Robert Roebling 42b4e99e9a Added Prepend() and Remove() methods to wxSizer,
Corrected a stupid bug in it,
  Freshed up wxPropertyXXX to make use of the icons
  in the dialogs.
  Made wxBmpButton inherit from wxButton. Grumble.

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@3394 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
1999-08-16 20:17:48 +00:00

563 lines
21 KiB

// Name: proplist.h
// Purpose: Property list classes
// Author: Julian Smart
// Modified by:
// Created: 04/01/98
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
// Licence: wxWindows licence
(1) Optional popup-help for each item, and an optional Help button
for dialog.
(2) Align Ok, Cancel, Help buttons properly.
(3) Consider retrieving the rectangle on the panel that can be
drawn into (where the value listbox is) and giving an example
of editing graphically. May be too fancy.
(4) Deriveable types for wxPropertyValue => may need to reorganise
wxPropertyValue to use inheritance rather than present all-types-in-one
(5) Optional popup panel for value list, perhaps.
(6) Floating point checking routine still crashes with Floating
point error for zany input.
(7) Property sheet with choice (or listbox) to select alternative
sheets... multiple views per panel, only one active. For this
we really need a wxChoice that can be dynamically set: XView
may be a problem; Motif?
(8) More example validators, e.g. colour selector.
#ifndef _WX_PROPLIST_H_
#define _WX_PROPLIST_H_
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface "proplist.h"
#include "wx/prop.h"
#define wxPROP_BUTTON_OK 2
#define wxPROP_BUTTON_HELP 16
#define wxPROP_PULLDOWN 64
#define wxPROP_SHOWVALUES 128
// Show OK/Cancel buttons on X-based systems where window management is
// more awkward
#if defined(__WXMOTIF__) || defined(__WXGTK__)
#define wxID_PROP_CROSS 3000
#define wxID_PROP_CHECK 3001
#define wxID_PROP_EDIT 3002
#define wxID_PROP_TEXT 3003
#define wxID_PROP_SELECT 3004
#define wxID_PROP_VALUE_SELECT 3005
// Mediates between a physical panel and the property sheet
class WXDLLEXPORT wxPropertyListView: public wxPropertyView
wxPropertyListView(wxPanel *propPanel = NULL, long flags = wxPROP_BUTTON_DEFAULT);
// Associates and shows the view
virtual void ShowView(wxPropertySheet *propertySheet, wxPanel *panel);
// Update this view of the viewed object, called e.g. by
// the object itself.
virtual bool OnUpdateView(void);
wxString MakeNameValueString(wxString name, wxString value);
// Update a single line in the list of properties
virtual bool UpdatePropertyDisplayInList(wxProperty *property);
// Update the whole list
virtual bool UpdatePropertyList(bool clearEditArea = TRUE);
// Find the wxListBox index corresponding to this property
virtual int FindListIndexForProperty(wxProperty *property);
// Select and show string representation in editor the given
// property. NULL resets to show no property.
virtual bool ShowProperty(wxProperty *property, bool select = TRUE);
virtual bool EditProperty(wxProperty *property);
// Update the display from the property
virtual bool DisplayProperty(wxProperty *property);
// Update the property from the display
virtual bool RetrieveProperty(wxProperty *property);
// Find appropriate validator and load property into value controls
virtual bool BeginShowingProperty(wxProperty *property);
// Find appropriate validator and unload property from value controls
virtual bool EndShowingProperty(wxProperty *property);
// Begin detailed editing (e.g. using value listbox)
virtual void BeginDetailedEditing(void);
// End detailed editing (e.g. using value listbox)
virtual void EndDetailedEditing(void);
// Called by the property listbox
void OnPropertySelect(wxCommandEvent& event);
// Called by the value listbox
void OnValueListSelect(wxCommandEvent& event);
virtual bool CreateControls(void);
virtual void ShowTextControl(bool show);
virtual void ShowListBoxControl(bool show);
virtual void EnableCheck(bool show);
virtual void EnableCross(bool show);
void OnOk(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnHelp(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnPropertyDoubleClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
// virtual void OnDoubleClick(void);
void OnCheck(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnCross(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnEdit(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnText(wxCommandEvent& event);
inline virtual wxListBox *GetPropertyScrollingList() const { return m_propertyScrollingList; }
inline virtual wxListBox *GetValueList() const { return m_valueList; }
inline virtual wxTextCtrl *GetValueText() const { return m_valueText; }
inline virtual wxButton *GetConfirmButton() const { return m_confirmButton; }
inline virtual wxButton *GetCancelButton() const { return m_cancelButton; }
inline virtual wxButton *GetEditButton() const { return m_editButton; }
inline virtual bool GetDetailedEditing(void) const { return m_detailedEditing; }
inline virtual void AssociatePanel(wxPanel *win) { m_propertyWindow = win; }
inline virtual wxPanel *GetPanel(void) const { return m_propertyWindow; }
inline virtual void SetManagedWindow(wxWindow *win) { m_managedWindow = win; }
inline virtual wxWindow *GetManagedWindow(void) const { return m_managedWindow; }
inline virtual wxButton *GetWindowCloseButton() const { return m_windowCloseButton; }
inline virtual wxButton *GetWindowCancelButton() const { return m_windowCancelButton; }
inline virtual wxButton *GetHelpButton() const { return m_windowHelpButton; }
bool OnClose(void);
static bool sm_dialogCancelled;
wxListBox* m_propertyScrollingList;
wxListBox* m_valueList; // Should really be a combobox, but we don't have one.
