Vadim Zeitlin 4b7f216556 1. fixed (to test) the bug with bitmaps without masks in wxImageList
2. reorganized wxImageList a bit, created a new wxInvertMask() function
3. an incredibly ugly fix (?) for "unsatisfied constraints" warnings
4. added wxIcon and wxBitmap ctors from XPM
5. XPM handler now creates bitmaps with mask
6. added wxPrinterDC::BitBlt() and DrawBitmap(), cleared the horrible mess in
   the wxDC methods with the same names

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@5571 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2000-01-21 21:38:51 +00:00

503 lines
19 KiB

// Name: log.h
// Purpose: Assorted wxLogXXX functions, and wxLog (sink for logs)
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created: 29/01/98
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
// Licence: wxWindows license
#ifndef _WX_LOG_H_
#define _WX_LOG_H_
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface "log.h"
#include "wx/setup.h"
#include "wx/string.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward declarations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxTextCtrl;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxLogFrame;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxFrame;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef unsigned long wxTraceMask;
typedef unsigned long wxLogLevel;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// headers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if wxUSE_LOG
#include <time.h> // for time_t
#include "wx/dynarray.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// different standard log levels (you may also define your own)
wxLOG_FatalError, // program can't continue, abort immediately
wxLOG_Error, // a serious error, user must be informed about it
wxLOG_Warning, // user is normally informed about it but may be ignored
wxLOG_Message, // normal message (i.e. normal output of a non GUI app)
wxLOG_Info, // informational message (a.k.a. 'Verbose')
wxLOG_Status, // informational: might go to the status line of GUI app
wxLOG_Debug, // never shown to the user, disabled in release mode
wxLOG_Trace, // trace messages are also only enabled in debug mode
wxLOG_Progress, // used for progress indicator (not yet)
wxLOG_User = 100 // user defined levels start here
// symbolic trace masks - wxLogTrace("foo", "some trace message...") will be
// discarded unless the string "foo" has been added to the list of allowed
// ones with AddTraceMask()
#define wxTRACE_MemAlloc wxT("memalloc") // trace memory allocation (new/delete)
#define wxTRACE_Messages wxT("messages") // trace window messages/X callbacks
#define wxTRACE_ResAlloc wxT("resalloc") // trace GDI resource allocation
#define wxTRACE_RefCount wxT("refcount") // trace various ref counting operations
#ifdef __WXMSW__
#define wxTRACE_OleCalls wxT("ole") // OLE interface calls
// the trace masks have been superceded by symbolic trace constants, they're
// for compatibility only andwill be removed soon - do NOT use them
// meaning of different bits of the trace mask (which allows selectively
// enable/disable some trace messages)
#define wxTraceMemAlloc 0x0001 // trace memory allocation (new/delete)
#define wxTraceMessages 0x0002 // trace window messages/X callbacks
#define wxTraceResAlloc 0x0004 // trace GDI resource allocation
#define wxTraceRefCount 0x0008 // trace various ref counting operations
#ifdef __WXMSW__
#define wxTraceOleCalls 0x0100 // OLE interface calls
#include "wx/ioswrap.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// derive from this class to redirect (or suppress, or ...) log messages
// normally, only a single instance of this class exists but it's not enforced
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ctor
// these functions allow to completely disable all log messages
// is logging disabled now?
static bool IsEnabled() { return ms_doLog; }
// change the flag state, return the previous one
static bool EnableLogging(bool doIt = TRUE)
{ bool doLogOld = ms_doLog; ms_doLog = doIt; return doLogOld; }
// static sink function - see DoLog() for function to overload in the
// derived classes
static void OnLog(wxLogLevel level, const wxChar *szString, time_t t)
if ( IsEnabled() ) {
wxLog *pLogger = GetActiveTarget();
if ( pLogger )
pLogger->DoLog(level, szString, t);
// message buffering
// flush shows all messages if they're not logged immediately (FILE
// and iostream logs don't need it, but wxGuiLog does to avoid showing
// 17 modal dialogs one after another)
virtual void Flush();
// call to Flush() may be optimized: call it only if this function
// returns true (although Flush() also returns immediately if there is
// no messages, this functions is more efficient because inline)
bool HasPendingMessages() const { return m_bHasMessages; }
// only one sink is active at each moment
// flush the active target if any
static void FlushActive()
wxLog *log = GetActiveTarget();
if ( log )
// get current log target, will call wxApp::CreateLogTarget() to
// create one if none exists
static wxLog *GetActiveTarget();
// change log target, pLogger may be NULL
static wxLog *SetActiveTarget(wxLog *pLogger);
// functions controlling the default wxLog behaviour
// verbose mode is activated by standard command-line '-verbose'
// option
void SetVerbose(bool bVerbose = TRUE) { m_bVerbose = bVerbose; }
// should GetActiveTarget() try to create a new log object if the
// current is NULL?
