Vadim Zeitlin 0397da2a8f Use ld --no-as-needed in Travis Ubuntu 18.04 wxGTK build
This works around a problem in our build system which doesn't set rpath
correctly when linking our own libraries, which means that "qa" library,
for example, doesn't record the path to its "xml" library dependency.

We already worked around this by linking any program using "qa" with
"xml" too, however this doesn't do anything if "--as-needed" flag is in
effect, as is the case by default under Ubuntu 18.04, so make our
workaround work by forcefully disabling this flag.

Real solution would be to use -Wl,-rpath correctly and then stop linking
with "xml" library unnecessarily in e.g. test_gui bakefile.
2020-04-23 02:59:45 +02:00

92 lines
3.3 KiB

# This is the control file for Travis continuous integration system.
# It is used automatically for the repositories on Github if it's found in the
# root directory of the project.
language: cpp
sudo: required
- dist: trusty
compiler: gcc
name: wxGTK 2 Ubuntu 14.04
- dist: xenial
compiler: gcc
env: wxGTK_VERSION=3
name: wxGTK 3 Ubuntu 16.04
- dist: bionic
compiler: gcc
env: wxGTK_VERSION=2 wxCONFIGURE_FLAGS="--enable-utf8 --enable-utf8only --enable-monolithic" wxUSE_XVFB=1
name: wxGTK 2 UTF-8 Ubuntu 18.04
- dist: bionic
compiler: gcc
env: wxGTK_VERSION=3 wxCONFIGURE_FLAGS="--enable-cxx11 --enable-stl --disable-webview" wxMAKEFILE_FLAGS="CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11 LDFLAGS=-Wl,--no-as-needed" wxUSE_XVFB=1
name: wxGTK 3 STL Ubuntu 18.04
- dist: bionic
compiler: clang
env: wxGTK_VERSION=2 wxCONFIGURE_FLAGS="--disable-shared --disable-sys-libs --disable-webview" wxUSE_XVFB=1
name: wxGTK 2 clang Ubuntu 18.04
- dist: bionic
compiler: gcc
env: wxTOOLSET=cmake wxCMAKE_GENERATOR="Unix Makefiles"
name: wxGTK CMake Ubuntu 18.04
- os: osx
osx_image: xcode6.4
compiler: clang
env: wxCONFIGURE_FLAGS="--enable-cxx11" wxMAKEFILE_FLAGS="CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11" wxSKIP_SAMPLES=1
name: wxOSX Xcode 6.4
- os: osx
osx_image: xcode9.4
compiler: clang
name: wxOSX CMake Xcode 9.4
- os: osx
osx_image: xcode11.3
env: wxCONFIGURE_FLAGS="--enable-monolithic --with-cxx=17 --with-macosx-version-min=10.12 --enable-stl"
name: wxOSX Xcode 11.3
- dist: bionic
compiler: gcc
env: wxCONFIGURE_FLAGS="--with-x11 --enable-pch --disable-stc" wxSKIP_SAMPLES=1
name: wxX11 Ubuntu 18.04
- dist: bionic
compiler: gcc
env: wxCONFIGURE_FLAGS="--with-directfb --enable-pch --disable-stc" wxSKIP_SAMPLES=1
name: wxDFB Ubuntu 18.04
- dist: bionic
compiler: gcc
env: wxCONFIGURE_FLAGS="--with-motif --enable-pch --disable-stc" wxSKIP_SAMPLES=1
name: wxMotif Ubuntu 18.04
- dist: bionic
compiler: gcc
env: wxCONFIGURE_FLAGS="--with-qt --enable-pch" wxSKIP_SAMPLES=1
name: wxQt Ubuntu 18.04
- os: linux
arch: arm64
env: wxCONFIGURE_FLAGS="--disable-sys-libs" wxLXC=1
name: wxGTK ARM64
- os: linux
arch: ppc64le
env: wxCONFIGURE_FLAGS="--disable-sys-libs --disable-gui" wxLXC=1 wxSKIP_GUI=1
name: wxGTK PowerPC64
- os: linux
arch: s390x
env: wxCONFIGURE_FLAGS="--disable-sys-libs --disable-gui" wxLXC=1 wxSKIP_GUI=1
name: wxGTK S/390
- master
- vadim@wxwidgets.org
on_success: change
on_failure: change
before_install: ./build/tools/before_install.sh
script: bash build/tools/travis-ci.sh