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// Name: zipstrm.h
// Purpose: interface of wxZipNotifier
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows license
/// Compression Method, only 0 (store) and 8 (deflate) are supported here
enum wxZipMethod
/// Originating File-System.
/// These are Pkware's values. Note that Info-zip disagree on some of them,
/// most notably NTFS.
enum wxZipSystem
/// Dos/Win file attributes
enum wxZipAttributes
wxZIP_A_RDONLY = 0x01,
wxZIP_A_HIDDEN = 0x02,
wxZIP_A_SYSTEM = 0x04,
wxZIP_A_SUBDIR = 0x10,
wxZIP_A_ARCH = 0x20,
wxZIP_A_MASK = 0x37
/// Values for the flags field in the zip headers
enum wxZipFlags
wxZIP_ENCRYPTED = 0x0001,
wxZIP_DEFLATE_NORMAL = 0x0000, // normal compression
wxZIP_DEFLATE_EXTRA = 0x0002, // extra compression
wxZIP_DEFLATE_FAST = 0x0004, // fast compression
wxZIP_DEFLATE_SUPERFAST = 0x0006, // superfast compression
wxZIP_DEFLATE_MASK = 0x0006,
wxZIP_SUMS_FOLLOW = 0x0008, // crc and sizes come after the data
wxZIP_ENHANCED = 0x0010,
wxZIP_PATCH = 0x0020,
wxZIP_STRONG_ENC = 0x0040,
wxZIP_UNUSED = 0x0F80,
@class wxZipNotifier
If you need to know when a wxZipInputStream updates a wxZipEntry,
you can create a notifier by deriving from this abstract base class,
overriding wxZipNotifier::OnEntryUpdated().
An instance of your notifier class can then be assigned to wxZipEntry
objects, using wxZipEntry::SetNotifier().
Setting a notifier is not usually necessary. It is used to handle
certain cases when modifying an zip in a pipeline (i.e. between
non-seekable streams).
See @ref overview_archive_noseek.
@see @ref overview_archive_noseek, wxZipEntry, wxZipInputStream, wxZipOutputStream
class wxZipNotifier
Override this to receive notifications when an wxZipEntry object changes.
virtual void OnEntryUpdated(wxZipEntry& entry) = 0;
@class wxZipEntry
Holds the meta-data for an entry in a zip.
@section zipentry_avail Field availability
When reading a zip from a stream that is seekable, wxZipEntry::GetNextEntry()
returns a fully populated wxZipEntry object except for wxZipEntry::GetLocalExtra().
wxZipEntry::GetLocalExtra() becomes available when the entry is opened, either by
calling wxZipInputStream::OpenEntry() or by making an attempt to read the entry's data.
For zips on non-seekable streams, the following fields are always available
when wxZipEntry::GetNextEntry() returns:
- wxZipEntry::GetDateTime
- wxZipEntry::GetInternalFormat
- wxZipEntry::GetInternalName
- wxZipEntry::GetFlags
- wxZipEntry::GetLocalExtra
- wxZipEntry::GetMethod
- wxZipEntry::GetName
- wxZipEntry::GetOffset
- wxZipEntry::IsDir
The following fields are also usually available when GetNextEntry() returns,
however, if the zip was also written to a non-seekable stream the zipper is
permitted to store them after the entry's data. In that case they become
available when the entry's data has been read to Eof(), or CloseEntry()
has been called. (GetFlags() & wxZIP_SUMS_FOLLOW) != 0 indicates that
one or more of these come after the data:
- wxZipEntry::GetCompressedSize
- wxZipEntry::GetCrc
- wxZipEntry::GetSize
The following are stored at the end of the zip, and become available when the
end of the zip has been reached, i.e. after GetNextEntry() returns @NULL
and Eof() is true:
- wxZipEntry::GetComment
- wxZipEntry::GetExternalAttributes
- wxZipEntry::GetExtra
- wxZipEntry::GetMode
- wxZipEntry::GetSystemMadeBy
- wxZipEntry::IsReadOnly
- wxZipEntry::IsMadeByUnix
- wxZipEntry::IsText
@see @ref overview_archive, wxZipInputStream, wxZipOutputStream, wxZipNotifier
class wxZipEntry : public wxArchiveEntry
wxZipEntry(const wxString& name = wxEmptyString,
const wxDateTime& dt = Now(),
wxFileOffset size = wxInvalidOffset);
Copy constructor.
wxZipEntry(const wxZipEntry& entry);
Make a copy of this entry.
wxZipEntry* Clone() const;
Gets and sets the short comment for this entry.
wxString GetComment() const;
void SetComment(const wxString& comment);
The low 8 bits are always the DOS/Windows file attributes for this entry.
