
63 lines
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% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% wxFileOutputStream
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
This class represents data written to a file. There are actually
two such groups of classes: this one is based on \helpref{wxFile}{wxfile}
whereas \helpref{wxFFileInputStream}{wxffileinputstream} is based in
the \helpref{wxFFile}{wxffile} class.
Note that \helpref{wxFile}{wxfile} and \helpref{wxFFile}{wxffile} differ
in one aspect, namely when to report that the end of the file has been
reached. This is documented in \helpref{wxFile::Eof}{wxfileeof} and
\helpref{wxFFile::Eof}{wxffileeof} and the behaviour of the stream
classes reflects this difference, i.e. wxFileInputStream will report
wxSTREAM\_EOF after having read the last byte whereas wxFFileInputStream
will report wxSTREAM\_EOF after trying to read {\it past} the last byte.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxBufferedOutputStream}{wxbufferedoutputstream}, \helpref{wxFileInputStream}{wxfileinputstream}, \helpref{wxFFileInputStream}{wxffileinputstream}
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% Members
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\func{}{wxFileOutputStream}{\param{const wxString\&}{ ofileName}}
Creates a new file with {\it ofilename} name and initializes the stream in
write-only mode.
\func{}{wxFileOutputStream}{\param{wxFile\&}{ file}}
Initializes a file stream in write-only mode using the file I/O object {\it file}.
\func{}{wxFileOutputStream}{\param{int}{ fd}}
Initializes a file stream in write-only mode using the file descriptor {\it fd}.
Returns TRUE if the stream is initialized and ready.