Julian Smart 77ffb5937e Name and version changes
git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@27404 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2004-05-23 14:56:36 +00:00

1545 lines
59 KiB

// Name: wx/string.h
// Purpose: wxString and wxArrayString classes
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created: 29/01/98
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
// Licence: wxWidgets licence
Efficient string class [more or less] compatible with MFC CString,
wxWidgets version 1 wxString and std::string and some handy functions
missing from string.h.
#ifndef _WX_WXSTRINGH__
#define _WX_WXSTRINGH__
#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA)
#pragma interface "string.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// headers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "wx/defs.h" // everybody should include this
#if defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__VISAGECPP__)
#include <ctype.h>
#if defined(__VISAGECPP__) && __IBMCPP__ >= 400
// problem in VACPP V4 with including stdlib.h multiple times
// strconv includes it anyway
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdarg.h>
# include <limits.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdarg.h>
# include <limits.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h> // for strcasecmp()
#include "wx/wxchar.h" // for wxChar
#include "wx/buffer.h" // for wxCharBuffer
#include "wx/strconv.h" // for wxConvertXXX() macros and wxMBConv classes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// macros
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// casts [unfortunately!] needed to call some broken functions which require
// "char *" instead of "const char *"
#define WXSTRINGCAST (wxChar *)(const wxChar *)
#define wxCSTRINGCAST (wxChar *)(const wxChar *)
#define wxMBSTRINGCAST (char *)(const char *)
#define wxWCSTRINGCAST (wchar_t *)(const wchar_t *)
// implementation only
#define wxASSERT_VALID_INDEX(i) \
wxASSERT_MSG( (size_t)(i) <= length(), _T("invalid index in wxString") )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(__VISAGECPP__) && __IBMCPP__ >= 400
// must define this static for VA or else you get multiply defined symbols everywhere
extern const unsigned int wxSTRING_MAXLEN;
// maximum possible length for a string means "take all string" everywhere
// (as sizeof(StringData) is unknown here, we substract 100)
const unsigned int wxSTRING_MAXLEN = UINT_MAX - 100;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global data
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global pointer to empty string
extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_BASE(const wxChar*) wxEmptyString;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global functions complementing standard C string library replacements for
// strlen() and portable strcasecmp()
// Use wxXXX() functions from wxchar.h instead! These functions are for
// backwards compatibility only.
// checks whether the passed in pointer is NULL and if the string is empty
inline bool IsEmpty(const char *p) { return (!p || !*p); }
// safe version of strlen() (returns 0 if passed NULL pointer)
inline size_t Strlen(const char *psz)
{ return psz ? strlen(psz) : 0; }
// portable strcasecmp/_stricmp
inline int Stricmp(const char *psz1, const char *psz2)
#if defined(__VISUALC__) && defined(__WXWINCE__)
register char c1, c2;
do {
c1 = tolower(*psz1++);
c2 = tolower(*psz2++);
} while ( c1 && (c1 == c2) );
return c1 - c2;
#elif defined(__VISUALC__) || ( defined(__MWERKS__) && defined(__INTEL__) )
return _stricmp(psz1, psz2);
#elif defined(__SC__)
return _stricmp(psz1, psz2);
#elif defined(__SALFORDC__)
return stricmp(psz1, psz2);
#elif defined(__BORLANDC__)
return stricmp(psz1, psz2);
#elif defined(__WATCOMC__)
return stricmp(psz1, psz2);
#elif defined(__DJGPP__)
return stricmp(psz1, psz2);
#elif defined(__EMX__)
return stricmp(psz1, psz2);
#elif defined(__WXPM__)
return stricmp(psz1, psz2);
#elif defined(HAVE_STRCASECMP_IN_STRING_H) || \
return strcasecmp(psz1, psz2);
#elif defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(__INTEL__)
register char c1, c2;
do {
c1 = tolower(*psz1++);
c2 = tolower(*psz2++);
} while ( c1 && (c1 == c2) );
return c1 - c2;
// almost all compilers/libraries provide this function (unfortunately under
// different names), that's why we don't implement our own which will surely
// be more efficient than this code (uncomment to use):
register char c1, c2;
do {
c1 = tolower(*psz1++);
c2 = tolower(*psz2++);
} while ( c1 && (c1 == c2) );
return c1 - c2;
#error "Please define string case-insensitive compare for your OS/compiler"
#endif // OS/compiler
// return an empty wxString
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxString; // not yet defined
inline const wxString& wxGetEmptyString() { return *(wxString *)&wxEmptyString; }
#if wxUSE_STL
#include "wx/beforestd.h"
#include <string>
#include "wx/afterstd.h"
typedef std::wstring wxStringBase;
typedef std::basic_string<wxChar> wxStringBase;
typedef std::string wxStringBase;
#if (defined(__GNUG__) && (__GNUG__ < 3)) || \
(defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1200))
#else // if !wxUSE_STL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// string data prepended with some housekeeping info (used by wxString class),
// is never used directly (but had to be put here to allow inlining)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxStringData
int nRefs; // reference count
size_t nDataLength, // actual string length
nAllocLength; // allocated memory size
// mimics declaration 'wxChar data[nAllocLength]'
wxChar* data() const { return (wxChar*)(this + 1); }
// empty string has a special ref count so it's never deleted
bool IsEmpty() const { return (nRefs == -1); }
bool IsShared() const { return (nRefs > 1); }
// lock/unlock
void Lock() { if ( !IsEmpty() ) nRefs++; }
// VC++ will refuse to inline Unlock but profiling shows that it is wrong
#if defined(__VISUALC__) && (__VISUALC__ >= 1200)
// VC++ free must take place in same DLL as allocation when using non dll
// run-time library (e.g. Multithreaded instead of Multithreaded DLL)
#if defined(__VISUALC__) && defined(_MT) && !defined(_DLL)
void Unlock() { if ( !IsEmpty() && --nRefs == 0) Free(); }
// we must not inline deallocation since allocation is not inlined
void Free();
void Unlock() { if ( !IsEmpty() && --nRefs == 0) free(this); }
// if we had taken control over string memory (GetWriteBuf), it's
// intentionally put in invalid state
void Validate(bool b) { nRefs = (b ? 1 : 0); }
bool IsValid() const { return (nRefs != 0); }
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxStringBase
#if !wxUSE_STL
friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxArrayString;
public :
// an 'invalid' value for string index, moved to this place due to a CW bug
static const size_t npos;
// points to data preceded by wxStringData structure with ref count info
wxChar *m_pchData;
// accessor to string data
wxStringData* GetStringData() const { return (wxStringData*)m_pchData - 1; }
// string (re)initialization functions
// initializes the string to the empty value (must be called only from
// ctors, use Reinit() otherwise)
void Init() { m_pchData = (wxChar *)wxEmptyString; }
// initializaes the string with (a part of) C-string
