2003-03-17 10:34:04 +00:00

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// Name: wx/fontmap.h
// Purpose: wxFontMapper class
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created: 04.11.99
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Vadim Zeitlin
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
#pragma interface "fontmap.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// headers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "wx/fontenc.h" // for wxFontEncoding
#if wxUSE_GUI
#include "wx/fontutil.h" // for wxNativeEncodingInfo
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
class WXDLLEXPORT wxConfigBase;
#endif // wxUSE_CONFIG
#if wxUSE_GUI
class WXDLLEXPORT wxWindow;
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxFontMapper manages user-definable correspondence between logical font
// names and the fonts present on the machine.
// The default implementations of all functions will ask the user if they are
// not capable of finding the answer themselves and store the answer in a
// config file (configurable via SetConfigXXX functions). This behaviour may
// be disabled by giving the value of FALSE to "interactive" parameter.
// However, the functions will always consult the config file to allow the
// user-defined values override the default logic and there is no way to
// disable this - which shouldn't be ever needed because if "interactive" was
// never TRUE, the config file is never created anyhow.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxFontMapper
// default ctor
// virtual dtor for a base class
virtual ~wxFontMapper();
// return instance of the wxFontMapper singleton
static wxFontMapper *Get();
// set the sigleton to 'mapper' instance and return previous one
static wxFontMapper *Set(wxFontMapper *mapper);
#if wxUSE_GUI
// find an alternative for the given encoding (which is supposed to not be
// available on this system). If successful, return TRUE and fill info
// structure with the parameters required to create the font, otherwise
// return FALSE
virtual bool GetAltForEncoding(wxFontEncoding encoding,
wxNativeEncodingInfo *info,
const wxString& facename = wxEmptyString,
bool interactive = TRUE);
// version better suitable for 'public' use. Returns wxFontEcoding
// that can be used it wxFont ctor
bool GetAltForEncoding(wxFontEncoding encoding,
wxFontEncoding *alt_encoding,
const wxString& facename = wxEmptyString,
bool interactive = TRUE);
// checks whether given encoding is available in given face or not.
// If no facename is given,
virtual bool IsEncodingAvailable(wxFontEncoding encoding,
const wxString& facename = wxEmptyString);
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// returns the encoding for the given charset (in the form of RFC 2046) or
// wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM if couldn't decode it
virtual wxFontEncoding CharsetToEncoding(const wxString& charset,
bool interactive = TRUE);
// encoding names
// --------------
// return internal string identifier for the encoding (see also
// GetEncodingDescription())
static wxString GetEncodingName(wxFontEncoding encoding);
// return user-readable string describing the given encoding
// NB: hard-coded now, but might change later (read it from config?)
static wxString GetEncodingDescription(wxFontEncoding encoding);
// configure the appearance of the dialogs we may popup
// ----------------------------------------------------
#if wxUSE_GUI
// the parent window for modal dialogs
void SetDialogParent(wxWindow *parent) { m_windowParent = parent; }
// the title for the dialogs (note that default is quite reasonable)
void SetDialogTitle(const wxString& title) { m_titleDialog = title; }
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// functions which allow to configure the config object used: by default,
// the global one (from wxConfigBase::Get() will be used) and the default
// root path for the config settings is the string returned by
// GetDefaultConfigPath()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// set the config object to use (may be NULL to use default)
void SetConfig(wxConfigBase *config) { m_config = config; }
// set the root config path to use (should be an absolute path)
void SetConfigPath(const wxString& prefix);
// return default config path
static const wxChar *GetDefaultConfigPath();
// get the config object we're using - if it wasn't set explicitly, this
// function will use wxConfig::Get() to get the global one
wxConfigBase *GetConfig();
// gets the root path for our settings - if itwasn't set explicitly, use
// GetDefaultConfigPath()
const wxString& GetConfigPath();
// change to the given (relative) path in the config, return TRUE if ok
// (then GetConfig() will return something !NULL), FALSE if no config
// object
// caller should provide a pointer to the string variable which should be
// later passed to RestorePath()
bool ChangePath(const wxString& pathNew, wxString *pathOld);
// restore the config path after use
void RestorePath(const wxString& pathOld);
#if wxUSE_GUI
// GetAltForEncoding() helper: tests for the existence of the given
// encoding and saves the result in config if ok - this results in the
// following (desired) behaviour: when an unknown/unavailable encoding is
// requested for the first time, the user is asked about a replacement,
// but if he doesn't choose any and the default logic finds one, it will
// be saved in the config so that the user won't be asked about it any
// more
bool TestAltEncoding(const wxString& configEntry,
wxFontEncoding encReplacement,
wxNativeEncodingInfo *info);
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// config object and path (in it) to use
wxConfigBase *m_config;
bool m_configIsDummy;
wxString m_configRootPath;
#if wxUSE_GUI
// the title for our dialogs
wxString m_titleDialog;
// the parent window for our dialogs
wxWindow *m_windowParent;
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
friend class wxFontMapperPathChanger;
static wxFontMapper *sm_instance;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global variables
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the default font mapper for wxWindows programs
// do NOT use! This is for backward compatibility, use wxFontMapper::Get() instead
#define wxTheFontMapper (wxFontMapper::Get())
#endif // wxUSE_FONTMAP
#endif // _WX_FONTMAPPER_H_