The values of these attributes are given in the enumeration ::wxZipAttributes.
The remaining bits can store platform specific permission bits or
attributes, and their meaning depends on the value of SetSystemMadeBy().
If IsMadeByUnix() is @true then the high 16 bits are unix mode bits.
The following other accessors access these bits:
- IsReadOnly() / SetIsReadOnly()
- IsDir() / SetIsDir()
- GetMode() / SetMode()
wxUint32 GetExternalAttributes() const;
void SetExternalAttributes(wxUint32 attr);
The extra field from the entry's central directory record.
The extra field is used to store platform or application specific
data. See Pkware's document 'appnote.txt' for information on its format.
char* GetExtra() const;
size_t GetExtraLen() const;
void SetExtra(const char* extra, size_t len);
The extra field from the entry's local record.
The extra field is used to store platform or application specific
data. See Pkware's document 'appnote.txt' for information on its format.
char* GetLocalExtra() const;
size_t GetLocalExtraLen() const;
void SetLocalExtra(const char* extra, size_t len);
The compression method.
The enumeration ::wxZipMethod lists the possible values.
The default constructor sets this to @c wxZIP_METHOD_DEFAULT,
which allows wxZipOutputStream to choose the method when writing the entry.
int GetMethod() const;
void SetMethod(int method);
If IsMadeByUnix() is true then returns the unix permission bits stored
in GetExternalAttributes(). Otherwise synthesises them from the DOS attributes.
int GetMode() const;
Sets the DOS attributes in GetExternalAttributes() to be consistent with
the @a mode given.
If IsMadeByUnix() is @true then also stores @a mode in GetExternalAttributes().
Note that the default constructor sets GetSystemMadeBy() to
@c wxZIP_SYSTEM_MSDOS by default. So to be able to store unix
permissions when creating zips, call SetSystemMadeBy(wxZIP_SYSTEM_UNIX).
void SetMode(int mode);
The originating file-system.
The default constructor sets this to @c wxZIP_SYSTEM_MSDOS.
Set it to @c wxZIP_SYSTEM_UNIX in order to be able to store unix
permissions using SetMode().
int GetSystemMadeBy() const;
void SetSystemMadeBy(int system);
The compressed size of this entry in bytes.
wxFileOffset GetCompressedSize() const;
CRC32 for this entry's data.
wxUint32 GetCrc() const;
Returns a combination of the bits flags in the enumeration @c wxZipFlags.
int GetFlags() const;
A static member that translates a filename into the internal format used
within the archive. If the third parameter is provided, the bool pointed
to is set to indicate whether the name looks like a directory name
(i.e. has a trailing path separator).
@see @ref overview_archive_byname
wxString GetInternalName(const wxString& name,
wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE,
bool* pIsDir = NULL);
Returns the entry's filename in the internal format used within the archive.
The name can include directory components, i.e. it can be a full path.
The names of directory entries are returned without any trailing path separator.
This gives a canonical name that can be used in comparisons.
wxString GetInternalName() const;
Returns @true if GetSystemMadeBy() is a flavour of unix.
bool IsMadeByUnix() const;
Indicates that this entry's data is text in an 8-bit encoding.
bool IsText() const;
void SetIsText(bool isText = true);
Sets the notifier (see wxZipNotifier) for this entry.
Whenever the wxZipInputStream updates this entry, it will then invoke
the associated notifier's wxZipNotifier::OnEntryUpdated() method.
Setting a notifier is not usually necessary. It is used to handle
certain cases when modifying an zip in a pipeline (i.e. between
non-seekable streams).
@see @ref overview_archive_noseek, wxZipNotifier
void SetNotifier(wxZipNotifier& notifier);
void UnsetNotifier();
Assignment operator.
wxZipEntry& operator=(const wxZipEntry& entry);
@class wxZipInputStream
Input stream for reading zip files.
wxZipInputStream::GetNextEntry() returns a wxZipEntry object containing the
meta-data for the next entry in the zip (and gives away ownership).
Reading from the wxZipInputStream then returns the entry's data.
Eof() becomes @true after an attempt has been made to read past the end of
the entry's data.
When there are no more entries, GetNextEntry() returns @NULL and sets Eof().
Note that in general zip entries are not seekable, and
wxZipInputStream::SeekI() always returns ::wxInvalidOffset.
@see @ref overview_archive, wxZipEntry, wxZipOutputStream
class wxZipInputStream : public wxArchiveInputStream
Constructor. In a Unicode build the second parameter @a conv is used to
translate the filename and comment fields into Unicode.
It has no effect on the stream's data.