void InitWith(const wxChar *psz, size_t nPos = 0, size_t nLen = npos);
// as Init, but also frees old data
void Reinit() { GetStringData()->Unlock(); Init(); }
// memory allocation
// allocates memory for string of length nLen
bool AllocBuffer(size_t nLen);
// copies data to another string
bool AllocCopy(wxString&, int, int) const;
// effectively copies data to string
bool AssignCopy(size_t, const wxChar *);
// append a (sub)string
bool ConcatSelf(size_t nLen, const wxChar *src, size_t nMaxLen);
bool ConcatSelf(size_t nLen, const wxChar *src)
{ return ConcatSelf(nLen, src, nLen); }
// functions called before writing to the string: they copy it if there
// are other references to our data (should be the only owner when writing)
bool CopyBeforeWrite();
bool AllocBeforeWrite(size_t);
// compatibility with wxString
bool Alloc(size_t nLen);
// standard types
typedef wxChar value_type;
typedef wxChar char_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
typedef value_type *iterator;
typedef const value_type *const_iterator;
// constructors and destructor
// ctor for an empty string
wxStringBase() { Init(); }
// copy ctor
wxStringBase(const wxStringBase& stringSrc)
wxASSERT_MSG( stringSrc.GetStringData()->IsValid(),
_T("did you forget to call UngetWriteBuf()?") );
if ( stringSrc.empty() ) {
// nothing to do for an empty string
else {
m_pchData = stringSrc.m_pchData; // share same data
GetStringData()->Lock(); // => one more copy
// string containing nRepeat copies of ch
wxStringBase(size_type nRepeat, wxChar ch);
// ctor takes first nLength characters from C string
// (default value of npos means take all the string)
wxStringBase(const wxChar *psz)
{ InitWith(psz, 0, npos); }
wxStringBase(const wxChar *psz, size_t nLength)
{ InitWith(psz, 0, nLength); }
wxStringBase(const wxChar *psz, wxMBConv& WXUNUSED(conv), size_t nLength = npos)
{ InitWith(psz, 0, nLength); }
// take nLen chars starting at nPos
wxStringBase(const wxStringBase& str, size_t nPos, size_t nLen)
wxASSERT_MSG( str.GetStringData()->IsValid(),
_T("did you forget to call UngetWriteBuf()?") );
size_t strLen = str.length() - nPos; nLen = strLen < nLen ? strLen : nLen;
InitWith(str.c_str(), nPos, nLen);
// take all characters from pStart to pEnd
wxStringBase(const void *pStart, const void *pEnd);
// dtor is not virtual, this class must not be inherited from!
#if defined(__VISUALC__) && (__VISUALC__ >= 1200)
//RN - according to the above VC++ does indeed inline this,
//even though it spits out two warnings
#pragma warning (disable:4714)
#if defined(__VISUALC__) && (__VISUALC__ >= 1200)
//re-enable inlining warning
#pragma warning (default:4714)
// overloaded assignment
// from another wxString
wxStringBase& operator=(const wxStringBase& stringSrc);
// from a character
wxStringBase& operator=(wxChar ch);
// from a C string
wxStringBase& operator=(const wxChar *psz);
// return the length of the string
size_type size() const { return GetStringData()->nDataLength; }
// return the length of the string
size_type length() const { return size(); }
// return the maximum size of the string
size_type max_size() const { return wxSTRING_MAXLEN; }
// resize the string, filling the space with c if c != 0
void resize(size_t nSize, wxChar ch = wxT('\0'));
// delete the contents of the string
void clear() { erase(0, npos); }
// returns true if the string is empty
bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
// inform string about planned change in size
void reserve(size_t sz) { Alloc(sz); }
size_type capacity() const { return GetStringData()->nAllocLength; }
// lib.string.access
// return the character at position n
value_type at(size_type n) const
{ wxASSERT_VALID_INDEX( n ); return m_pchData[n]; }
value_type operator[](size_type n) const { return at(n); }
// returns the writable character at position n
reference at(size_type n)
{ wxASSERT_VALID_INDEX( n ); CopyBeforeWrite(); return m_pchData[n]; }
reference operator[](size_type n)
{ wxASSERT_VALID_INDEX( n ); CopyBeforeWrite(); return m_pchData[n]; }
// lib.string.modifiers
// append elements str[pos], ..., str[pos+n]
wxStringBase& append(const wxStringBase& str, size_t pos, size_t n)
wxASSERT(pos <= str.length());
ConcatSelf(n, str.c_str() + pos, str.length() - pos);
return *this;
// append a string
wxStringBase& append(const wxStringBase& str)
{ ConcatSelf(str.length(), str.c_str()); return *this; }
// append first n (or all if n == npos) characters of sz
wxStringBase& append(const wxChar *sz)
{ ConcatSelf(wxStrlen(sz), sz); return *this; }
wxStringBase& append(const wxChar *sz, size_t n)
{ ConcatSelf(n, sz); return *this; }
// append n copies of ch
wxStringBase& append(size_t n, wxChar ch);
// append from first to last
wxStringBase& append(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
{ ConcatSelf(last - first, first); return *this; }
// same as `this_string = str'
wxStringBase& assign(const wxStringBase& str)
{ return *this = str; }
// same as ` = str[pos..pos + n]
wxStringBase& assign(const wxStringBase& str, size_t pos, size_t n)
{ clear(); return append(str, pos, n); }
// same as `= first n (or all if n == npos) characters of sz'
wxStringBase& assign(const wxChar *sz)
{ clear(); return append(sz, wxStrlen(sz)); }
wxStringBase& assign(const wxChar *sz, size_t n)
{ clear(); return append(sz, n); }
// same as `= n copies of ch'
wxStringBase& assign(size_t n, wxChar ch)
{ clear(); return append(n, ch); }
// assign from first to last
wxStringBase& assign(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
{ clear(); return append(first, last); }
// first valid index position
const_iterator begin() const { return m_pchData; }
// position one after the last valid one
const_iterator end() const { return m_pchData + length(); }
// first valid index position
iterator begin() { CopyBeforeWrite(); return m_pchData; }
// position one after the last valid one
iterator end() { CopyBeforeWrite(); return m_pchData + length(); }
// insert another string
wxStringBase& insert(size_t nPos, const wxStringBase& str)
wxASSERT( str.GetStringData()->IsValid() );
return insert(nPos, str.c_str(), str.length());
// insert n chars of str starting at nStart (in str)
wxStringBase& insert(size_t nPos, const wxStringBase& str, size_t nStart, size_t n)
wxASSERT( str.GetStringData()->IsValid() );
wxASSERT( nStart < str.length() );
size_t strLen = str.length() - nStart;
n = strLen < n ? strLen : n;
return insert(nPos, str.c_str() + nStart, n);
// insert first n (or all if n == npos) characters of sz
wxStringBase& insert(size_t nPos, const wxChar *sz, size_t n = npos);
// insert n copies of ch
wxStringBase& insert(size_t nPos, size_t n, wxChar ch)
{ return insert(nPos, wxStringBase(n, ch)); }
iterator insert(iterator it, wxChar ch)
{ size_t idx = it - begin(); insert(idx, 1, ch); return begin() + idx; }
void insert(iterator it, const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
{ insert(it - begin(), first, last - first); }
void insert(iterator it, size_type n, wxChar ch)
{ insert(it - begin(), n, ch); }
// delete characters from nStart to nStart + nLen
wxStringBase& erase(size_type pos = 0, size_type n = npos);
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last)
size_t idx = first - begin();
erase(idx, last - first);
return begin() + idx;
iterator erase(iterator first);
// explicit conversion to C string (use this with printf()!)
