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// Name: process.h
// Purpose: interface of wxProcess
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows license
Signal constants used by wxProcess.
enum wxSignal
wxSIGNONE = 0, //!< verify if the process exists under Unix
wxSIGKILL, //!< forcefully kill, dangerous!
wxSIGTERM //!< terminate the process gently
Return values for wxProcess::Kill.
enum wxKillError
wxKILL_OK, //!< no error
wxKILL_BAD_SIGNAL, //!< no such signal
wxKILL_ACCESS_DENIED, //!< permission denied
wxKILL_NO_PROCESS, //!< no such process
wxKILL_ERROR //!< another, unspecified error
@class wxProcess
The objects of this class are used in conjunction with the ::wxExecute() function.
When a wxProcess object is passed to ::wxExecute(), its OnTerminate() virtual method
is called when the process terminates. This allows the program to be (asynchronously)
notified about the process termination and also retrieve its exit status which is
unavailable from ::wxExecute() in the case of asynchronous execution.
@note If the process termination notification is processed by the
parent, it is responsible for deleting the wxProcess object which sent it.
However, if it is not processed, the object will delete itself and so the
library users should only delete those objects whose notifications have been
processed (and call wxProcess::Detach for others).
wxProcess also supports IO redirection of the child process. For this, you have
to call its Redirect() method before passing it to ::wxExecute().
If the child process was launched successfully, GetInputStream(), GetOutputStream()
and GetErrorStream() can then be used to retrieve the streams corresponding to the
child process standard output, input and error output respectively.
@see wxExecute(), @ref page_samples_exec "exec sample"
class wxProcess : public wxEvtHandler
Constructs a process object. @a id is only used in the case you want to
use wxWidgets events. It identifies this object, or another window that will
receive the event.
If the @a parent parameter is different from @NULL, it will receive
a @c wxEVT_END_PROCESS notification event (you should insert @c EVT_END_PROCESS
macro in the event table of the parent to handle it) with the given @a id.
@param parent
The event handler parent.
@param id
id of an event.
wxProcess(wxEvtHandler* parent = NULL, int id = -1);
Creates an object without any associated parent (and hence no id neither)
but allows to specify the @a flags which can have the value of
Specifying the former value has no particular effect while using the latter
one is equivalent to calling Redirect().
wxProcess(int flags);
Destroys the wxProcess object.
virtual ~wxProcess();
Closes the output stream (the one connected to the stdin of the child
This function can be used to indicate to the child process that
there is no more data to be read - usually, a filter program will only
terminate when the input stream is closed.
void CloseOutput();
Normally, a wxProcess object is deleted by its parent when it receives the
notification about the process termination. However, it might happen that the
parent object is destroyed before the external process is terminated (e.g. a
window from which this external process was launched is closed by the user)
and in this case it @b should not delete the wxProcess object, but
@b should call Detach() instead. After the wxProcess object is detached
from its parent, no notification events will be sent to the parent and the
object will delete itself upon reception of the process termination
void Detach();
Returns @true if the given process exists in the system.
@see Kill(), @ref page_samples_exec "Exec sample"
static bool Exists(int pid);
Returns an input stream which corresponds to the standard error output (stderr)
of the child process.
wxInputStream* GetErrorStream() const;
It returns an input stream corresponding to the standard output stream of the
subprocess. If it is @NULL, you have not turned on the redirection.
@see Redirect().
wxInputStream* GetInputStream() const;
It returns an output stream correspoding to the input stream of the subprocess.
If it is @NULL, you have not turned on the redirection.
@see Redirect().
wxOutputStream* GetOutputStream() const;
Returns the process ID of the process launched by Open().
long GetPid() const;
Returns @true if there is data to be read on the child process standard
error stream.
@see IsInputAvailable()
bool IsErrorAvailable() const;
Returns @true if there is data to be read on the child process standard
output stream.
This allows to write simple (and extremely inefficient) polling-based code
waiting for a better mechanism in future wxWidgets versions.
See the @ref page_samples_exec "exec sample" for an example of using this
@see IsInputOpened()
bool IsInputAvailable() const;
Returns @true if the child process standard output stream is opened.
bool IsInputOpened() const;
Send the specified signal to the given process. Possible signal values
can be one of the ::wxSignal enumeration values.
@c wxSIGNONE, @c wxSIGKILL and @c wxSIGTERM have the same meaning
under both Unix and Windows but all the other signals are equivalent to
@c wxSIGTERM under Windows.
The @a flags parameter can be @c wxKILL_NOCHILDREN (the default),
or @c wxKILL_CHILDREN, in which case the child processes of this
process will be killed too. Note that under Unix, for @c wxKILL_CHILDREN
to work you should have created the process passing @c wxEXEC_MAKE_GROUP_LEADER.
Returns the element of ::wxKillError enum.
@see Exists(), wxKill(), @ref page_samples_exec "Exec sample"
static wxKillError Kill(int pid, wxSignal signal = wxSIGNONE,
int flags = wxKILL_NOCHILDREN);
It is called when the process with the pid @a pid finishes.
It raises a wxWidgets event when it isn't overridden.
@param pid
The pid of the process which has just terminated.
@param status
The exit code of the process.
virtual void OnTerminate(int pid, int status);
This static method replaces the standard @c popen() function: it launches
the process specified by the @a cmd parameter and returns the wxProcess
object which can be used to retrieve the streams connected to the standard
input, output and error output of the child process.
If the process couldn't be launched, @NULL is returned.
In any case the returned pointer should @b not be deleted, rather the process
object will be destroyed automatically when the child process terminates. This
does mean that the child process should be told to quit before the main program
exits to avoid memory leaks.
@param cmd
The command to execute, including optional arguments.
@param flags
The flags to pass to ::wxExecute().
Note: @c wxEXEC_SYNC should not be used.
@return A pointer to new wxProcess object or @NULL on error.
@see ::wxExecute()
static wxProcess* Open(const wxString& cmd,
int flags = wxEXEC_ASYNC);
Turns on redirection.
::wxExecute() will try to open a couple of pipes to catch the subprocess stdio.
The caught input stream is returned by GetOutputStream() as a non-seekable stream.
The caught output stream is returned by GetInputStream() as a non-seekable stream.
void Redirect();
@class wxProcessEvent
A process event is sent when a process is terminated.
@event{EVT_END_PROCESS(id, func)}
Process a @c wxEVT_END_PROCESS event. @a id is the identifier of the process
object (the id passed to the wxProcess constructor) or a window to receive
the event.
@see wxProcess, @ref overview_eventhandling
class wxProcessEvent : public wxEvent
Takes a wxProcessObject or window id, a process id and an exit status.
wxProcessEvent(int id = 0, int pid = 0, int exitcode = 0);
Returns the exist status.
int GetExitCode();
Returns the process id.
int GetPid();