If the parent stream is passed as a pointer then the new filter stream
takes ownership of it. If it is passed by reference then it does not.
wxZipInputStream(wxInputStream& stream,
wxMBConv& conv = wxConvLocal);
wxZipInputStream(wxInputStream* stream,
wxMBConv& conv = wxConvLocal);
Compatibility constructor (requires WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_6).
When this constructor is used, an emulation of seeking is
switched on for compatibility with previous versions. Note however,
that it is deprecated.
wxZipInputStream(const wxString& archive,
const wxString& file);
Closes the current entry.
On a non-seekable stream reads to the end of the current entry first.
bool CloseEntry();
Returns the zip comment.
This is stored at the end of the zip, therefore when reading a zip
from a non-seekable stream, it returns the empty string until the end
of the zip has been reached, i.e. when GetNextEntry() returns @NULL.
wxString GetComment();
Closes the current entry if one is open, then reads the meta-data for
the next entry and returns it in a wxZipEntry object, giving away ownership.
The stream is then open and can be read.
wxZipEntry* GetNextEntry();
For a zip on a seekable stream returns the total number of entries in
the zip. For zips on non-seekable streams returns the number of entries
returned so far by GetNextEntry().
int GetTotalEntries();
Closes the current entry if one is open, then opens the entry specified
by the @a entry object.
@a entry should be from the same zip file, and the zip should
be on a seekable stream.
@see overview_archive_byname
bool OpenEntry(wxZipEntry& entry);
@class wxZipClassFactory
Class factory for the zip archive format.
See the base class for details.
@see @ref overview_archive,
@ref overview_archive_generic,
wxZipEntry, wxZipInputStream, wxZipOutputStream
class wxZipClassFactory : public wxArchiveClassFactory
@class wxZipOutputStream
Output stream for writing zip files.
wxZipOutputStream::PutNextEntry() is used to create a new entry in the
output zip, then the entry's data is written to the wxZipOutputStream.
Another call to wxZipOutputStream::PutNextEntry() closes the current
entry and begins the next.
@see @ref overview_archive, wxZipEntry, wxZipInputStream
class wxZipOutputStream : public wxArchiveOutputStream
@a level is the compression level to use.
It can be a value between 0 and 9 or -1 to use the default value
which currently is equivalent to 6.
If the parent stream is passed as a pointer then the new filter stream
takes ownership of it. If it is passed by reference then it does not.
In a Unicode build the third parameter @a conv is used to translate
the filename and comment fields to an 8-bit encoding.
It has no effect on the stream's data.
wxZipOutputStream(wxOutputStream& stream, int level = -1,
wxMBConv& conv = wxConvLocal);
wxZipOutputStream(wxOutputStream* stream, int level = -1,
wxMBConv& conv = wxConvLocal);
The destructor calls Close() to finish writing the zip if it has
not been called already.
virtual ~wxZipOutputStream();
Finishes writing the zip, returning @true if successful.
Called by the destructor if not called explicitly.
bool Close();
Close the current entry.
It is called implicitly whenever another new entry is created with CopyEntry()
or PutNextEntry(), or when the zip is closed.
bool CloseEntry();
Transfers the zip comment from the wxZipInputStream
to this output stream.
bool CopyArchiveMetaData(wxZipInputStream& inputStream);
Takes ownership of @a entry and uses it to create a new entry
in the zip. @a entry is then opened in @a inputStream and its contents
copied to this stream.
CopyEntry() is much more efficient than transferring the data using
Read() and Write() since it will copy them without decompressing and
recompressing them.
For zips on seekable streams, @a entry must be from the same zip file
as @a inputStream. For non-seekable streams, @a entry must also be the
last thing read from @a inputStream.
bool CopyEntry(wxZipEntry* entry, wxZipInputStream& inputStream);
Set the compression level that will be used the next time an entry is
It can be a value between 0 and 9 or -1 to use the default value
which currently is equivalent to 6.
int GetLevel() const;
void SetLevel(int level);
Create a new directory entry (see wxArchiveEntry::IsDir) with the given
name and timestamp.
PutNextEntry() can also be used to create directory entries, by supplying
a name with a trailing path separator.
bool PutNextDirEntry(const wxString& name,
const wxDateTime& dt = wxDateTime::Now());
Takes ownership of @a entry and uses it to create a new entry in the zip.
bool PutNextEntry(wxZipEntry* entry);
Create a new entry with the given name, timestamp and size.
bool PutNextEntry(const wxString& name,
const wxDateTime& dt = wxDateTime::Now(),
wxFileOffset size = wxInvalidOffset);
Sets a comment for the zip as a whole.
It is written at the end of the zip.
void SetComment(const wxString& comment);