const wxChar* c_str() const { return m_pchData; }
const wxChar* data() const { return m_pchData; }
// replaces the substring of length nLen starting at nStart
wxStringBase& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen, const wxChar* sz);
// replaces the substring of length nLen starting at nStart
wxStringBase& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen, const wxStringBase& str)
{ return replace(nStart, nLen, str.c_str()); }
// replaces the substring with nCount copies of ch
wxStringBase& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen, size_t nCount, wxChar ch);
// replaces a substring with another substring
wxStringBase& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen,
const wxStringBase& str, size_t nStart2, size_t nLen2);
// replaces the substring with first nCount chars of sz
wxStringBase& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen,
const wxChar* sz, size_t nCount);
wxStringBase& replace(iterator first, iterator last, const_pointer s)
{ return replace(first - begin(), last - first, s); }
wxStringBase& replace(iterator first, iterator last, const_pointer s,
size_type n)
{ return replace(first - begin(), last - first, s, n); }
wxStringBase& replace(iterator first, iterator last, const wxStringBase& s)
{ return replace(first - begin(), last - first, s); }
wxStringBase& replace(iterator first, iterator last, size_type n, wxChar c)
{ return replace(first - begin(), last - first, n, c); }
wxStringBase& replace(iterator first, iterator last,
const_iterator first1, const_iterator last1)
{ return replace(first - begin(), last - first, first1, last1 - first1); }
// swap two strings
void swap(wxStringBase& str);
// All find() functions take the nStart argument which specifies the
// position to start the search on, the default value is 0. All functions
// return npos if there were no match.
// find a substring
size_t find(const wxStringBase& str, size_t nStart = 0) const;
// VC++ 1.5 can't cope with this syntax.
#if !defined(__VISUALC__) || defined(__WIN32__)
// find first n characters of sz
size_t find(const wxChar* sz, size_t nStart = 0, size_t n = npos) const;
#endif // VC++ 1.5
// find the first occurence of character ch after nStart
size_t find(wxChar ch, size_t nStart = 0) const;
// rfind() family is exactly like find() but works right to left
// as find, but from the end
size_t rfind(const wxStringBase& str, size_t nStart = npos) const;
// VC++ 1.5 can't cope with this syntax.
// as find, but from the end
size_t rfind(const wxChar* sz, size_t nStart = npos,
size_t n = npos) const;
// as find, but from the end
size_t rfind(wxChar ch, size_t nStart = npos) const;
// find first/last occurence of any character in the set
// as strpbrk() but starts at nStart, returns npos if not found
size_t find_first_of(const wxStringBase& str, size_t nStart = 0) const
{ return find_first_of(str.c_str(), nStart); }
// same as above
size_t find_first_of(const wxChar* sz, size_t nStart = 0) const;
size_t find_first_of(const wxChar* sz, size_t nStart, size_t n) const;
// same as find(char, size_t)
size_t find_first_of(wxChar c, size_t nStart = 0) const
{ return find(c, nStart); }
// find the last (starting from nStart) char from str in this string
size_t find_last_of (const wxStringBase& str, size_t nStart = npos) const
{ return find_last_of(str.c_str(), nStart); }
// same as above
size_t find_last_of (const wxChar* sz, size_t nStart = npos) const;
size_t find_last_of(const wxChar* sz, size_t nStart, size_t n) const;
// same as above
size_t find_last_of(wxChar c, size_t nStart = npos) const
{ return rfind(c, nStart); }
// find first/last occurence of any character not in the set
// as strspn() (starting from nStart), returns npos on failure
size_t find_first_not_of(const wxStringBase& str, size_t nStart = 0) const
{ return find_first_not_of(str.c_str(), nStart); }
// same as above
size_t find_first_not_of(const wxChar* sz, size_t nStart = 0) const;
size_t find_first_not_of(const wxChar* sz, size_t nStart, size_t n) const;
// same as above
size_t find_first_not_of(wxChar ch, size_t nStart = 0) const;
// as strcspn()
size_t find_last_not_of(const wxStringBase& str, size_t nStart = npos) const
{ return find_last_not_of(str.c_str(), nStart); }
// same as above
size_t find_last_not_of(const wxChar* sz, size_t nStart = npos) const;
size_t find_last_not_of(const wxChar* sz, size_t nStart, size_t n) const;
// same as above
size_t find_last_not_of(wxChar ch, size_t nStart = npos) const;
// All compare functions return -1, 0 or 1 if the [sub]string is less,
// equal or greater than the compare() argument.
// just like strcmp()
int compare(const wxStringBase& str) const
{ return wxStrcmp(c_str(), str.c_str()); }
// comparison with a substring
int compare(size_t nStart, size_t nLen, const wxStringBase& str) const;
// comparison of 2 substrings
int compare(size_t nStart, size_t nLen,
const wxStringBase& str, size_t nStart2, size_t nLen2) const;
// just like strcmp()
int compare(const wxChar* sz) const
{ return wxStrcmp(c_str(), sz); }
// substring comparison with first nCount characters of sz
int compare(size_t nStart, size_t nLen,
const wxChar* sz, size_t nCount = npos) const;
size_type copy(wxChar* s, size_type n, size_type pos = 0);
// substring extraction
wxStringBase substr(size_t nStart = 0, size_t nLen = npos) const;
// string += string
wxStringBase& operator+=(const wxStringBase& s) { return append(s); }
// string += C string
wxStringBase& operator+=(const wxChar *psz) { return append(psz); }
// string += char
wxStringBase& operator+=(wxChar ch) { return append(1, ch); }
#endif // !wxUSE_STL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is (yet another one) String class for C++ programmers. It doesn't use
// any of "advanced" C++ features (i.e. templates, exceptions, namespaces...)
