
247 lines
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The wxSizerItem class is used to track the position, size and other
attributes of each item managed by a \helpref{wxSizer}{wxsizer}. In
normal usage user code should never need to deal directly with a
wxSizerItem, but derived sizer classes will.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\func{}{wxSizerItem}{\param{int }{width}, \param{int }{height}, \param{int }{proportion}, \param{int }{flag}, \param{int }{border}, \param{wxObject* }{userData}}
Construct a sizer item for tracking a spacer.
\func{}{wxSizerItem}{\param{wxWindow* }{window}, \param{int }{proportion}, \param{int }{flag}, \param{int }{border}, \param{wxObject* }{userData}}
Construct a sizer item for tracking a window.
\func{}{wxSizerItem}{\param{wxSizer* }{sizer}, \param{int }{proportion}, \param{int }{flag}, \param{int }{border}, \param{wxObject* }{userData}}
Construct a sizer item for tracking a subsizer.
Deletes the user data and subsizer, if any.
Calculates the minimum desired size for the item, including any space
needed by borders.
Destroy the window or the windows in a subsizer, depending on the type
of item.
Enable deleting the SizerItem without destroying the contained sizer.
Return the border attribute.
Return the flags attribute.
Get the minimum size needed for the item.
What is the current position of the item, as set in the last Layout.
Get the proportion item attribute.
Get the ration item attribute.
Get the rectangle of the item on the parent window.
Get the current size of the item, as set in the last Layout.
If this item is tracking a sizer, return it. NULL otherwise.
\constfunc{const wxSize\&}{GetSpacer}{\void}
If this item is tracking a spacer, return its size.
Get the userData item attribute.
If this item is trackign a window then return it. NULL otherwise.
Is this item shown?
Is this item a sizer?
Is this item a spacer?
Is this item a window?
\func{void}{SetBorder}{\param{int }{border}}
Set the border item attribute.
\func{void}{SetDimension}{\param{wxPoint }{pos}, \param{wxSize }{size}}
Set the position and size of the space allocated to the sizer, and
adjust the position and size of the item to be within that space
taking alignment and borders into account.
\func{void}{SetFlag}{\param{int }{flag}}
Set the flag item attribute.
\func{void}{SetInitSize}{\param{int }{x}, \param{int }{y}}
\func{void}{SetProportion}{\param{int }{proportion}}
Set the proportion item attribute.
\func{void}{SetRatio}{\param{int }{width}, \param{int }{height}}
\func{void}{SetRatio}{\param{wxSize }{size}}
\func{void}{SetRatio}{\param{float }{ratio}}
Set the ratio item attribute.
\func{void}{SetSizer}{\param{wxSizer* }{sizer}}
Set the sizer tracked by this item.
\func{void}{SetSpacer}{\param{const wxSize\& }{size}}
Set the size of the spacer tracked by this item.
\func{void}{SetWindow}{\param{wxWindow* }{window}}
Set the window to be tracked by thsi item.
\func{void}{Show}{\param{bool }{show}}
Set the show item attribute, which sizers use to determine if the item
is to be made part of the layout or not. If the item is tracking a
window then it is shown or hidden as needed.