2000-10-09 14:31:03 +00:00

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wxHelpProvider is an abstract class used by a program implementing context-sensitive help to
show the help text for the given window.
The current help provider must be explicitly set by the application using
\wxheading{Derived from}
No base class
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxContextHelp}{wxcontexthelp}, \helpref{wxContextHelpButton}{wxcontexthelpbutton},
\helpref{wxSimpleHelpProvider}{wxsimplehelpprovider}, \helpref{wxHelpControllerHelpProvider}{wxhelpcontrollerhelpprovider},
\helpref{wxWindow::SetHelpText}{wxwindowsethelptext}, \helpref{wxWindow::GetHelpText}{wxwindowgethelptext}
Virtual destructor for any base class.
\func{wxHelpProvider*}{Set}{\param{wxHelpProvider* }{helpProvider}}
Get/set the current, application-wide help provider. Returns
the previous one.
Unlike some other classes, the help provider is not created on demand.
This must be explicitly done by the application.
\func{wxString}{GetHelp}{\param{const wxWindowBase* }{window}}
Gets the help string for this window. Its interpretation is dependent on the help provider
except that empty string always means that no help is associated with
the window.
\func{bool}{ShowHelp}{\param{wxWindowBase* }{window}}
Shows help for the given window. Uses \helpref{GetHelp}{wxhelpprovidergethelp} internally if
Returns TRUE if it was done, or FALSE if no help was available
for this window.
\func{void}{AddHelp}{\param{wxWindowBase* }{window}, \param{const wxString\& }{text}}
Associates the text with the given window or id. Although all help
providers have these functions to allow making \helpref{wxWindow::SetHelpText}{wxwindowsethelptext}
work, not all of them implement the functions.
\func{void}{AddHelp}{\param{wxWindowID }{id}, \param{const wxString\& }{text}}
This version associates the given text with all windows with this id.
May be used to set the same help string for all Cancel buttons in
the application, for example.