// thus you should be able to compile it with practicaly any C++ compiler.
// This class uses copy-on-write technique, i.e. identical strings share the
// same memory as long as neither of them is changed.
// This class aims to be as compatible as possible with the new standard
// std::string class, but adds some additional functions and should be at
// least as efficient than the standard implementation.
// Performance note: it's more efficient to write functions which take "const
// String&" arguments than "const char *" if you assign the argument to
// another string.
// It was compiled and tested under Win32, Linux (libc 5 & 6), Solaris 5.5.
// To do:
// - ressource support (string tables in ressources)
// - more wide character (UNICODE) support
// - regular expressions support
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxString : public wxStringBase
#if !wxUSE_STL
friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxArrayString;
// NB: special care was taken in arranging the member functions in such order
// that all inline functions can be effectively inlined, verify that all
// performace critical functions are still inlined if you change order!
// if we hadn't made these operators private, it would be possible to
// compile "wxString s; s = 17;" without any warnings as 17 is implicitly
// converted to char in C and we do have operator=(char)
// NB: we don't need other versions (short/long and unsigned) as attempt
// to assign another numeric type to wxString will now result in
// ambiguity between operator=(char) and operator=(int)
wxString& operator=(int);
// these methods are not implemented - there is _no_ conversion from int to
// string, you're doing something wrong if the compiler wants to call it!
// try `s << i' or `s.Printf("%d", i)' instead
// constructors and destructor
// ctor for an empty string
wxString() : wxStringBase() { }
// copy ctor
wxString(const wxStringBase& stringSrc) : wxStringBase(stringSrc) { }
wxString(const wxString& stringSrc) : wxStringBase(stringSrc) { }
// string containing nRepeat copies of ch
wxString(wxChar ch, size_t nRepeat = 1)
: wxStringBase(nRepeat, ch) { }
wxString(size_t nRepeat, wxChar ch)
: wxStringBase(nRepeat, ch) { }
// ctor takes first nLength characters from C string
// (default value of npos means take all the string)
wxString(const wxChar *psz)
: wxStringBase(psz ? psz : wxT("")) { }
wxString(const wxChar *psz, size_t nLength)
: wxStringBase(psz, nLength) { }
wxString(const wxChar *psz, wxMBConv& WXUNUSED(conv), size_t nLength = npos)
: wxStringBase(psz, nLength == npos ? wxStrlen(psz) : nLength) { }
// from multibyte string
// (NB: nLength is right now number of Unicode characters, not
// characters in psz! So try not to use it yet!)
wxString(const char *psz, wxMBConv& conv, size_t nLength = npos);
// from wxWCharBuffer (i.e. return from wxGetString)
wxString(const wxWCharBuffer& psz) : wxStringBase(psz.data()) { }
#else // ANSI
// from C string (for compilers using unsigned char)
wxString(const unsigned char* psz, size_t nLength = npos)
: wxStringBase((const char*)psz, nLength) { }
// from wide (Unicode) string
wxString(const wchar_t *pwz, wxMBConv& conv = wxConvLibc, size_t nLength = npos);
#endif // !wxUSE_WCHAR_T
// from wxCharBuffer
wxString(const wxCharBuffer& psz)
: wxStringBase(psz, npos) { }
#endif // Unicode/ANSI
// generic attributes & operations
// as standard strlen()
size_t Len() const { return length(); }
// string contains any characters?
bool IsEmpty() const { return empty(); }
// empty string is "FALSE", so !str will return TRUE
bool operator!() const { return IsEmpty(); }
// truncate the string to given length
wxString& Truncate(size_t uiLen);
// empty string contents
void Empty()
wxASSERT_MSG( IsEmpty(), _T("string not empty after call to Empty()?") );
// empty the string and free memory
void Clear()
wxString tmp(wxEmptyString);
// contents test
// Is an ascii value
bool IsAscii() const;
// Is a number
bool IsNumber() const;
// Is a word
bool IsWord() const;
// data access (all indexes are 0 based)
// read access
wxChar GetChar(size_t n) const
{ return operator[](n); }
// read/write access
wxChar& GetWritableChar(size_t n)
{ return operator[](n); }
// write access
void SetChar(size_t n, wxChar ch)
{ operator[](n) = ch; }
// get last character
wxChar Last() const
wxASSERT_MSG( !IsEmpty(), _T("wxString: index out of bounds") );
return operator[](length() - 1);
// get writable last character
wxChar& Last()
wxASSERT_MSG( !IsEmpty(), _T("wxString: index out of bounds") );
return operator[](length() - 1);
So why do we have all these overloaded operator[]s? A bit of history:
initially there was only one of them, taking size_t. Then people
started complaining because they wanted to use ints as indices (I
wonder why) and compilers were giving warnings about it, so we had to
add the operator[](int). Then it became apparent that you couldn't
write str[0] any longer because there was ambiguity between two
overloads and so you now had to write str[0u] (or, of course, use the
explicit casts to either int or size_t but nobody did this).
Finally, someone decided to compile wxWin on an Alpha machine and got
a surprize: str[0u] didn't compile there because it is of type
unsigned int and size_t is unsigned _long_ on Alpha and so there was
ambiguity between converting uint to int or ulong. To fix this one we
now add operator[](uint) for the machines where size_t is not already
the same as unsigned int - hopefully this fixes the problem (for some
The only real fix is, of course, to remove all versions but the one
taking size_t...
// operator version of GetChar
wxChar operator[](int n) const
{ return wxStringBase::operator[](n); }
wxChar& operator[](size_type n)
{ return wxStringBase::operator[](n); }
wxChar operator[](size_type n) const
{ return wxStringBase::operator[](n); }
#ifndef wxSIZE_T_IS_UINT
// operator version of GetChar
wxChar operator[](unsigned int n) const
{ return wxStringBase::operator[](n); }
// operator version of GetWriteableChar
wxChar& operator[](unsigned int n)
{ return wxStringBase::operator[](n); }
#endif // size_t != unsigned int
// implicit conversion to C string
operator const wxChar*() const { return c_str(); }
// identical to c_str(), for wxWin 1.6x compatibility
const wxChar* wx_str() const { return c_str(); }
// identical to c_str(), for MFC compatibility
const wxChar* GetData() const { return c_str(); }
// conversion to/from plain (i.e. 7 bit) ASCII: this is useful for
// converting numbers or strings which are certain not to contain special
// chars (typically system functions, X atoms, environment variables etc.)
