Robert Roebling 36b3b54ad8 Small doc corrections
Removed wxFontDirectory
  Added move event to dialog and frame
  Cannot remeber the rest

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@1460 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
1999-01-24 15:07:54 +00:00

441 lines
12 KiB

A text control allows text to be displayed and edited. It may be
single line or multiline.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Window styles}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTE\_PROCESS\_ENTER}}{The callback function will
receive the message wxEVENT\_TYPE\_TEXT\_ENTER\_COMMAND. Note
that this will break tab traversal for this panel item under
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTE\_MULTILINE}}{The text control allows multiple lines.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTE\_PASSWORD}}{The text will be echoed as asterisks.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTE\_READONLY}}{The text will not be user-editable.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxHSCROLL}}{A vertical scrollbar will be present.}
See also \helpref{window styles overview}{windowstyles}.
This class multiply-inherits from {\bf streambuf} where compilers allow, allowing code such
as the following:
wxTextCtrl *control = new wxTextCtrl(...);
ostream stream(control)
stream << 123.456 << " some text\n";
If your compiler does not support derivation from {\bf streambuf} and gives a compile error, define the symbol {\bf NO\_TEXT\_WINDOW\_STREAM} in the
wxTextCtrl header file.
\wxheading{Event handling}
To process input from a text control, use these event handler macros to direct input to member
functions that take a \helpref{wxCommandEvent}{wxcommandevent} argument.
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TEXT(id, func)}}{Respond to a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_TEXT\_UPDATED event,
generated when the text changes.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TEXT\_ENTER(id, func)}}{Respond to a wxEVT\_COMMAND\_TEXT\_ENTER event,
generated when enter is pressed in a single-line text control.}
%\wxheading{See also}
Default constructor.
\func{}{wxTextCtrl}{\param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{wxWindowID}{ id},\rtfsp
\param{const wxString\& }{value = ``"}, \param{const wxPoint\& }{pos}, \param{const wxSize\& }{size = wxDefaultSize},\rtfsp
\param{long}{ style = 0}, \param{const wxValidator\& }{validator}, \param{const wxString\& }{name = ``text"}}
Constructor, creating and showing a text control.
\docparam{parent}{Parent window. Should not be NULL.}
\docparam{id}{Control identifier. A value of -1 denotes a default value.}
\docparam{value}{Default text value.}
\docparam{pos}{Text control position.}
\docparam{size}{Text control size.}
\docparam{style}{Window style. See \helpref{wxTextCtrl}{wxtextctrl}.}
\docparam{validator}{Window validator.}
\docparam{name}{Window name.}
Under Windows, if the {\bf wxTE\_MULTILINE} style is used, the window is implemented
as a Windows rich text control with unlimited capacity. Otherwise, normal edit control limits
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxTextCtrl::Create}{wxtextctrlcreate}, \helpref{wxValidator}{wxvalidator}
Destructor, destroying the text control.
\func{virtual void}{Clear}{\void}
Clears the text in the control.
\func{virtual void}{Copy}{\void}
Copies the selected text to the clipboard under Motif and MS Windows.
\func{bool}{Create}{\param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{wxWindowID}{ id},\rtfsp
\param{const wxString\& }{value = ``"}, \param{const wxPoint\& }{pos}, \param{const wxSize\& }{size = wxDefaultSize},\rtfsp
\param{long}{ style = 0}, \param{const wxValidator\& }{validator}, \param{const wxString\& }{name = ``text"}}
Creates the text control for two-step construction. Derived classes
should call or replace this function. See \helpref{wxTextCtrl::wxTextCtrl}{wxtextctrlconstr}\rtfsp
for further details.
\func{virtual void}{Cut}{\void}
Copies the selected text to the clipboard and removes the selection.
Resets the internal `modified' flag as if the current edits had been saved.
\constfunc{virtual long}{GetInsertionPoint}{\void}
Returns the insertion point.
\constfunc{virtual long}{GetLastPosition}{\void}
Returns the last position in the text control.
\constfunc{int}{GetLineLength}{\param{long}{ lineNo}}
Gets the length of the specified line.
\docparam{lineNo}{Line number (starting from zero).}
\wxheading{Return value}
The length of the line, or -1 if {\it lineNo} was invalid.
\constfunc{wxString}{GetLineText}{\param{long}{ lineNo}}
Returns the contents of a given line in the text control.
\docparam{lineNo}{The line number, starting from zero.}
