Julian Smart f010ad4812 Applied patch [ 600051 ] DDE and TCP improvements and fixes
By Michael Fielding

As discussed on wx-dev. some fixes and improvements for Interprocess Communication (IPC), using DDE and TCP.

1. DDE buffers were using a global buffer
2. TCP buffers were allocated each time needed, and Request would have caused memory leaks had it been used.

Fixed these both by using a self-resizing buffer in wxConnectionBase. Changed samples and docs to reflect the improved (but backward compatible) internal buffer management. wxConnectionBase could (in future) use wxMemoryBuffer.

3. IPC sample had trouble closing, causing crash, when closing server using window X button.

Because it was (effectively) trying to delete a window in OnExit, when that window was already destroyed. Fixed by making IPCDialog and MyConnection remember if they'd destroyed each other. It's not elegant, but either the connection or the window could be deleted first.

4. Docs for wxDDE... and wxTCP... duplicated eachother, supposed to have same API. Some parts unclear.

Patch removes dde and tcp-specific files (including from tipc.tex and classes.tex), and explains how ipc.h selects for you which one to use based on platform. Some other misc clarifications.

6. Client sample was suffering apparent memory leak because of not deleting connection object, and had a hack in there to do that.

In fact this was due to the derived OnDisconnect not deleting itself, as it does in base class. Mentioned need to do it in docs, fixed sample so that it does.

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@16907 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2002-09-01 14:48:16 +00:00

202 lines
8.5 KiB

A wxDDEConnection object represents the connection between a client and a
server. It can be created by making a connection using a\rtfsp
\helpref{wxDDEClient}{wxddeclient} object, or by the acceptance of a connection by a\rtfsp
\helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver} object. The bulk of a DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)
conversation is controlled by
calling members in a {\bf wxDDEConnection} object or by overriding its
An application should normally derive a new connection class from
wxDDEConnection, in order to override the communication event handlers
to do something interesting.
This DDE-based implementation is available on Windows only,
but a platform-independent, socket-based version
of this API is available using \helpref{wxTCPConnection}{wxtcpconnection}.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\index{wxIPCFormat}wxIPCFormat is defined as follows:
enum wxIPCFormat
wxIPC_TEXT = 1, /* CF_TEXT */
wxIPC_SYLK = 4,
wxIPC_DIF = 5,
wxIPC_TIFF = 6,
wxIPC_DIB = 8, /* CF_DIB */
wxIPC_RIFF = 11,
wxIPC_WAVE = 12,
wxIPC_LOCALE = 16,
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxDDEClient}{wxddeclient}, \helpref{wxDDEServer}{wxddeserver}, \helpref{Interprocess communications overview}{ipcoverview}
\func{}{wxDDEConnection}{\param{char* }{buffer}, \param{int}{ size}}
Constructs a connection object. If no user-defined connection object is
to be derived from wxDDEConnection, then the constructor should not be
called directly, since the default connection object will be provided on
requesting (or accepting) a connection. However, if the user defines his
or her own derived connection object, the \helpref{wxDDEServer::OnAcceptConnection}{wxddeserveronacceptconnection}\rtfsp
and/or \helpref{wxDDEClient::OnMakeConnection}{wxddeclientonmakeconnection} members should be replaced by
functions which construct the new connection object. If the arguments of
the wxDDEConnection constructor are void, then a default buffer is
associated with the connection. Otherwise, the programmer must provide a
a buffer and size of the buffer for the connection object to use in
\func{bool}{Advise}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
Called by the server application to advise the client of a change in
the data associated with the given item. Causes the client
connection's \helpref{wxDDEConnection::OnAdvise}{wxddeconnectiononadvise}
member to be called. Returns TRUE if successful.
\func{bool}{Execute}{\param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
Called by the client application to execute a command on the server. Can
also be used to transfer arbitrary data to the server (similar
to \helpref{wxDDEConnection::Poke}{wxddeconnectionpoke} in that respect). Causes the
server connection's \helpref{wxDDEConnection::OnExecute}{wxddeconnectiononexecute} member to be
called. Returns TRUE if successful.
Called by the client or server application to disconnect from the other
program; it causes the \helpref{wxDDEConnection::OnDisconnect}{wxddeconnectionondisconnect} message
to be sent to the corresponding connection object in the other
program. The default behaviour of {\bf OnDisconnect} is to delete the
connection, but the calling application must explicitly delete its
side of the connection having called {\bf Disconnect}. Returns TRUE if
\func{virtual bool}{OnAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
Message sent to the client application when the server notifies it of a
change in the data associated with the given item.
\func{virtual bool}{OnDisconnect}{\void}
Message sent to the client or server application when the other
application notifies it to delete the connection. Default behaviour is
to delete the connection object.
\func{virtual bool}{OnExecute}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
Message sent to the server application when the client notifies it to
execute the given data. Note that there is no item associated with
this message.
\func{virtual bool}{OnPoke}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
Message sent to the server application when the client notifies it to
accept the given data.
\func{virtual char*}{OnRequest}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{int *}{size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format}}
Message sent to the server application when the client
calls \helpref{wxDDEConnection::Request}{wxddeconnectionrequest}. The server
should respond by returning a character string from {\bf OnRequest},
or NULL to indicate no data.
\func{virtual bool}{OnStartAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}}
Message sent to the server application by the client, when the client
wishes to start an `advise loop' for the given topic and item. The
server can refuse to participate by returning FALSE.
\func{virtual bool}{OnStopAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{topic}, \param{const wxString\& }{item}}
Message sent to the server application by the client, when the client
wishes to stop an `advise loop' for the given topic and item. The
server can refuse to stop the advise loop by returning FALSE, although
this doesn't have much meaning in practice.
\func{bool}{Poke}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{char* }{data}, \param{int}{ size = -1}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxCF\_TEXT}}
Called by the client application to poke data into the server. Can be
used to transfer arbitrary data to the server. Causes the server
connection's \helpref{wxDDEConnection::OnPoke}{wxddeconnectiononpoke} member
to be called. Returns TRUE if successful.
\func{char*}{Request}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}, \param{int *}{size}, \param{wxIPCFormat}{ format = wxIPC\_TEXT}}
Called by the client application to request data from the server. Causes
the server connection's \helpref{wxDDEConnection::OnRequest}{wxddeconnectiononrequest} member to be called. Returns a
character string (actually a pointer to the connection's buffer) if
successful, NULL otherwise.
\func{bool}{StartAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}}
Called by the client application to ask if an advise loop can be started
with the server. Causes the server connection's \helpref{wxDDEConnection::OnStartAdvise}{wxddeconnectiononstartadvise}\rtfsp
member to be called. Returns TRUE if the server okays it, FALSE
\func{bool}{StopAdvise}{\param{const wxString\& }{item}}
Called by the client application to ask if an advise loop can be
stopped. Causes the server connection's \helpref{wxDDEConnection::OnStopAdvise}{wxddeconnectiononstopadvise} member
to be called. Returns TRUE if the server okays it, FALSE otherwise.