// the behaviour of these functions with the strings containing anything
// else than 7 bit ASCII characters is undefined, use at your own risk.
static wxString FromAscii(const char *ascii); // string
static wxString FromAscii(const char ascii); // char
const wxCharBuffer ToAscii() const;
#else // ANSI
static wxString FromAscii(const char *ascii) { return wxString( ascii ); }
static wxString FromAscii(const char ascii) { return wxString( ascii ); }
const char *ToAscii() const { return c_str(); }
#endif // Unicode/!Unicode
// conversions with (possible) format conversions: have to return a
// buffer with temporary data
// the functions defined (in either Unicode or ANSI) mode are mb_str() to
// return an ANSI (multibyte) string, wc_str() to return a wide string and
// fn_str() to return a string which should be used with the OS APIs
// accepting the file names. The return value is always the same, but the
// type differs because a function may either return pointer to the buffer
// directly or have to use intermediate buffer for translation.
const wxCharBuffer mb_str(wxMBConv& conv = wxConvLibc) const
{ return conv.cWC2MB(c_str()); }
const wxWX2MBbuf mbc_str() const { return mb_str(*wxConvCurrent); }
const wxChar* wc_str() const { return c_str(); }
// for compatibility with !wxUSE_UNICODE version
const wxChar* wc_str(wxMBConv& WXUNUSED(conv)) const { return c_str(); }
const wxCharBuffer fn_str() const { return mb_str(wxConvFile); }
#else // !wxMBFILES
const wxChar* fn_str() const { return c_str(); }
#endif // wxMBFILES/!wxMBFILES
#else // ANSI
const wxChar* mb_str() const { return c_str(); }
// for compatibility with wxUSE_UNICODE version
const wxChar* mb_str(wxMBConv& WXUNUSED(conv)) const { return c_str(); }
const wxWX2MBbuf mbc_str() const { return mb_str(); }
const wxWCharBuffer wc_str(wxMBConv& conv) const
{ return conv.cMB2WC(c_str()); }
#endif // wxUSE_WCHAR_T
const wxChar* fn_str() const { return c_str(); }
#endif // Unicode/ANSI
// overloaded assignment
// from another wxString
wxString& operator=(const wxStringBase& stringSrc)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::operator=(stringSrc); }
// from a character
wxString& operator=(wxChar ch)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::operator=(ch); }
// from a C string
wxString& operator=(const wxChar *psz)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::operator=(psz); }
// from wxWCharBuffer
wxString& operator=(const wxWCharBuffer& psz)
{ (void) operator=((const wchar_t *)psz); return *this; }
#else // ANSI
// from another kind of C string
wxString& operator=(const unsigned char* psz);
// from a wide string
wxString& operator=(const wchar_t *pwz);
// from wxCharBuffer
wxString& operator=(const wxCharBuffer& psz)
{ (void) operator=((const char *)psz); return *this; }
#endif // Unicode/ANSI
// string concatenation
// in place concatenation
Concatenate and return the result. Note that the left to right
associativity of << allows to write things like "str << str1 << str2
<< ..." (unlike with +=)
// string += string
wxString& operator<<(const wxString& s)
#if !wxUSE_STL
wxASSERT_MSG( s.GetStringData()->IsValid(),
_T("did you forget to call UngetWriteBuf()?") );
return *this;
// string += C string
wxString& operator<<(const wxChar *psz)
{ append(psz); return *this; }
// string += char
wxString& operator<<(wxChar ch) { append(1, ch); return *this; }
// string += buffer (i.e. from wxGetString)
wxString& operator<<(const wxWCharBuffer& s)
{ (void)operator<<((const wchar_t *)s); return *this; }
void operator+=(const wxWCharBuffer& s)
{ (void)operator<<((const wchar_t *)s); }
#else // !wxUSE_UNICODE
wxString& operator<<(const wxCharBuffer& s)
{ (void)operator<<((const char *)s); return *this; }
void operator+=(const wxCharBuffer& s)
{ (void)operator<<((const char *)s); }
// string += C string
wxString& Append(const wxString& s)
// test for IsEmpty() to share the string if possible
if ( IsEmpty() )
*this = s;
return *this;
wxString& Append(const wxChar* psz)
{ append(psz); return *this; }
// append count copies of given character
wxString& Append(wxChar ch, size_t count = 1u)
{ append(count, ch); return *this; }
wxString& Append(const wxChar* psz, size_t nLen)
{ append(psz, nLen); return *this; }
// prepend a string, return the string itself
wxString& Prepend(const wxString& str)
{ *this = str + *this; return *this; }
// non-destructive concatenation
friend wxString WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE operator+(const wxString& string1, const wxString& string2);
friend wxString WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE operator+(const wxString& string, wxChar ch);
friend wxString WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE operator+(wxChar ch, const wxString& string);
friend wxString WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE operator+(const wxString& string, const wxChar *psz);
friend wxString WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE operator+(const wxChar *psz, const wxString& string);
// stream-like functions
// insert an int into string
wxString& operator<<(int i)
{ return (*this) << Format(_T("%d"), i); }
// insert an unsigned int into string
wxString& operator<<(unsigned int ui)
{ return (*this) << Format(_T("%u"), ui); }
// insert a long into string
wxString& operator<<(long l)
{ return (*this) << Format(_T("%ld"), l); }
// insert an unsigned long into string
wxString& operator<<(unsigned long ul)
{ return (*this) << Format(_T("%lu"), ul); }
// insert a float into string
wxString& operator<<(float f)
{ return (*this) << Format(_T("%f"), f); }
// insert a double into string
wxString& operator<<(double d)
{ return (*this) << Format(_T("%g"), d); }
// string comparison
// case-sensitive comparison (returns a value < 0, = 0 or > 0)
int Cmp(const wxChar *psz) const { return wxStrcmp(c_str(), psz); }
// same as Cmp() but not case-sensitive
int CmpNoCase(const wxChar *psz) const { return wxStricmp(c_str(), psz); }
// test for the string equality, either considering case or not
// (if compareWithCase then the case matters)
bool IsSameAs(const wxChar *psz, bool compareWithCase = TRUE) const
{ return (compareWithCase ? Cmp(psz) : CmpNoCase(psz)) == 0; }
// comparison with a signle character: returns TRUE if equal
bool IsSameAs(wxChar c, bool compareWithCase = TRUE) const
return (length() == 1) && (compareWithCase ? GetChar(0u) == c
: wxToupper(GetChar(0u)) == wxToupper(c));
// simple sub-string extraction
// return substring starting at nFirst of length nCount (or till the end
// if nCount = default value)
wxString Mid(size_t nFirst, size_t nCount = npos) const;
// operator version of Mid()
wxString operator()(size_t start, size_t len) const
{ return Mid(start, len); }
// check that the string starts with prefix and return the rest of the
// string in the provided pointer if it is not NULL, otherwise return
bool StartsWith(const wxChar *prefix, wxString *rest = NULL) const;
// get first nCount characters
wxString Left(size_t nCount) const;
// get last nCount characters
wxString Right(size_t nCount) const;
// get all characters before the first occurance of ch
// (returns the whole string if ch not found)
wxString BeforeFirst(wxChar ch) const;
// get all characters before the last occurence of ch
// (returns empty string if ch not found)
wxString BeforeLast(wxChar ch) const;
// get all characters after the first occurence of ch
// (returns empty string if ch not found)
wxString AfterFirst(wxChar ch) const;
// get all characters after the last occurence of ch
// (returns the whole string if ch not found)
wxString AfterLast(wxChar ch) const;
// for compatibility only, use more explicitly named functions above
wxString Before(wxChar ch) const { return BeforeLast(ch); }
wxString After(wxChar ch) const { return AfterFirst(ch); }
// case conversion
// convert to upper case in place, return the string itself
wxString& MakeUpper();
// convert to upper case, return the copy of the string
// Here's something to remember: BC++ doesn't like returns in inlines.
