Julian Smart 448af9a46e Cosmetic changes in setup0.h; Latex edits; PaletteSize -> wxPaletteSize;
generate newgrid VC++ project files

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@4179 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
1999-10-25 13:46:48 +00:00

255 lines
8.3 KiB

% automatically generated by HelpGen from
% htmlwinparser.tex at 14/Mar/99 20:13:37
This class is derived from \helpref{wxHtmlParser}{wxhtmlparser} and
its mail goal is to parse HTML input so that it can be displayed in
\helpref{wxHtmlWindow}{wxhtmlwindow}. It uses special
\item Product of parsing is wxHtmlCell (resp. wxHtmlContainer) object.
\item This parser produces temporary data! You should call
\helpref{delete GetTempData()}{wxhtmlparsergettempdata}!
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{See Also}
\helpref{Handlers overview}{handlers}
\func{}{wxHtmlWinParser}{\param{wxWindow }{*wnd}}
Constructor. Don't use the default one, use constructor with
{\it wnd} paremeter ({\it wnd} is pointer to associated \helpref{wxHtmlWindow}{wxhtmlwindow})
\func{static void}{AddModule}{\param{wxHtmlTagsModule }{*module}}
Adds \helpref{module}{handlers} to the list of wxHtmlWinParser tag handler.
Closes the container, sets actual container to the parent one
and returns pointer to it (see \helpref{Overview}{cells}).
\func{virtual wxFont*}{CreateCurrentFont}{\void}
Creates font based on current setting (see
and returns pointer to it.
(If the font was already created only a pointer is returned.)
Fonts created during parsing are temporary data and are not freed on DoneParser.
You must call \helpref{delete myparser->GetTempData();}{wxhtmlparsergettempdata}
to free the memory!
\constfunc{const wxColour\&}{GetActualColor}{\void}
Returns actual text color.
Returns default horizontal alignment.
Returns (average) char height in standard font. It's used as DC-independent metrics.
{\bf Note:} This function doesn't return {\it actual} height. If you want to
know the height of the current font, call {\tt GetDC -> GetCharHeight()}.
Returns average char width in standard font. It's used as DC-independent metrics.
{\bf Note:} This function doesn't return {\it actual} width. If you want to
know the height of the current font, call {\tt GetDC -> GetCharWidth()}
Returns pointer to the currectly opened container (see \helpref{Overview}{cells}).
Common use:
m_WParser -> GetContainer() -> InsertCell(new ...);
Returns pointer to the DC used during parsing.
Returns TRUE if actual font is bold, FALSE otherwise.
Returns TRUE if actual font is fixed face, FALSE otherwise.
Returns TRUE if actual font is italic, FALSE otherwise.
Returns actual font size (HTML size varies from -2 to +4)
Returns TRUE if actual font is underlined, FALSE otherwise.
\constfunc{const wxString\&}{GetLink}{\void}
Returns actual hypertext link. (This value is non-empty string
if the parser is between {\tt <A>} and {\tt </A>} tags,
wxEmptyString otherwise.
\constfunc{const wxColour\&}{GetLinkColor}{\void}
Returns color of hypertext link text.
Returns associated window (wxHtmlWindow). This may be NULL! (You should always
test if it is non-NULL. For example {\tt TITLE} handler sets window
title only if some window is associated, otherwise it does nothing)
Opens new container and returns pointer to it (see \helpref{Overview}{cells}).
\func{void}{SetActualColor}{\param{const wxColour\& }{clr}}
Sets actual text color. Note: this DOESN'T change the color!
You must create \helpref{wxHtmlColourCell}{wxhtmlcolourcell} yourself.
\func{void}{SetAlign}{\param{int }{a}}
Sets default horizontal alignment (see \helpref{wxHtmlContainerCell::SetAlignHor}{wxhtmlcontainercellsetalignhor}.
Alignment of newly opened container is set to this value.
%\func{wxHtmlContainerCell*}{SetContainer}{\param{wxHtmlContainerCell *}{c}}
%Allows you to directly set opened container. This is not recommended - you should use OpenContainer
%whereever possible.
\func{virtual void}{SetDC}{\param{wxDC }{*dc}}
Sets the DC. This must be called before \helpref{Parse}{wxhtmlparserparse}!
\func{void}{SetFontBold}{\param{int }{x}}
Sets bold flag of actualfont. {\it x} is either TRUE of FALSE.
\func{void}{SetFontFixed}{\param{int }{x}}
Sets fixed face flag of actualfont. {\it x} is either TRUE of FALSE.
\func{void}{SetFontItalic}{\param{int }{x}}
Sets italic flag of actualfont. {\it x} is either TRUE of FALSE.
\func{void}{SetFontSize}{\param{int }{s}}
Sets actual font size (HTML size varies from -2 to +4)
\func{void}{SetFontUnderlined}{\param{int }{x}}
Sets underlined flag of actualfont. {\it x} is either TRUE of FALSE.
\func{void}{SetFonts}{\param{wxString }{normal\_face}, \param{int }{normal\_italic\_mode}, \param{wxString }{fixed\_face}, \param{int }{fixed\_italic\_mode}, \param{const int }{*sizes}}
Sets fonts. This method is identical to \helpref{wxHtmlWindow::SetFonts}{wxhtmlwindowsetfonts}
\func{void}{SetLink}{\param{const wxString\& }{link}}
Sets actual hypertext link. wxEmptyString means no link.
\func{void}{SetLinkColor}{\param{const wxColour\& }{clr}}
Sets color of hypertext link.