wxTextCtrl* m_valueText;
wxButton* m_confirmButton; // A tick, as in VB
wxButton* m_cancelButton; // A cross, as in VB
wxButton* m_editButton; // Invokes the custom validator, if any
wxSizer* m_middleSizer;
bool m_detailedEditing; // E.g. using listbox for choices
wxPanel* m_propertyWindow; // Panel that the controls will appear on
wxWindow* m_managedWindow; // Frame or dialog
wxButton* m_windowCloseButton; // Or OK
wxButton* m_windowCancelButton;
wxButton* m_windowHelpButton;
virtual void ShowView(wxPropertySheet *propertySheet, wxWindow *window)
{ wxPropertyView::ShowView(propertySheet, window); };
class WXDLLEXPORT wxPropertyTextEdit: public wxTextCtrl
wxPropertyTextEdit(wxPropertyListView *v, wxWindow *parent, const wxWindowID id,
const wxString& value, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0, const wxString& name = "text");
void OnSetFocus(void);
void OnKillFocus(void);
wxPropertyListView* m_view;
* The type of validator used for property lists (Visual Basic style)
class WXDLLEXPORT wxPropertyListValidator: public wxPropertyValidator
wxPropertyListValidator(long flags = wxPROP_ALLOW_TEXT_EDITING): wxPropertyValidator(flags) { }
~wxPropertyListValidator(void) {}
// Called when the property is selected or deselected: typically displays the value
// in the edit control (having chosen a suitable control to display: (non)editable text or listbox)
virtual bool OnSelect(bool select, wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when the property is double clicked. Extra functionality can be provided, such as
// cycling through possible values.
inline virtual bool OnDoubleClick(
wxProperty *WXUNUSED(property), wxPropertyListView *WXUNUSED(view), wxWindow *WXUNUSED(parentWindow) )
{ return TRUE; }
// Called when the value listbox is selected. Default behaviour is to copy
// string to text control, and retrieve the value into the property.
virtual bool OnValueListSelect(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when the property value is edited using standard text control
inline virtual bool OnPrepareControls(
wxProperty *WXUNUSED(property), wxPropertyListView *WXUNUSED(view), wxWindow *WXUNUSED(parentWindow) )
{ return TRUE; }
virtual bool OnClearControls(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when the property is edited in detail
inline virtual bool OnPrepareDetailControls(
wxProperty *WXUNUSED(property), wxPropertyListView *WXUNUSED(view), wxWindow *WXUNUSED(parentWindow) )
{ return TRUE; }
// Called if focus lost, IF we're in a modeless property editing situation.
inline virtual bool OnClearDetailControls(
wxProperty *WXUNUSED(property), wxPropertyListView *WXUNUSED(view), wxWindow *WXUNUSED(parentWindow) )
{ return TRUE; }
// Called when the edit (...) button is pressed. The default implementation
// calls view->BeginDetailedEditing; the filename validator (for example) overrides
// this function to show the file selector.
virtual void OnEdit(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost.
// Return FALSE if value didn't check out; signal to restore old value.
inline virtual bool OnCheckValue(
wxProperty *WXUNUSED(property), wxPropertyListView *WXUNUSED(view), wxWindow *WXUNUSED(parentWindow) )
{ return TRUE; }
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost or view wants to update
// the property list.
// Does the transferance from the property editing area to the property itself
virtual bool OnRetrieveValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
virtual bool OnDisplayValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
* A default dialog box class to use.
class WXDLLEXPORT wxPropertyListDialog: public wxDialog
wxPropertyListDialog(wxPropertyListView *v, wxWindow *parent, const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, const wxString& name = "dialogBox");
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
void OnDefaultAction(wxControl *item);
void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event);
// Extend event processing to search the view's event table
virtual bool ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event);
wxPropertyListView* m_view;
* A default panel class to use.
class WXDLLEXPORT wxPropertyListPanel: public wxPanel
wxPropertyListPanel(wxPropertyListView *v, wxWindow *parent, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0, const wxString& name = "panel"):
wxPanel(parent, -1, pos, size, style, name)
m_view = v;
void OnDefaultAction(wxControl *item);
inline void SetView(wxPropertyListView* v) { m_view = v; }
inline wxPropertyListView* GetView() const { return m_view; }
// Extend event processing to search the view's event table
virtual bool ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event);
// Call Layout()
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event);
wxPropertyListView* m_view;
* A default frame class to use.