wxString Upper() const ;
// convert to lower case in place, return the string itself
wxString& MakeLower();
// convert to lower case, return the copy of the string
wxString Lower() const ;
// trimming/padding whitespace (either side) and truncating
// remove spaces from left or from right (default) side
wxString& Trim(bool bFromRight = TRUE);
// add nCount copies chPad in the beginning or at the end (default)
wxString& Pad(size_t nCount, wxChar chPad = wxT(' '), bool bFromRight = TRUE);
// searching and replacing
// searching (return starting index, or -1 if not found)
int Find(wxChar ch, bool bFromEnd = FALSE) const; // like strchr/strrchr
// searching (return starting index, or -1 if not found)
int Find(const wxChar *pszSub) const; // like strstr
// replace first (or all of bReplaceAll) occurences of substring with
// another string, returns the number of replacements made
size_t Replace(const wxChar *szOld,
const wxChar *szNew,
bool bReplaceAll = TRUE);
// check if the string contents matches a mask containing '*' and '?'
bool Matches(const wxChar *szMask) const;
// conversion to numbers: all functions return TRUE only if the whole
// string is a number and put the value of this number into the pointer
// provided, the base is the numeric base in which the conversion should be
// done and must be comprised between 2 and 36 or be 0 in which case the
// standard C rules apply (leading '0' => octal, "0x" => hex)
// convert to a signed integer
bool ToLong(long *val, int base = 10) const;
// convert to an unsigned integer
bool ToULong(unsigned long *val, int base = 10) const;
// convert to a double
bool ToDouble(double *val) const;
// formated input/output
// as sprintf(), returns the number of characters written or < 0 on error
// (take 'this' into account in attribute parameter count)
int Printf(const wxChar *pszFormat, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF_2;
// as vprintf(), returns the number of characters written or < 0 on error
int PrintfV(const wxChar* pszFormat, va_list argptr);
// returns the string containing the result of Printf() to it
static wxString Format(const wxChar *pszFormat, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF_1;
// the same as above, but takes a va_list
static wxString FormatV(const wxChar *pszFormat, va_list argptr);
// raw access to string memory
// ensure that string has space for at least nLen characters
// only works if the data of this string is not shared
bool Alloc(size_t nLen) { reserve(nLen); /*return capacity() >= nLen;*/ return true; }
// minimize the string's memory
// only works if the data of this string is not shared
bool Shrink();
#if !wxUSE_STL
// get writable buffer of at least nLen bytes. Unget() *must* be called
// a.s.a.p. to put string back in a reasonable state!
wxChar *GetWriteBuf(size_t nLen);
// call this immediately after GetWriteBuf() has been used
void UngetWriteBuf();
void UngetWriteBuf(size_t nLen);
// wxWidgets version 1 compatibility functions
// use Mid()
wxString SubString(size_t from, size_t to) const
{ return Mid(from, (to - from + 1)); }
// values for second parameter of CompareTo function
enum caseCompare {exact, ignoreCase};
// values for first parameter of Strip function
enum stripType {leading = 0x1, trailing = 0x2, both = 0x3};
// use Printf()
// (take 'this' into account in attribute parameter count)
int sprintf(const wxChar *pszFormat, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF_2;
// use Cmp()
inline int CompareTo(const wxChar* psz, caseCompare cmp = exact) const
{ return cmp == exact ? Cmp(psz) : CmpNoCase(psz); }
// use Len
size_t Length() const { return length(); }
// Count the number of characters
int Freq(wxChar ch) const;
// use MakeLower
void LowerCase() { MakeLower(); }
// use MakeUpper
void UpperCase() { MakeUpper(); }
// use Trim except that it doesn't change this string
wxString Strip(stripType w = trailing) const;
// use Find (more general variants not yet supported)
size_t Index(const wxChar* psz) const { return Find(psz); }
size_t Index(wxChar ch) const { return Find(ch); }
// use Truncate
wxString& Remove(size_t pos) { return Truncate(pos); }
wxString& RemoveLast(size_t n = 1) { return Truncate(length() - n); }
wxString& Remove(size_t nStart, size_t nLen)
{ return (wxString&)erase( nStart, nLen ); }
// use Find()
int First( const wxChar ch ) const { return Find(ch); }
int First( const wxChar* psz ) const { return Find(psz); }
int First( const wxString &str ) const { return Find(str); }
int Last( const wxChar ch ) const { return Find(ch, TRUE); }
bool Contains(const wxString& str) const { return Find(str) != -1; }
// use IsEmpty()
bool IsNull() const { return IsEmpty(); }
// std::string compatibility functions
// take nLen chars starting at nPos
wxString(const wxString& str, size_t nPos, size_t nLen)
: wxStringBase(str, nPos, nLen) { }
// take all characters from pStart to pEnd
wxString(const void *pStart, const void *pEnd)
: wxStringBase((const wxChar*)pStart, (const wxChar*)pEnd) { }
#if wxUSE_STL
wxString(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
: wxStringBase(first, last) { }
// lib.string.modifiers
// append elements str[pos], ..., str[pos+n]
wxString& append(const wxString& str, size_t pos, size_t n)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::append(str, pos, n); }
// append a string
wxString& append(const wxString& str)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::append(str); }
// append first n (or all if n == npos) characters of sz
wxString& append(const wxChar *sz)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::append(sz); }
wxString& append(const wxChar *sz, size_t n)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::append(sz, n); }
// append n copies of ch
wxString& append(size_t n, wxChar ch)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::append(n, ch); }
// append from first to last
wxString& append(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::append(first, last); }
// same as `this_string = str'
wxString& assign(const wxString& str)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::assign(str); }
// same as ` = str[pos..pos + n]
wxString& assign(const wxString& str, size_t pos, size_t n)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::assign(str, pos, n); }
// same as `= first n (or all if n == npos) characters of sz'
wxString& assign(const wxChar *sz)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::assign(sz); }
wxString& assign(const wxChar *sz, size_t n)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::assign(sz, n); }
// same as `= n copies of ch'
wxString& assign(size_t n, wxChar ch)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::assign(n, ch); }
