Bryan Petty f6bcfd974e merged 2.2 branch
git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@7748 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2000-07-15 19:51:35 +00:00

124 lines
3.3 KiB

# popup.py:
# Illustrates how to create a wxListCtrl with an associated pop-up menu, which is
# activated when the right mouse button is clicked.
from wxPython.wx import *
class cPopupHandler(wxEvtHandler):
def __init__(self, this):
wxEvtHandler.__init__(self, this)
def ProcessEvent(self, event):
print "G"
#wxEvtHandler.ProcessEvent(self, event)
if event.GetEventClass() != wxTYPE_MOUSE_EVENT:
if not event.ButtonUp(3):
if event.ButtonDown(1):
print "left down"
elif event.ButtonUp(1):
print "left up"
elif event.ButtonDown(3):
print "right down"
elif event.ButtonUp(3):
print "right up"
def xProcessEvent(self, event):
# I tried to pass this one in as the Connect() handler,
# but all I got from that was that the icons disappeared
# from the wxListCtrl.
print "H"
class cMyFrame(wxFrame):
def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(800, 600))
# create a dummy icon; can't seem to get the wxListCtrl to work without an icon
#self.imagelist = wxImageList(16, 16)
#self.image = self.imagelist.Add(wxNoRefBitmap('smile.bmp', wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP))
# create a ListCtrl
id = NewId()
self.listctrl = wxListCtrl(self, id, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxLC_REPORT)
#self.listctrl.SetImageList(self.imagelist, wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL)
if 1:
# install a handler for mouse right button up events
#EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self.listctrl, self.OnListMouseEvent)
#EVT_RIGHT_UP(self.listctrl, self.OnListMouseEvent)
#EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self.listctrl, self.OnSaveMousePos)
EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED(self, id, self.OnSaveSelection)
EVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK(self, id, self.OnListRightClick)
# create an wxEvtHandler and connect it to the wxListCtrl
print "A"
self.listctrl.handler = cPopupHandler(self.listctrl)
print "B"
id = NewId()
self.listctrl.Connect(id, id, wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnListMouseEvent)
print "C"
# define the ListCtrl column
self.listctrl.InsertColumn(0, "Name")
# create a set of dummy ListCtrl entries
for Index in range(20):
self.listctrl.InsertStringItem(Index, "Item number %d" % Index)
# re-adjust the width of the column
self.listctrl.SetColumnWidth(0, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER)
def OnSaveSelection(self, event):
self.lastSelection = event.m_itemIndex
print self.lastSelection
def OnListRightClick(self, event):
menu = wxPyMenu()
menu.Append(0, "One")
menu.Append(1, "Two")
menu.Append(2, "Three")
pos = self.listctrl.GetItemPosition(self.lastSelection)
self.listctrl.PopupMenu(menu, pos.x, pos.y)
class cMyApp(wxApp):
def OnInit(self):
frame = cMyFrame(NULL, -1, "Popup Sample")
return true
def main():
App = cMyApp(0)
if __name__ == "__main__":