\wxheading{Return value}
The contents of the line.
Returns the number of lines in the text control buffer.
Gets the contents of the control.
Returns TRUE if the text has been modified.
\func{bool}{LoadFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{ filename}}
Loads and displays the named file, if it exists.
\docparam{filename}{The filename of the file to load.}
\wxheading{Return value}
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
\func{void}{OnChar}{\param{wxKeyEvent\& }{event}}
Default handler for character input.
It is possible to intercept character
input by overriding this member. Call this function
to let the default behaviour take place; not calling
it results in the character being ignored. You can
replace the {\it keyCode} member of {\it event} to
translate keystrokes.
Note that Windows and Motif have different ways
of implementing the default behaviour. In Windows,
calling wxTextCtrl::OnChar immediately
processes the character. In Motif,
calling this function simply sets a flag
to let default processing happen. This might affect
the way in which you write your OnChar function
on different platforms.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{void}{OnDropFiles}{\param{wxDropFilesEvent\& }{event}}
This event handler function implements default drag and drop behaviour, which
is to load the first dropped file into the control.
\docparam{event}{The drop files event.}
\wxheading{See also}
\func{virtual void}{Paste}{\void}
Pastes text from the clipboard to the text item.
\constfunc{long}{PositionToXY}{\param{long }{pos}, \param{long *}{x}, \param{long *}{y}}
Converts given character and line position to a position.
\docparam{x}{Receives character position.}
\docparam{y}{Receives line position.}
\wxheading{See also}
\func{virtual void}{Remove}{\param{long}{ from}, \param{long}{ to}}
Removes the text between the two positions.
\docparam{from}{The first position.}
\docparam{to}{The last position.}
\func{virtual void}{Replace}{\param{long}{ from}, \param{long}{ to}, \param{const wxString\& }{value}}
Replaces the text between two positions with the given text.
\docparam{from}{The first position.}
\docparam{to}{The last position.}
\docparam{value}{The value to replace the existing text with.}
\func{bool}{SaveFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{ filename}}
Saves the contents of the control in a text file.
\docparam{filename}{The name of file in which to save the text.}
\wxheading{Return value}
TRUE if the operation was successful, FALSE otherwise.
\func{virtual void}{SetEditable}{\param{const bool}{ editable}}
Makes the text item editable or read-only.
\docparam{editable}{If TRUE, the control is editable. If FALSE, the control is read-only.}
\func{virtual void}{SetInsertionPoint}{\param{long}{ pos}}
Sets the insertion point. Windows only. ??
\docparam{pos}{Position to set.}
\func{virtual void}{SetInsertionPointEnd}{\void}
Sets the insertion point at the end of the text control.
\func{virtual void}{SetSelection}{\param{long}{ from}, \param{long}{ to}}
Selects the text between the two positions.
\docparam{from}{The first position.}
\docparam{to}{The last position.}
\func{virtual void}{SetValue}{\param{const wxString\& }{ value}}
Sets the text value.
\docparam{value}{The new value to set. It may contain newline characters if the text control is multi-line.}
\func{void}{ShowPosition}{\param{long}{ pos}}
Makes the line containing the given position visible.
\docparam{pos}{The position that should be visible.}
\func{void}{WriteText}{\param{const wxString\& }{ text}}
Writes the text into the text control at the current position.
\docparam{text}{Text to write to the text control.}
Newlines in the text string
are the only control characters allowed, and they will cause appropriate
line breaks. See \helpref{wxTextCtrl::\cinsert}{wxtextctrlinsert} for more convenient ways of writing to the
\func{long}{XYToPosition}{\param{long}{ x}, \param{long}{ y}}
Converts the given character and line position to a position.
\docparam{x}{The character position.}
\docparam{y}{The line position.}
\wxheading{Return value}
The position value.
\membersection{wxTextCtrl::operator \cinsert}\label{wxtextctrlinsert}
\func{wxTextCtrl\&}{operator \cinsert}{\param{const wxString\& }{s}}
\func{wxTextCtrl\&}{operator \cinsert}{\param{int}{ i}}
\func{wxTextCtrl\&}{operator \cinsert}{\param{long}{ i}}
\func{wxTextCtrl\&}{operator \cinsert}{\param{float}{ f}}
\func{wxTextCtrl\&}{operator \cinsert}{\param{double}{ d}}
\func{wxTextCtrl\&}{operator \cinsert}{\param{char}{ c}}
Operator definitions for writing to a text control, for example:
wxTextCtrl *wnd = new wxTextCtrl(my_frame);
(*wnd) << "Welcome to text control number " << 1 << ".\n";