// assign from first to last
wxString& assign(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::assign(first, last); }
// string comparison
int compare(const wxStringBase& str) const;
// comparison with a substring
int compare(size_t nStart, size_t nLen, const wxStringBase& str) const;
// comparison of 2 substrings
int compare(size_t nStart, size_t nLen,
const wxStringBase& str, size_t nStart2, size_t nLen2) const;
// just like strcmp()
int compare(const wxChar* sz) const;
// substring comparison with first nCount characters of sz
int compare(size_t nStart, size_t nLen,
const wxChar* sz, size_t nCount = npos) const;
#endif // !defined HAVE_STD_STRING_COMPARE
// insert another string
wxString& insert(size_t nPos, const wxString& str)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::insert(nPos, str); }
// insert n chars of str starting at nStart (in str)
wxString& insert(size_t nPos, const wxString& str, size_t nStart, size_t n)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::insert(nPos, str, nStart, n); }
// insert first n (or all if n == npos) characters of sz
wxString& insert(size_t nPos, const wxChar *sz)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::insert(nPos, sz); }
wxString& insert(size_t nPos, const wxChar *sz, size_t n)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::insert(nPos, sz, n); }
// insert n copies of ch
wxString& insert(size_t nPos, size_t n, wxChar ch)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::insert(nPos, n, ch); }
iterator insert(iterator it, wxChar ch)
{ return wxStringBase::insert(it, ch); }
void insert(iterator it, const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
{ wxStringBase::insert(it, first, last); }
void insert(iterator it, size_type n, wxChar ch)
{ wxStringBase::insert(it, n, ch); }
// delete characters from nStart to nStart + nLen
wxString& erase(size_type pos = 0, size_type n = npos)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::erase(pos, n); }
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last)
{ return wxStringBase::erase(first, last); }
iterator erase(iterator first)
{ return wxStringBase::erase(first); }
void clear() { erase(); }
// replaces the substring of length nLen starting at nStart
wxString& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen, const wxChar* sz)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::replace(nStart, nLen, sz); }
// replaces the substring of length nLen starting at nStart
wxString& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen, const wxString& str)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::replace(nStart, nLen, str); }
// replaces the substring with nCount copies of ch
wxString& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen, size_t nCount, wxChar ch)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::replace(nStart, nLen, nCount, ch); }
// replaces a substring with another substring
wxString& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen,
const wxString& str, size_t nStart2, size_t nLen2)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::replace(nStart, nLen, str,
nStart2, nLen2); }
// replaces the substring with first nCount chars of sz
wxString& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen,
const wxChar* sz, size_t nCount)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::replace(nStart, nLen, sz, nCount); }
wxString& replace(iterator first, iterator last, const_pointer s)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::replace(first, last, s); }
wxString& replace(iterator first, iterator last, const_pointer s,
size_type n)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::replace(first, last, s, n); }
wxString& replace(iterator first, iterator last, const wxString& s)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::replace(first, last, s); }
wxString& replace(iterator first, iterator last, size_type n, wxChar c)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::replace(first, last, n, c); }
wxString& replace(iterator first, iterator last,
const_iterator first1, const_iterator last1)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::replace(first, last, first1, last1); }
// string += string
wxString& operator+=(const wxString& s)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::operator+=(s); }
// string += C string
wxString& operator+=(const wxChar *psz)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::operator+=(psz); }
// string += char
wxString& operator+=(wxChar ch)
{ return (wxString&)wxStringBase::operator+=(ch); }
// define wxArrayString, for compatibility
#include "wx/arrstr.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxStringBuffer: a tiny class allowing to get a writable pointer into string
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if wxUSE_STL
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxStringBuffer
wxStringBuffer(wxString& str, size_t lenWanted = 1024)
: m_str(str), m_buf(lenWanted)
{ }
~wxStringBuffer() { m_str.assign(m_buf.data(), wxStrlen(m_buf.data())); }
operator wxChar*() { return m_buf.data(); }
wxString& m_str;
wxWCharBuffer m_buf;
wxCharBuffer m_buf;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxStringBufferLength
wxStringBufferLength(wxString& str, size_t lenWanted = 1024)
: m_str(str), m_buf(lenWanted), m_len(0), m_lenSet(false)
{ }
m_str.assign(m_buf.data(), m_len);
operator wxChar*() { return m_buf.data(); }
void SetLength(size_t length) { m_len = length; m_lenSet = true; }
wxString& m_str;
wxWCharBuffer m_buf;
wxCharBuffer m_buf;
size_t m_len;
bool m_lenSet;
#else // if !wxUSE_STL
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxStringBuffer
wxStringBuffer(wxString& str, size_t lenWanted = 1024)
: m_str(str), m_buf(NULL)
{ m_buf = m_str.GetWriteBuf(lenWanted); }
~wxStringBuffer() { m_str.UngetWriteBuf(); }
operator wxChar*() const { return m_buf; }
wxString& m_str;
wxChar *m_buf;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxStringBufferLength
wxStringBufferLength(wxString& str, size_t lenWanted = 1024)
: m_str(str), m_buf(NULL), m_len(0), m_lenSet(false)
{ m_buf = m_str.GetWriteBuf(lenWanted); }
operator wxChar*() const { return m_buf; }
void SetLength(size_t length) { m_len = length; m_lenSet = true; }
wxString& m_str;
wxChar *m_buf;
size_t m_len;
bool m_lenSet;
#endif // !wxUSE_STL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxString comparison functions: operator versions are always case sensitive
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if wxUSE_STL
inline bool operator==(const wxString& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s1.compare(s2) == 0; }
inline bool operator==(const wxString& s1, const wxChar * s2)
