter affects the interpretation of {\it} value.
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_UNITS\_PIXELS}}{{\it w} is number of pixels}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_UNITS\_PERCENT}}{{\it w} is interpreted as percents of width
of parent container}
\docparam{tag}{In the second version of method, {\it w} and {\it units}
info is extracted from tag's {\tt WIDTH} parameter.}
\pythonnote{The second form of this method is named
SetWidthFloatFromTag in wxPython.}