static void DontCreateOnDemand() { ms_bAutoCreate = FALSE; }
// trace mask (see wxTraceXXX constants for details)
static void SetTraceMask(wxTraceMask ulMask) { ms_ulTraceMask = ulMask; }
// add string trace mask
static void AddTraceMask(const wxString& str) { ms_aTraceMasks.Add(str); }
// add string trace mask
static void RemoveTraceMask(const wxString& str);
// sets the timestamp string: this is used as strftime() format string
// for the log targets which add time stamps to the messages - set it
// to NULL to disable time stamping completely.
static void SetTimestamp(const wxChar *ts) { ms_timestamp = ts; }
// accessors
// gets the verbose status
bool GetVerbose() const { return m_bVerbose; }
// get trace mask
static wxTraceMask GetTraceMask() { return ms_ulTraceMask; }
// is this trace mask in the list?
static bool IsAllowedTraceMask(const wxChar *mask)
{ return ms_aTraceMasks.Index(mask) != wxNOT_FOUND; }
// get the current timestamp format string (may be NULL)
static const wxChar *GetTimestamp() { return ms_timestamp; }
// helpers
// put the time stamp into the string if ms_timestamp != NULL (don't
// change it otherwise)
static void TimeStamp(wxString *str);
// make dtor virtual for all derived classes
virtual ~wxLog() { }
bool m_bHasMessages; // any messages in the queue?
bool m_bVerbose; // FALSE => ignore LogInfo messages
// the logging functions that can be overriden
// default DoLog() prepends the time stamp and a prefix corresponding
// to the message to szString and then passes it to DoLogString()
virtual void DoLog(wxLogLevel level, const wxChar *szString, time_t t);
// default DoLogString does nothing but is not pure virtual because if
// you override DoLog() you might not need it at all
virtual void DoLogString(const wxChar *szString, time_t t);
// static variables
// ----------------
static wxLog *ms_pLogger; // currently active log sink
static bool ms_doLog; // FALSE => all logging disabled
static bool ms_bAutoCreate; // create new log targets on demand?
// format string for strftime(), if NULL, time stamping log messages is
// disabled
static const wxChar *ms_timestamp;
static wxTraceMask ms_ulTraceMask; // controls wxLogTrace behaviour
static wxArrayString ms_aTraceMasks; // more powerful filter for wxLogTrace
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// "trivial" derivations of wxLog
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// log everything to a "FILE *", stderr by default
class WXDLLEXPORT wxLogStderr : public wxLog
// redirect log output to a FILE
wxLogStderr(FILE *fp = (FILE *) NULL);
// implement sink function
virtual void DoLogString(const wxChar *szString, time_t t);
FILE *m_fp;
// log everything to an "ostream", cerr by default
class WXDLLEXPORT wxLogStream : public wxLog
// redirect log output to an ostream
wxLogStream(ostream *ostr = (ostream *) NULL);
// implement sink function
virtual void DoLogString(const wxChar *szString, time_t t);
// using ptr here to avoid including <iostream.h> from this file
ostream *m_ostr;
// the following log targets are only compiled in if the we're compiling the
// GUI part (andnot just the base one) of the library, they're implemented in
// src/generic/logg.cpp *and not src/common/log.cpp unlike all the rest)
#if wxUSE_GUI
// log everything to a text window (GUI only of course)
class WXDLLEXPORT wxLogTextCtrl : public wxLog
wxLogTextCtrl(wxTextCtrl *pTextCtrl);
// implement sink function
virtual void DoLogString(const wxChar *szString, time_t t);
// the control we use
wxTextCtrl *m_pTextCtrl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GUI log target, the default one for wxWindows programs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxLogGui : public wxLog
// ctor
// show all messages that were logged since the last Flush()
virtual void Flush();
virtual void DoLog(wxLogLevel level, const wxChar *szString, time_t t);
// empty everything
void Clear();
wxArrayString m_aMessages; // the log message texts
wxArrayInt m_aSeverity; // one of wxLOG_XXX values
wxArrayLong m_aTimes; // the time of each message
bool m_bErrors, // do we have any errors?
m_bWarnings; // any warnings?
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (background) log window: this class forwards all log messages to the log
// target which was active when it was instantiated, but also collects them
// to the log window. This window has it's own menu which allows the user to
// close it, clear the log contents or save it to the file.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxLogWindow : public wxLog
wxLogWindow(wxFrame *pParent, // the parent frame (can be NULL)
const wxChar *szTitle, // the title of the frame
bool bShow = TRUE, // show window immediately?
bool bPassToOld = TRUE); // pass log messages to the old target?