{ return s1.compare(s2) == 0; }
inline bool operator==(const wxChar * s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s2.compare(s1) == 0; }
inline bool operator!=(const wxString& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s1.compare(s2) != 0; }
inline bool operator!=(const wxString& s1, const wxChar * s2)
{ return s1.compare(s2) != 0; }
inline bool operator!=(const wxChar * s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s2.compare(s1) != 0; }
inline bool operator< (const wxString& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s1.compare(s2) < 0; }
inline bool operator< (const wxString& s1, const wxChar * s2)
{ return s1.compare(s2) < 0; }
inline bool operator< (const wxChar * s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s2.compare(s1) > 0; }
inline bool operator> (const wxString& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s1.compare(s2) > 0; }
inline bool operator> (const wxString& s1, const wxChar * s2)
{ return s1.compare(s2) > 0; }
inline bool operator> (const wxChar * s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s2.compare(s1) < 0; }
inline bool operator<=(const wxString& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s1.compare(s2) <= 0; }
inline bool operator<=(const wxString& s1, const wxChar * s2)
{ return s1.compare(s2) <= 0; }
inline bool operator<=(const wxChar * s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s2.compare(s1) >= 0; }
inline bool operator>=(const wxString& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s1.compare(s2) >= 0; }
inline bool operator>=(const wxString& s1, const wxChar * s2)
{ return s1.compare(s2) >= 0; }
inline bool operator>=(const wxChar * s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s2.compare(s1) <= 0; }
#else // if !wxUSE_STL
inline bool operator==(const wxString& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return (s1.Len() == s2.Len()) && (s1.Cmp(s2) == 0); }
inline bool operator==(const wxString& s1, const wxChar * s2)
{ return s1.Cmp(s2) == 0; }
inline bool operator==(const wxChar * s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s2.Cmp(s1) == 0; }
inline bool operator!=(const wxString& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return (s1.Len() != s2.Len()) || (s1.Cmp(s2) != 0); }
inline bool operator!=(const wxString& s1, const wxChar * s2)
{ return s1.Cmp(s2) != 0; }
inline bool operator!=(const wxChar * s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s2.Cmp(s1) != 0; }
inline bool operator< (const wxString& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s1.Cmp(s2) < 0; }
inline bool operator< (const wxString& s1, const wxChar * s2)
{ return s1.Cmp(s2) < 0; }
inline bool operator< (const wxChar * s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s2.Cmp(s1) > 0; }
inline bool operator> (const wxString& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s1.Cmp(s2) > 0; }
inline bool operator> (const wxString& s1, const wxChar * s2)
{ return s1.Cmp(s2) > 0; }
inline bool operator> (const wxChar * s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s2.Cmp(s1) < 0; }
inline bool operator<=(const wxString& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s1.Cmp(s2) <= 0; }
inline bool operator<=(const wxString& s1, const wxChar * s2)
{ return s1.Cmp(s2) <= 0; }
inline bool operator<=(const wxChar * s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s2.Cmp(s1) >= 0; }
inline bool operator>=(const wxString& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s1.Cmp(s2) >= 0; }
inline bool operator>=(const wxString& s1, const wxChar * s2)
{ return s1.Cmp(s2) >= 0; }
inline bool operator>=(const wxChar * s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return s2.Cmp(s1) <= 0; }
#endif // !wxUSE_STL
// comparison with char
inline bool operator==(wxChar c, const wxString& s) { return s.IsSameAs(c); }
inline bool operator==(const wxString& s, wxChar c) { return s.IsSameAs(c); }
inline bool operator!=(wxChar c, const wxString& s) { return !s.IsSameAs(c); }
inline bool operator!=(const wxString& s, wxChar c) { return !s.IsSameAs(c); }
inline bool operator==(const wxString& s1, const wxWCharBuffer& s2)
{ return (s1.Cmp((const wchar_t *)s2) == 0); }
inline bool operator==(const wxWCharBuffer& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return (s2.Cmp((const wchar_t *)s1) == 0); }
inline bool operator!=(const wxString& s1, const wxWCharBuffer& s2)
{ return (s1.Cmp((const wchar_t *)s2) != 0); }
inline bool operator!=(const wxWCharBuffer& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return (s2.Cmp((const wchar_t *)s1) != 0); }
#else // !wxUSE_UNICODE
inline bool operator==(const wxString& s1, const wxCharBuffer& s2)
{ return (s1.Cmp((const char *)s2) == 0); }
inline bool operator==(const wxCharBuffer& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return (s2.Cmp((const char *)s1) == 0); }
inline bool operator!=(const wxString& s1, const wxCharBuffer& s2)
{ return (s1.Cmp((const char *)s2) != 0); }
inline bool operator!=(const wxCharBuffer& s1, const wxString& s2)
{ return (s2.Cmp((const char *)s1) != 0); }
#if !wxUSE_STL
wxString WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE operator+(const wxString& string1, const wxString& string2);
wxString WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE operator+(const wxString& string, wxChar ch);
wxString WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE operator+(wxChar ch, const wxString& string);
wxString WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE operator+(const wxString& string, const wxChar *psz);
wxString WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE operator+(const wxChar *psz, const wxString& string);
#endif // !wxUSE_STL
inline wxString operator+(const wxString& string, const wxWCharBuffer& buf)
{ return string + (const wchar_t *)buf; }
inline wxString operator+(const wxWCharBuffer& buf, const wxString& string)
{ return (const wchar_t *)buf + string; }
#else // !wxUSE_UNICODE
inline wxString operator+(const wxString& string, const wxCharBuffer& buf)
{ return string + (const char *)buf; }
inline wxString operator+(const wxCharBuffer& buf, const wxString& string)
{ return (const char *)buf + string; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation only from here until the end of file
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// don't pollute the library user's name space
#include "wx/iosfwrap.h"
WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxSTD istream& operator>>(wxSTD istream&, wxString&);
WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxSTD ostream& operator<<(wxSTD ostream&, const wxString&);
#endif // _WX_WXSTRINGH__