class WXDLLEXPORT wxPropertyListFrame: public wxFrame
wxPropertyListFrame(wxPropertyListView *v, wxFrame *parent, const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, const wxString& name = "frame"):
wxFrame(parent, -1, title, pos, size, style, name)
m_view = v;
m_propertyPanel = NULL;
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
// Must call this to create panel and associate view
virtual bool Initialize(void);
virtual wxPropertyListPanel *OnCreatePanel(wxFrame *parent, wxPropertyListView *v);
inline virtual wxPropertyListPanel *GetPropertyPanel(void) const { return m_propertyPanel; }
wxPropertyListView* m_view;
wxPropertyListPanel* m_propertyPanel;
* Some default validators
class WXDLLEXPORT wxRealListValidator: public wxPropertyListValidator
// 0.0, 0.0 means no range
wxRealListValidator(float min = 0.0, float max = 0.0, long flags = wxPROP_ALLOW_TEXT_EDITING):wxPropertyListValidator(flags)
m_realMin = min; m_realMax = max;
~wxRealListValidator(void) {}
bool OnPrepareControls(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost.
// Return FALSE if value didn't check out; signal to restore old value.
bool OnCheckValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost or view wants to update
// the property list.
// Does the transfer from the property editing area to the property itself
bool OnRetrieveValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
float m_realMin;
float m_realMax;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxIntegerListValidator: public wxPropertyListValidator
// 0, 0 means no range
wxIntegerListValidator(long min = 0, long max = 0, long flags = wxPROP_ALLOW_TEXT_EDITING):wxPropertyListValidator(flags)
m_integerMin = min; m_integerMax = max;
~wxIntegerListValidator(void) {}
bool OnPrepareControls(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost.
// Return FALSE if value didn't check out; signal to restore old value.
bool OnCheckValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost or view wants to update
// the property list.
// Does the transfer from the property editing area to the property itself
bool OnRetrieveValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
long m_integerMin;
long m_integerMax;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxBoolListValidator: public wxPropertyListValidator
wxBoolListValidator(long flags = 0):wxPropertyListValidator(flags)
~wxBoolListValidator(void) {}
bool OnPrepareControls(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnPrepareDetailControls(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnClearDetailControls(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost.
// Return FALSE if value didn't check out; signal to restore old value.
bool OnCheckValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost or view wants to update
// the property list.
// Does the transfer from the property editing area to the property itself
bool OnRetrieveValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnDisplayValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when the property is double clicked. Extra functionality can be provided,
// cycling through possible values.
virtual bool OnDoubleClick(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
class WXDLLEXPORT wxStringListValidator: public wxPropertyListValidator
wxStringListValidator(wxStringList *list = NULL, long flags = 0);
if (m_strings)
delete m_strings;
bool OnPrepareControls(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnPrepareDetailControls(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnClearDetailControls(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost.
// Return FALSE if value didn't check out; signal to restore old value.
bool OnCheckValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost or view wants to update
// the property list.
// Does the transfer from the property editing area to the property itself
bool OnRetrieveValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnDisplayValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when the property is double clicked. Extra functionality can be provided,
// cycling through possible values.
bool OnDoubleClick(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
wxStringList* m_strings;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxFilenameListValidator: public wxPropertyListValidator
wxFilenameListValidator(wxString message = "Select a file", wxString wildcard = "*.*", long flags = 0);
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost.
// Return FALSE if value didn't check out; signal to restore old value.
bool OnCheckValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost or view wants to update
// the property list.
// Does the transferance from the property editing area to the property itself
bool OnRetrieveValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnDisplayValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnDoubleClick(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnPrepareControls(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when the edit (...) button is pressed.
void OnEdit(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
wxString m_filenameWildCard;
wxString m_filenameMessage;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxColourListValidator: public wxPropertyListValidator
wxColourListValidator(long flags = 0);
bool OnCheckValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnRetrieveValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnDisplayValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnDoubleClick(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnPrepareControls(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when the edit (...) button is pressed.
void OnEdit(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
class WXDLLEXPORT wxListOfStringsListValidator: public wxPropertyListValidator
wxListOfStringsListValidator(long flags = 0);
bool OnPrepareControls(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost.
// Return FALSE if value didn't check out; signal to restore old value.
bool OnCheckValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when TICK is pressed or focus is lost or view wants to update
// the property list.
// Does the transfer from the property editing area to the property itself
bool OnRetrieveValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool OnDisplayValue(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
// Called when the property is double clicked.
bool OnDoubleClick(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);
bool EditStringList(wxWindow *parent, wxStringList *stringList, const wxChar *title = _T("String List Editor"));
// Called when the edit (...) button is pressed.
void OnEdit(wxProperty *property, wxPropertyListView *view, wxWindow *parentWindow);