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// Name: debugrpt.h
// Purpose: interface of wxDebugReport*
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows license
@class wxDebugReportPreview
This class presents the debug report to the user and allows him to veto
report entirely or remove some parts of it. Although not mandatory, using
this class is strongly recommended as data included in the debug report
might contain sensitive private information and the user should be notified
about it as well as having a possibility to examine the data which had been
gathered to check whether this is effectively the case and discard the
debug report if it is.
wxDebugReportPreview is an abstract base class, currently the only concrete
class deriving from it is wxDebugReportPreviewStd.
class wxDebugReportPreview
Default constructor.
Destructor is trivial as well but should be virtual for a base class.
virtual ~wxDebugReportPreview();
Present the report to the user and allow him to modify it by removing
some or all of the files and, potentially, adding some notes.
@return @true if the report should be processed or @false if the user
chose to cancel report generation or removed all files from
virtual bool Show(wxDebugReport& dbgrpt) const;
@class wxDebugReportCompress
wxDebugReportCompress is a wxDebugReport which compresses all the files in
this debug report into a single ZIP file in its wxDebugReport::Process()
class wxDebugReportCompress : public wxDebugReport
Default constructor does nothing special.
Returns the full path of the compressed file (empty if creation
const wxString GetCompressedFileName() const;
@class wxDebugReport
wxDebugReport is used to generate a debug report, containing information
about the program current state. It is usually used from
wxApp::OnFatalException() as shown in the @ref page_samples_debugrpt.
A wxDebugReport object contains one or more files. A few of them can be
created by the class itself but more can be created from the outside and
then added to the report. Also note that several virtual functions may be
overridden to further customize the class behaviour.
Once a report is fully assembled, it can simply be left in the temporary
directory so that the user can email it to the developers (in which case
you should still use wxDebugReportCompress to compress it in a single file)
or uploaded to a Web server using wxDebugReportUpload (setting up the Web
server to accept uploads is your responsibility, of course). Other
handlers, for example for automatically emailing the report, can be defined
as well but are not currently included in wxWidgets.
A typical usage example:
wxDebugReport report;
wxDebugReportPreviewStd preview;
report.AddCurrentContext(); // could also use AddAll()
report.AddCurrentDump(); // to do both at once
if ( preview.Show(report) )
class wxDebugReport
This enum is used for functions that report either the current state or
the state during the last (fatal) exception.
enum Context {
The constructor creates a temporary directory where the files that will
be included in the report are created. Use IsOk() to check for errors.
The destructor normally destroys the temporary directory created in the
constructor with all the files it contains. Call Reset() to prevent
this from happening.
virtual ~wxDebugReport();
Adds all available information to the report. Currently this includes a
text (XML) file describing the process context and, under Win32, a
minidump file.
void AddAll(Context context = Context_Exception);
Add an XML file containing the current or exception context and the
stack trace.
virtual bool AddContext(Context ctx);
The same as calling AddContext(Context_Current).
bool AddCurrentContext();
The same as calling AddDump(Context_Current).
bool AddCurrentDump();
Adds the minidump file to the debug report.
Minidumps are only available under recent Win32 versions
(@c dbghlp32.dll can be installed under older systems to make minidumps
bool AddDump(Context ctx);
The same as calling AddContext(Context_Exception).
bool AddExceptionContext();
The same as calling AddDump(Context_Exception).
bool AddExceptionDump();
Add another file to the report. If @a filename is an absolute path, it
is copied to a file in the debug report directory with the same name.
Otherwise the file should already exist in this directory
@a description only exists to be displayed to the user in the report
summary shown by wxDebugReportPreview.
@see GetDirectory(), AddText()
virtual void AddFile(const wxString& filename, const wxString& description);
This is a convenient wrapper around AddFile(). It creates the file with
the given @a name and writes @a text to it, then adds the file to the
report. The @a filename shouldn't contain the path.
@return @true if file could be added successfully, @false if an IO
error occurred.
bool AddText(const wxString& filename, const wxString& text,
const wxString& description);
This function may be overridden to add arbitrary custom context to the
XML context file created by AddContext(). By default, it does nothing.
void DoAddCustomContext(wxXmlNode* nodeRoot);
This function may be overridden to modify the contents of the exception
tag in the XML context file.
bool DoAddExceptionInfo(wxXmlNode* nodeContext);
This function may be overridden to modify the contents of the modules
tag in the XML context file.
bool DoAddLoadedModules(wxXmlNode* nodeModules);
This function may be overridden to modify the contents of the system
tag in the XML context file.
bool DoAddSystemInfo(wxXmlNode* nodeSystemInfo);
This method should be used to construct the full name of the files
which you wish to add to the report using AddFile().
@return The name of the temporary directory used for the files in this
const wxString GetDirectory() const;
Retrieves the name (relative to GetDirectory()) and the description of
the file with the given index. If @a n is greater than or equal to the
number of filse, @false is returned.
bool GetFile(size_t n, wxString* name, wxString* desc) const;
Gets the current number files in this report.
size_t GetFilesCount() const;
Gets the name used as a base name for various files, by default
wxApp::GetAppName() is used.
virtual wxString GetReportName() const;
Returns @true if the object was successfully initialized. If this
method returns @false the report can't be used.
bool IsOk() const;
Processes this report: the base class simply notifies the user that the
report has been generated. This is usually not enough -- instead you
should override this method to do something more useful to you.
bool Process();
Removes the file from report: this is used by wxDebugReportPreview to
allow the user to remove files potentially containing private
information from the report.
void RemoveFile(const wxString& name);
Resets the directory name we use. The object can't be used any more
after this as it becomes uninitialized and invalid.
void Reset();
@class wxDebugReportPreviewStd
wxDebugReportPreviewStd is a standard debug report preview window. It
displays a dialog allowing the user to examine the contents of a debug
report, remove files from and add notes to it.
class wxDebugReportPreviewStd : public wxDebugReportPreview
Trivial default constructor.
Shows the dialog.
@see wxDebugReportPreview::Show()
bool Show(wxDebugReport& dbgrpt) const;
@class wxDebugReportUpload
This class is used to upload a compressed file using HTTP POST request. As
this class derives from wxDebugReportCompress, before upload the report is
compressed in a single ZIP file.
class wxDebugReportUpload : public wxDebugReportCompress
This class will upload the compressed file created by its base class to
an HTML multipart/form-data form at the specified address. The @a url
is the upload page address, @a input is the name of the @c "type=file"
control on the form used for the file name and @a action is the value
of the form action field. The report is uploaded using the @e curl
program which should be available, the @e curl parameter may be used to
specify the full path to it.
wxDebugReportUpload(const wxString& url, const wxString& input,
const wxString& action,
const wxString& curl = "curl");
This function may be overridden in a derived class to show the output
from curl: this may be an HTML page or anything else that the server
returned. Value returned by this function becomes the return value of
bool OnServerReply(const wxArrayString& reply);