// window operations
// show/hide the log window
void Show(bool bShow = TRUE);
// retrieve the pointer to the frame
wxFrame *GetFrame() const;
// accessors
// the previous log target (may be NULL)
wxLog *GetOldLog() const { return m_pOldLog; }
// are we passing the messages to the previous log target?
bool IsPassingMessages() const { return m_bPassMessages; }
// we can pass the messages to the previous log target (we're in this mode by
// default: we collect all messages in the window, but also let the default
// processing take place)
void PassMessages(bool bDoPass) { m_bPassMessages = bDoPass; }
// base class virtuals
// we don't need it ourselves, but we pass it to the previous logger
virtual void Flush();
// overridables
// called immediately after the log frame creation allowing for
// any extra initializations
virtual void OnFrameCreate(wxFrame *frame);
// called right before the log frame is going to be deleted
virtual void OnFrameDelete(wxFrame *frame);
virtual void DoLog(wxLogLevel level, const wxChar *szString, time_t t);
virtual void DoLogString(const wxChar *szString, time_t t);
bool m_bPassMessages; // pass messages to m_pOldLog?
wxLog *m_pOldLog; // previous log target
wxLogFrame *m_pLogFrame; // the log frame
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// /dev/null log target: suppress logging until this object goes out of scope
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// example of usage:
void Foo() {
wxFile file;
// wxFile.Open() normally complains if file can't be opened, we don't want it
wxLogNull logNo;
if ( !file.Open("bar") )
... process error ourselves ...
// ~wxLogNull called, old log sink restored
class WXDLLEXPORT wxLogNull
wxLogNull() { m_flagOld = wxLog::EnableLogging(FALSE); }
~wxLogNull() { (void)wxLog::EnableLogging(m_flagOld); }
bool m_flagOld; // the previous value of the wxLog::ms_doLog
// ============================================================================
// global functions
// ============================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Log functions should be used by application instead of stdio, iostream &c
// for log messages for easy redirection
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// are we in 'verbose' mode?
// (note that it's often handy to change this var manually from the
// debugger, thus enabling/disabling verbose reporting for some
// parts of the program only)
WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern bool) g_bVerbose;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get error code/error message from system in a portable way
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// return the last system error code
WXDLLEXPORT unsigned long wxSysErrorCode();
// return the error message for given (or last if 0) error code
WXDLLEXPORT const wxChar* wxSysErrorMsg(unsigned long nErrCode = 0);
// define wxLog<level>
// -------------------
#define DECLARE_LOG_FUNCTION(level) \
extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxLog##level(const wxChar *szFormat, ...)
#define DECLARE_LOG_FUNCTION2(level, arg1) \
extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxLog##level(arg1, const wxChar *szFormat, ...)
#else // !wxUSE_LOG
// log functions do nothing at all
#define DECLARE_LOG_FUNCTION(level) \
inline void WXDLLEXPORT wxLog##level(const wxChar *szFormat, ...) {}
#define DECLARE_LOG_FUNCTION2(level, arg1) \
inline void WXDLLEXPORT wxLog##level(arg1, const wxChar *szFormat, ...) {}
#endif // wxUSE_LOG/!wxUSE_LOG
// a generic function for all levels (level is passes as parameter)
DECLARE_LOG_FUNCTION2(Generic, wxLogLevel level);
// one function per each level
// this function sends the log message to the status line of the top level
// application frame, if any
// this one is the same as previous except that it allows to explicitly
// specify the frame to which the output should go
DECLARE_LOG_FUNCTION2(Status, wxFrame *pFrame);
// additional one: as wxLogError, but also logs last system call error code
// and the corresponding error message if available
// and another one which also takes the error code (for those broken APIs
// that don't set the errno (like registry APIs in Win32))
DECLARE_LOG_FUNCTION2(SysError, long lErrCode);
// debug functions do nothing in release mode
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
// first king of LogTrace is uncoditional: it doesn't check the level,
// this second version will only log the message if the mask had been
// added to the list of masks with AddTraceMask()
DECLARE_LOG_FUNCTION2(Trace, const char *mask);
// the last one does nothing if all of level bits are not set
// in wxLog::GetActive()->GetTraceMask() - it's deprecated in favour of
// string identifiers
DECLARE_LOG_FUNCTION2(Trace, wxTraceMask mask);
#else //!debug
// these functions do nothing in release builds
inline void wxLogDebug(const wxChar *, ...) { }
inline void wxLogTrace(const wxChar *, ...) { }
inline void wxLogTrace(wxTraceMask, const wxChar *, ...) { }
inline void wxLogTrace(const wxChar *, const wxChar *, ...) { }
#endif // debug/!debug
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// debug only logging functions: use them with API name and error code
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __TFILE__
#define __XFILE__(x) Tx)
#define __TFILE__ __XFILE__(__FILE__)
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
// make life easier for people using VC++ IDE: clicking on the message
// will take us immediately to the place of the failed API
#ifdef __VISUALC__
#define wxLogApiError(api, rc) \
wxLogDebug(wxT("%s(%d): '%s' failed with error 0x%08lx (%s)."), \
__TFILE__, __LINE__, _T(api), \
rc, wxSysErrorMsg(rc))
#else // !VC++
#define wxLogApiError(api, rc) \
wxLogDebug(wxT("In file %s at line %d: '%s' failed with " \
"error 0x%08lx (%s)."), \
__TFILE__, __LINE__, _T(api), \
rc, wxSysErrorMsg(rc))
#endif // VC++/!VC++
#define wxLogLastError(api) wxLogApiError(api, wxSysErrorCode())
#else //!debug
inline void wxLogApiError(const wxChar *, long) { }
inline void wxLogLastError(const wxChar *) { }
#endif //debug/!debug
#endif // _WX_LOG_H_