2002-01-31 20:57:31 +00:00

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% automatically generated by HelpGen $Revision$ from
% rowdragpl.h at 21/Jan/02 21:14:19
This plugin adds row-dragging functionality to the pane.
It handles mouse movement and pane background-erasing plugin events.
The behaviour and appearance resembles drag and drop positioning
of the toolbar rows in Netscape Communicator 4.xx.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{Data structures}
\func{}{cbRowDragPlugin}{\param{wxFrameLayout* }{pLayout}, \param{int }{paneMask = wxALL\_PANES}}
Constructor, taking paren layout frame and pane mask.
Default constructor.
\func{wxBitmap*}{CaptureDCArea}{\param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{wxRect\& }{area}}
Helper for drag and drop.
\func{void}{CheckPrevItemInFocus}{\param{cbRowInfo* }{pRow}, \param{int }{iconIdx}}
Helper for drag and drop.
Clone function, returning a new instance of this class.
\func{void}{CollapseRow}{\param{cbRowInfo* }{pRow}}
Helper for drag and drop.
\func{void}{Draw3DPattern}{\param{wxRect\& }{inRect}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}}
Implements 'hard-coded metafile' for Netscape Navigator look.
\func{void}{Draw3DRect}{\param{wxRect\& }{inRect}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{wxBrush\& }{bkBrush}}
Implements 'hard-coded metafile' for Netscape Navigator look.
\func{void}{DrawCollapsedRowIcon}{\param{int }{index}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{bool }{isHighlighted}}
Draws collapsed row icon (appearance-dependent).
\func{void}{DrawCollapsedRowsBorder}{\param{wxDC\& }{dc}}
Draws collapsed rows border (appearance-dependent).
\func{void}{DrawEmptyRow}{\param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{wxRect\& }{rowBounds}}
Draws empty row (appearance-dependent).
\func{void}{DrawOrtoRomb}{\param{wxRect\& }{inRect}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{wxBrush\& }{bkBrush}}
Implements 'hard-coded metafile' for Netscape Navigator look.
\func{void}{DrawRectShade}{\param{wxRect\& }{inRect}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{int }{level}, \param{wxPen\& }{upperPen}, \param{wxPen\& }{lowerPen}}
Implements 'hard-coded metafile' for Netscape Navigator look.
\func{void}{DrawRomb}{\param{wxRect\& }{inRect}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{wxBrush\& }{bkBrush}}
Implements 'hard-coded metafile' for Netscape Navigator look.
\func{void}{DrawRombShades}{\param{wxPoint\& }{p1}, \param{wxPoint\& }{p2}, \param{wxPoint\& }{p3}, \param{wxPoint\& }{p4}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}}
Implements 'hard-coded metafile' for Netscape Navigator look.
\func{void}{DrawRowDragHint}{\param{cbRowInfo* }{pRow}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{bool }{isHighlighted}}
Draws row drag hint (appearance-dependent).
\func{void}{DrawRowsDragHintsBorder}{\param{wxDC\& }{dc}}
Draws rows drag hints border (appearance-dependent).
\func{void}{DrawTrianDown}{\param{wxRect\& }{inRect}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}}
Implements 'hard-coded metafile' for Netscape Navigator look.
\func{void}{DrawTrianRight}{\param{wxRect\& }{inRect}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}}
Implements 'hard-coded metafile' for Netscape Navigator look.
\func{void}{DrawTrianUp}{\param{wxRect\& }{inRect}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}}
Implements 'hard-coded metafile' for Netscape Navigator look.
\func{void}{ExpandRow}{\param{int }{collapsedIconIdx}}
Helper for drag and drop.
Helper for drag and drop.
Helper for drag and drop.
\func{void}{GetCollapsedInconRect}{\param{int }{iconIdx}, \param{wxRect\& }{rect}}
Helper for drag and drop.
Gets the collapsed row icon height.
Helper for drag and drop.
\func{int}{GetHRowsCountForPane}{\param{cbDockPane* }{pPane}}
Helper for drag and drop.
Gets the row drag hint width.
\func{void}{GetRowHintRect}{\param{cbRowInfo* }{pRow}, \param{wxRect\& }{rect}}
Helper for drag and drop.
\func{bool}{HitTestCollapsedRowIcon}{\param{int }{iconIdx}, \param{const wxPoint\& }{pos}}
Test for the collapsed row icon position.
\func{bool}{HitTestRowDragHint}{\param{cbRowInfo* }{pRow}, \param{const wxPoint\& }{pos}}
Test for the row drag hint position.
\func{void}{InsertDraggedRowBefore}{\param{cbRowInfo* }{pBeforeRow}}
Helper for drag and drop.
Helper for drag and drop.
\func{void}{OnDrawPaneBackground}{\param{cbDrawPaneDecorEvent\& }{event}}
Handles pane drawing plugin events (appearance-independent logic).
Called to initialize this plugin.
\func{void}{OnLButtonDown}{\param{cbLeftDownEvent\& }{event}}
Handles left button down plugin events (appearance-independent logic).
\func{void}{OnLButtonUp}{\param{cbLeftUpEvent\& }{event}}
Handles left button up plugin events (appearance-independent logic).
\func{void}{OnMouseMove}{\param{cbMotionEvent\& }{event}}
Handles mouse move plugin events (appearance-independent logic).
Helper for drag and drop.
\func{void}{SetMouseCapture}{\param{bool }{captureOn}}
Helper for drag and drop.
Sets the pane margins.
\func{void}{ShowDraggedRow}{\param{int }{offset}}
Helper for drag and drop.
Helper for drag and drop.
Helper for drag and drop.