Mattia Barbon e98a035855 Fix _ quoting to make tex2rtf happier
git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@15440 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2002-05-08 19:51:58 +00:00

239 lines
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% automatically generated by HelpGen $Revision$ from
% xmlres.h at 22/Jan/02 23:08:28
This is the main class for interacting with the XML-based resource system.
The class holds XML resources from one or more .xml files, binary files or zip archive files.
See \helpref{XML-based resource system overview}{xrcoverview} for details.
{\bf NOTE:} XRC is not yet a part of the core wxWindows library, so
please see the overview for how to compile and link it. Otherwise if you
try to use it, you will get link errors.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{Data structures}
enum wxXmlResourceFlags
\func{}{wxXmlResource}{\param{const wxString\& }{filemask}, \param{int }{flags = wxXRC\_USE\_LOCALE}}
\docparam{filemask}{The XRC file, archive file, or wildcard specification that will be used to
load all resource files inside a zip archive.}
\docparam{flags}{wxXRC\_USE\_LOCALE: translatable strings will be translated via \_().
wxXRC\_NO\_SUBCLASSING: subclass property of object nodes will be ignored
(useful for previews in XRC editors).}
\func{}{wxXmlResource}{\param{int }{flags = wxXRC\_USE\_LOCALE}}
\docparam{flags}{wxXRC\_USE\_LOCALE: translatable strings will be translated via \_().
wxXRC\_NO\_SUBCLASSING: subclass property of object nodes will be ignored
(useful for previews in XRC editors).}
\func{void}{AddHandler}{\param{wxXmlResourceHandler* }{handler}}
Initializes only a specific handler (or custom handler). Convention says
that the handler name is equal to the control's name plus 'XmlHandler', for example
wxTextCtrlXmlHandler, wxHtmlWindowXmlHandler. The XML resource compiler
(wxxrc) can create include file that contains initialization code for
all controls used within the resource.
\func{bool}{AttachUnknownControl}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{wxWindow* }{control}, \param{wxWindow* }{parent = NULL}}
Attaches an unknown control to the given panel/window/dialog.
Unknown controls are used in conjunction with <object class="unknown">.
Removes all handlers.
\constfunc{int}{CompareVersion}{\param{int }{major}, \param{int }{minor}, \param{int }{release}, \param{int }{revision}}
Compares the XRC version to the argument. Returns -1 if the XRC version
is less than the argument, +1 if greater, and 0 if they equal.
\func{wxObject*}{CreateResFromNode}{\param{wxXmlNode* }{node}, \param{wxObject* }{parent}, \param{wxObject* }{instance = NULL}}
Creates a resource from information in the given node.
\func{wxXmlNode*}{DoFindResource}{\param{wxXmlNode* }{parent}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{const wxString\& }{classname}, \param{bool }{recursive}}
Helper function: finds a resource (calls UpdateResources) and returns a node containing it.
\func{wxXmlNode*}{FindResource}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{const wxString\& }{classname}, \param{bool }{recursive = FALSE}}
Finds a resource (calls UpdateResources) and returns a node containing it.
Gets the global resources object or creates one if none exists.
Returns flags, which may be a bitlist of wxXRC\_USE\_LOCALE and wxXRC\_NO\_SUBCLASSING.
Returns version information (a.b.c.d = d+ 256*c + 256\textasciicircum2*b + 256\textasciitilde3*a).
\func{int}{GetXRCID}{\param{const wxChar* }{str\_id}}
Returns a numeric ID that is equivalent to the string ID used in an XML
resource. To be used in event tables.
The macro {\tt XRCID(name)} is provided for convenience.
Initializes handlers for all supported controls/windows. This will
make the executable quite big because it forces linking against
most of the wxWindows library.
\func{bool}{Load}{\param{const wxString\& }{filemask}}
Loads resources from XML files that match given filemask.
This method understands VFS (see filesys.h).
\func{wxBitmap}{LoadBitmap}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}}
Loads a bitmap resource from a file.
\func{wxDialog*}{LoadDialog}{\param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}}
Loads a dialog. {\it dlg} points to a parent window (if any).
\func{bool}{LoadDialog}{\param{wxDialog* }{dlg}, \param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}}
Loads a dialog. {\it dlg} points to parent window (if any).
This form is used to finish creation of an already existing instance (the main reason
for this is that you may want to use derived class with a new event table).
MyDialog dlg;
wxTheXmlResource->LoadDialog(&dlg, mainFrame, "my_dialog");
\func{bool}{LoadFrame}{\param{wxFrame* }{frame}, \param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}}
Loads a frame.
\func{wxIcon}{LoadIcon}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}}
Loads an icon resource from a file.
\func{wxMenu*}{LoadMenu}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}}
Loads menu from resource. Returns NULL on failure.
\func{wxMenuBar*}{LoadMenuBar}{\param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}}
Loads a menubar from resource. Returns NULL on failure.
\func{wxMenuBar*}{LoadMenuBar}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}}
Loads a menubar from resource. Returns NULL on failure.
\func{wxPanel*}{LoadPanel}{\param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}}
Loads a panel. {\it panel} points to parent window (if any).
\func{bool}{LoadPanel}{\param{wxPanel* }{panel}, \param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}}
Loads a panel. {\it panel} points to parent window (if any). This form
is used to finish creation of an already existing instance.
\func{wxToolBar*}{LoadToolBar}{\param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{const wxString\& }{name}}
Loads a toolbar.
\func{wxXmlResource*}{Set}{\param{wxXmlResource* }{res}}
Sets the global resources object and returns a pointer to the previous one (may be NULL).
Scans the resources list for unloaded files and loads them. Also reloads
files that have been modified since the last load.