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// Name: htmllbox.h
// Purpose: interface of wxHtmlListBox
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows license
@class wxHtmlListBox
wxHtmlListBox is an implementation of wxVListBox which
shows HTML content in the listbox rows. This is still an abstract base class
and you will need to derive your own class from it (see htlbox sample for the
example) but you will only need to override a single
wxHtmlListBox::OnGetItem function.
<!-- @appearance{htmllistbox.png} -->
@see wxSimpleHtmlListBox
class wxHtmlListBox : public wxVListBox
Default constructor, you must call Create()
wxHtmlListBox(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxString& name = wxHtmlListBoxNameStr);
Destructor cleans up whatever resources we use.
Creates the control and optionally sets the initial number of items in it
(it may also be set or changed later with
There are no special styles defined for wxHtmlListBox, in particular the
wxListBox styles (with the exception of @c wxLB_MULTIPLE) can not be used here.
Returns @true on success or @false if the control couldn't be created
bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxString& name = wxHtmlListBoxNameStr);
Returns the wxFileSystem used by the HTML parser of
this object. The file system object is used to resolve the paths in HTML
fragments displayed in the control and you should use
wxFileSystem::ChangePathTo if you use
relative paths for the images or other resources embedded in your HTML.
wxFileSystem GetFileSystem() const;
const wxFileSystem GetFileSystem() const;
This virtual function may be overridden to change the appearance of the
background of the selected cells in the same way as
It should be rarely, if ever, used because
wxVListBox::SetSelectionBackground allows to
change the selection background for all cells at once and doing anything more
fancy is probably going to look strangely.
@see GetSelectedTextColour()
wxColour GetSelectedTextBgColour(const wxColour& colBg) const;
This virtual function may be overridden to customize the appearance of the
selected cells. It is used to determine how the colour @a colFg is going to
look inside selection. By default all original colours are completely ignored
and the standard, system-dependent, selection colour is used but the program
may wish to override this to achieve some custom appearance.
@see GetSelectedTextBgColour(),
wxVListBox::SetSelectionBackground, wxSystemSettings::GetColour
wxColour GetSelectedTextColour(const wxColour& colFg) const;
This method must be implemented in the derived class and should return
the body (i.e. without @c html nor @c body tags) of the HTML fragment
for the given item.
Note that this function should always return a text fragment for the @a n item
which renders with the same height both when it is selected and when it's not:
i.e. if you call, inside your OnGetItem() implementation, @c IsSelected(n) to
make the items appear differently when they are selected, then you should make
that the returned HTML fragment will render with the same height or else you'll
see some artifacts when the user selects an item.
wxString OnGetItem(size_t n) const;
This function may be overridden to decorate HTML returned by
wxString OnGetItemMarkup(size_t n) const;
Called when the user clicks on hypertext link. Does nothing by default.
Overloading this method is deprecated; intercept the event instead.
@param n
Index of the item containing the link.
@param link
Description of the link.
@see See also wxHtmlLinkInfo.
virtual void OnLinkClicked(size_t n, const wxHtmlLinkInfo& link);
@class wxSimpleHtmlListBox
wxSimpleHtmlListBox is an implementation of wxHtmlListBox which
shows HTML content in the listbox rows.
Unlike wxHtmlListBox, this is not an abstract class and thus it
has the advantage that you can use it without deriving your own class from it.
However, it also has the disadvantage that this is not a virtual control and
thus it's not
well-suited for those cases where you need to show a huge number of items:
every time you
add/insert a string, it will be stored internally and thus will take memory.
The interface exposed by wxSimpleHtmlListBox fully implements the
wxControlWithItems interface, thus you should refer to
wxControlWithItems's documentation for the API reference
for adding/removing/retrieving items in the listbox.
Also note that the wxVListBox::SetItemCount function is
@c protected in wxSimpleHtmlListBox's context so that you cannot call it
wxSimpleHtmlListBox will do it for you.
Note: in case you need to append a lot of items to the control at once, make
sure to use the
@ref wxControlWithItems::append "Append(const wxArrayString )" function.
Thus the only difference between a wxListBox and a wxSimpleHtmlListBox
is that the latter stores strings which can contain HTML fragments (see the
list of
@ref overview_htmltagssupported "tags supported by wxHTML").
Note that the HTML strings you fetch to wxSimpleHtmlListBox should not contain
the @c html
or @c body tags.
The default style: wxBORDER_SUNKEN
Multiple-selection list: the user can toggle multiple items on and
<!-- @appearance{simplehtmllistbox.png} -->
@see wxSimpleHtmlListBox::Create
class wxSimpleHtmlListBox : public wxHtmlListBox
Default constructor, you must call Create()
wxHtmlListBox(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
int n = 0,
const wxString choices[] = NULL,
long style = wxHLB_DEFAULT_STYLE,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = "simpleHtmlListBox");
wxHtmlListBox(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& size,
const wxArrayString& choices,
long style = wxHLB_DEFAULT_STYLE,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = "simpleHtmlListBox");
See also
Frees the array of stored items and relative client data.
Creates the HTML listbox for two-step construction.
See wxSimpleHtmlListBox() for further details.
bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
int n,
const wxString choices[] = NULL,
long style = wxHLB_DEFAULT_STYLE,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = "simpleHtmlListBox");
bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& size,
const wxArrayString& choices,
long style = wxHLB_DEFAULT_STYLE,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = "simpleHtmlListBox");