2004-01-22 12:53:04 +00:00

105 lines
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% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% wxStreamBase
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
This class is the base class of most stream related classes in wxWindows. It must
not be used directly.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Members
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% -----------
% ctor & dtor
% -----------
Creates a dummy stream object. It doesn't do anything.
Returns true if no error occurred on the stream.
\wxheading{See also}
This function returns the last error.
\twocolitem{{\bf wxSTREAM\_NO\_ERROR}}{No error occurred.}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxSTREAM\_EOF}}{An End-Of-File occurred.}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxSTREAM\_WRITE\_ERROR}}{A generic error occurred on the last write call.}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxSTREAM\_READ\_ERROR}}{A generic error occurred on the last read call.}
\func{size\_t}{OnSysRead}{\param{void*}{ buffer}, \param{size\_t}{ bufsize}}
Internal function. It is called when the stream wants to read data of the
specified size. It should return the size that was actually read.
\func{off\_t}{OnSysSeek}{\param{off\_t}{ pos}, \param{wxSeekMode}{ mode}}
Internal function. It is called when the stream needs to change the
current position.
Internal function. Is is called when the stream needs to know the
real position.
\func{size\_t}{OnSysWrite}{\param{void *}{buffer}, \param{size\_t}{ bufsize}}
See \helpref{OnSysRead}{wxstreambaseonsysread}.
This function returns the size of the stream. For example, for a file it is the size of
the file.
There are streams which do not have size by definition, such as socket streams.
In that cases, GetSize returns $0$ so you should always test its return value.